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Heather Heyer was killed yesterday by a terrorist

Baller Time

I can't remembe..Romnesla
Dec 13, 2011
Maybe we can solve the problem by sending a very large shipment of free Fentanyl to Charlottesville.

Extra strength 150mg pills. Problem solved
I'm a little surprised by your responses. What if it was a group of pedophiles that wanted to rally? What about rapists? As I posted elsewhere "the darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis".


Active member
Apr 6, 2002
I'm a little surprised by your responses. What if it was a group of pedophiles that wanted to rally? What about rapists? As I posted elsewhere "the darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis".
Excellent! Lucifer must be salivating for Donald Trump's arrival..........

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
I'm a little surprised by your responses. What if it was a group of pedophiles that wanted to rally?
As HIDEOUS as that sounds, they do march and they have every right to. Of course they cloak their name under boy-love instead of pedo's:

What about rapists?
I suppose they would also have a right to march, and it would be awesome if they did because cops could arrest them all on the spot

As I posted elsewhere "the darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis"
I dont believe in hell and there is no crisis IMO

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Wrong, I denounce all terrorism by anyone
Could you please show us 2 or 3 examples where you've denounced Islamic terrorism??
Or a thread like this on where you've denounced radical Islam??

Thanks in advance


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
"The angry young white male". Their well paying factory jobs are gone. They can't compete for university admissions against Asians, females and affirmative action blacks and Latinos. Quotas restrict their upward mobility in the workplace.

Something needs to be done to ease the fears and concerns pf these young males. Why is this happening? What is causing it? How do we fix it? Demonizing them is not the answer.
How about we continue to keep screwing the Asians, Blacks, Browns and females to foster White Male Privilege forever? That's the answer you want, right?

On a saner note, these guys have little difficulty getting university placements and jobs. Universities are OVERHWELMINGLY WHITE and proportionately male. If affirmative action ever really succeeded, things might be different. But the % of Blacks attending higher education is still far lower than whites.

And the well paying factory jobs? I'm sure killing Heather Heyer is going to bring those back, isn't it? If these assholes paraded outside Ford in Detroit and chanted "Bring back jobs" instead of "Blood and Soil" in a college town in VA, you might begin to have a point. But they don't. And your post is nonsensical crap as usual.


Mar 31, 2009
How about we continue to keep screwing the Asians, Blacks, Browns and females to foster White Male Privilege forever. That's the answer you want, right?

On a saner note, these guys have little difficulty getting university placements and jobs. Universities are OVERHWELMINGLY WHITE and proportionately male. If affirmative action ever really succeeded, things might be different. But the % of Blacks attending higher education is still far lower than whites.

And the well paying factory jobs? I'm sure killing Heather Heyer is going to bring those back, isn't it? If these assholes paraded outside Ford in Detroit and chanted "Bring back jobs" instead of "Blood and Soil" in a college town in VA, you might begin to have a point. But they don't. And your post is nonsensical crap as usual.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The racism is rooted as much in poverty and the opiod crisis as anything. When people don't have hope they will turn to this kind of thing as an answer. The US gov't has utterly and purposely failed a swath of the population.

And this is the backlash.

And the reason that these guys' grandfathers beat and lynched Blacks in the 1920's? Oh, because they were racist, that's why? Same reason that their grandkids chant racist slogans. They didn't have opioids back then and the economy was booming. But nice try. We're overdue for a new crock of shit from the TERB Trumpies and this one is comedy gold.

Let's do this one, shall we? The reason Mohammed rammed his car into a bunch of White tourists in Munich is because of the opioid crisis and because BMW was outsourcing its factory to Turkey. You don't like that story as much, do you?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001

C'mon, Ridey. Provide a detailed, reasoned response. Don't run away like a baby.

Go look up some university acceptance statistics. Give me a link to a REAL, GENUINE sociology article on the socio-economic background of the alt right participants. Fight it out with me. Show you're a real tiger and not just coward who runs away on TERB.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
And the reason that these guys' grandfathers beat and lynched Blacks in the 1920's? Oh, because they were racist, that's why? Same reason that their grandkids chant racist slogans. They didn't have opioids back then and the economy was booming. But nice try. We're overdue for a new crock of shit from the TERB Trumpies and this one is comedy gold.

Let's do this one, shall we? The reason Mohammed rammed his car into a bunch of White tourists in Munich is because of the opioid crisis and because BMW was outsourcing its factory to Turkey. You don't like that story as much, do you?
The terrorists who both drove their cars into crowds are terrorists. Full stop.

But Racism, like Islam, isn't something you are born with. It's learned behavior. And extremist views become more palatable in bad economic times. When trust in gov't is lost.

As to the horrible lynchings of 100 years ago. There is no condoning it. Period. But again it's learned behavior.

What you are doing is saying there is no hope to change people. And if you do that then you are giving up.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The terrorists who both drove their cars into crowds are terrorists. Full stop.

But Racism, like Islam, isn't something you are born with. It's learned behavior. And extremist views become more palatable in bad economic times. When trust in gov't is lost.

As to the horrible lynchings of 100 years ago. There is no condoning it. Period. But again it's learned behavior.

What you are doing is saying there is no hope to change people. And if you do that then you are giving up.
There will always be stupid, brutal, cruel, selfish people, Butler. That's why there are jails. But these moral failures are a small minority of the population.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
There will always be stupid, brutal, cruel, selfish people, Butler. That's why there are jails. But these moral failures are a small minority of the population.

Right now 1000's are overdosing and dying. Violence in places like Chicago is at levels we haven't seen since the 70's. Places like Michigan don't have clean water.

And the Press has spent 4 days hand wringing over this one demonstration. The gov't too.

See to healthcare, eliminate 60% of all bankruptcies as a result. How is that for poverty reduction.

How about treating root causes as opposed to glorifying symptoms because they make for sexy television, sexy tweets, and political points.


Mar 31, 2009
And the Press has spent 4 days hand wringing over this one demonstration. The gov't too.
In those same 4 days, there were probably 10 murders in Chicago alone but who cares, right. Two Canadians killed in a terrorist attack in Burkina Faso in the same period.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Listen we have seen despicable nutcases show up at just a plain political rally as was the case in the shooting of a Democratic Senator and a Republican at the baseball game. So now you are saying that no one should show up at any political rallies or demonstrations or counter demonstrations or such rallies should be banned? Listen there are literally thousands of demonstrations, but the only ones that get full attention are the ones that end up in violence. There are law enforcement and police to prevent violence and it is everyones democratic rights to attend one. If the tables were turned and someone from the right was killed no doubt you would have lashed out at the "violent left". Again all the law abiding citizens of Charlottesville including the leaders of both sides of the Senate and House of Representatives pay their respect to this lady. Your disgusting remark at someone who was murdered by a terrorist truly explains who you really are.
Bottom line she dead, because she show up on a rally!! Hell I support Trump, But I will never show up on a demonstration leftie vs rightie demonstration! Anybody with an IQ can see how it will turn out. For the past 2 year all the demonstration like antifacists and BLM and alt right turned violent! If she had not gone to the protest , she would be alive today!!! Anybody with any commen sense would agree with me!!
All I am saying use your common sense if you show up on any political lefite vs right your basically putting your life in danger! WHen Donald Trump won the election all the leftie started protest and became violent, and started riot and looting!! Then now the other side alt right started to do the same !!

LIke you said" Your disgusting remark at someone who was murder by a nutcase truly explain who you really are"
Meaning I am smart and alive because I used common sense not going to any political rallies!! Unlike her and families now how to suffer her consequences of her selfish or stupid actions!! I not sugar coating it and not giving a political correct answer like everyone !,


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
There will always be stupid, brutal, cruel, selfish people, Butler. That's why there are jails. But these moral failures are a small minority of the population.
How is this for selfish.

CNN has decided, with all of the ills mentioned above, and many more, to devote a special to Trump and Twitter.

Because that is the most important problem facing middle America.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Bottom line she dead, because she show up on a rally!! Hell I support Trump, But I will never show up on a demonstration leftie vs rightie demonstration! Anybody with an IQ can see how it will turn out. For the past 2 year all the demonstration like antifacists and BLM and alt right turned violent! If she had not gone to the protest , she would be alive today!!! Anybody with any commen sense would agree with me!!
All I am saying use your common sense if you show up on any political lefite vs right your basically putting your life in danger! WHen Donald Trump won the election all the leftie started protest and became violent, and started riot and looting!! Then now the other side alt right started to do the same !!

LIke you said" Your disgusting remark at someone who was murder by a nutcase truly explain who you really are"
Meaning I am smart and alive because I used common sense not going to any political rallies!! Unlike her and families now how to suffer her consequences of her selfish or stupid actions!! I not sugar coating it and not giving a political correct answer like everyone !,
So what you are saying is that the USA is a violent country. Trump clearly said that he will make the streets safe for everyone. You are clearly contradicting what he promised during his campaign. Democracy is clearly about the right to demonstrate when it becomes obvious that a radical group want their views imposed on society. There are numerous demonstrations in the USA, some that turn violent to the extent that there is looting and fights as well. This was an act of terrorism that took the life of an innocent lady. Today there is news of two Canadians that were killed by Boko Haram. Are you saying that the Canadians should not have travelled to that part of Africa? We have seen terrorism in places like France, so once again Canadians should not travel there because of your logic. Do not confuse a demonstration with an act of terrorism. That lady was a victim of terrorism. By the way there is more likely hood that you can be killed in a car accident on a highway than attending a demonstration. So just stay at home and not villify this poor victim.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
So what you are saying is that the USA is a violent country. Trump clearly said that he will make the streets safe for everyone. You are clearly contradicting what he promised during his campaign. Democracy is clearly about the right to demonstrate when it becomes obvious that a radical group want their views imposed on society. There are numerous demonstrations in the USA, some that turn violent to the extent that there is looting and fights as well. This was an act of terrorism that took the life of an innocent lady. Today there is news of two Canadians that were killed by Boko Haram. Are you saying that the Canadians should not have travelled to that part of Africa? We have seen terrorism in places like France, so once again Canadians should not travel there because of your logic. Do not confuse a demonstration with an act of terrorism. That lady was a victim of terrorism. By the way there is more likely hood that you can be killed in a car accident on a highway than attending a demonstration. So just stay at home and not villify this poor victim.
Lady death was not an act of domestic terrorism, it was a criminal act by a nutcase! You leftie tend to demonize anyone that have a differ opinion that yours!! I will let the court decide whether it is a domestic terrorism or a criminal act by a nutcase!!

Hey the poor victim is dead for her stupidity and I stay at home and I am alive for my common sense not to attend any leftie vs rightie demonstration ( same as not running into a house that is on fire ) why risk my life!

Also didn't Govertment Of Canada had a travel adivisory alert on travelling to area that contains Boko Harem terrorists!

Also I will not travel to France's because of past terrorism attack!! There a whole big world out there and there plenty of place to visit that never had a terrorism act that have taken places!

Based on what you said" By the way there is more likely hood that you can be killed in a car accident on a highway than attending a demonstration", tell that to the victim family.. I pretty sure they will love your logic ("sacrasm").

Typically goofy snowflake leftie libtard logic!!


New member
Apr 3, 2011
Zero Fucks Given

She was in a conflict, not a festival in Nice, or a concert, or any other gathering where innocent civilians are minding their own buisness.

If they are wearing a helmet, or mask and out to start some Antifa bull shit at a rally they are fair game.

this isn't the first time a libtard ended up underneath a vehicle because they were in the middle of the street attacking motorists.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Lady death was not an act of domestic terrorism, it was a criminal act by a nutcase! You leftie tend to demonize anyone that have a differ opinion that yours!! I will let the court decide whether it is a domestic terrorism or a criminal act by a nutcase!!

Hey the poor victim is dead for her stupidity and I stay at home and I am alive for my common sense not to attend any leftie vs rightie demonstration ( same as not running into a house that is on fire ) why risk my life!

Also didn't Govertment Of Canada had a travel adivisory alert on travelling to area that contains Boko Harem terrorists!

Also I will not travel to France's because of past terrorism attack!! There a whole big world out there and there plenty of place to visit that never had a terrorism act that have taken places!

Based on what you said" By the way there is more likely hood that you can be killed in a car accident on a highway than attending a demonstration", tell that to the victim family.. I pretty sure they will love your logic ("sacrasm").

Typically goofy snowflake leftie libtard logic!!
Typical alt right nonsense. It was an act of terrorism, and even if it was not to you, we have seen lunatics kill innocent people.
If it was the reverse and an alt right person was the victim you definitely would have been slamming the left wing like we have seen you do time and again, and then would show more sympathy to that victim. Whether you like it or not, there were alt right loonies holding hands with the KKK and White Supremacists. The organiser is an alt right nutcase as well.

To wrap this up, it is no use trying to be logical with some biased right wingies. Thankfully, the majority of the decent Americans are paying their respects to her. We know in your heart of hearts that you love the White Supremacists.


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