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Peel school board: Outraged parents rip Koran


Mar 12, 2004
See the problem was the person not the religion.

i know people who miss work due to their kids hockey and many other reasons. as long as they do their job i have no problems.

rare is the job where a schedule cant be flexible.
Him taking Friday afternoons off, WAS,...according to him,...was for religious reasons.

This was a small company,...and in real life,... in any private business, need people to be flexible,...not the other way around,...he was not,...AND useless, easy to get rid if him.

How many Christians work Sundays,...???


PS: So what did you buy,...???


Mar 31, 2009
Dont forget that if you are christian you are heavily accomodated....schools are closed on your holidays. Even if you wanted to send your non christian kid to school on easter you are shit out of luck.
For the same reason that the English and French languages are heavily accommodated. Canada was founded by the French, English and Irish and all are Christians. Do people who immigrate to Canada not know that Canada is still a Christian country?


Mar 12, 2004
These women aren't held at gunpoint being forced to practice the religion and i have many female Muslim friends who say that the forms of segregation etc. in fact empowering. What makes you think ppl are being forced?? The hijab, and women being separate from men during prayers and other forms of so called oppression is done because of the male gaze, since guys obviously are just hornier than girls. You don't have to look further than the whole sex industry to see that it's geared towards men. Women are being protected though these methods from guys. I think it's sorta taken too far in the middle East where women can't do shit, but just in Canada there's no issue with this.

I am disappointed because unknowning to your ignorant ass, Muslim prayers have been going on at schools for years on end and only now it's become an issue because of all the fear mongering around Islam going on. I don't expect a reaction of some idiot ripping up pages of the Quran...Like these prayers are being held outside of class, no one who's not Muslim is having the religion forced on them...Ppl are overreacting thinking that's what's going on, when it's not. It's obvious that there's an anti-islamic agenda going on with ppl in this thread and it's just pathetic to see. We should all embrace our differences and learn from one another and not harken back to the stone age
WOW,...women are separated form men because,..."is done because of the male gaze, since guys obviously are just hornier than girls",....that is the workings of a sick mind,...or more accurately an indoctrinated, brain washed, and oppression towards women mind.

Nobody in this thread is saying "religion is being forced on them",...but the actual fact is,...when young children are indoctrinated/brainwashed,...religion IS being forced on them.

And talking about,..."harken back to the stone age",...that is what religion is.

When you include,..."ignorant ass" in a post quoting me,...that says a lot about you, drop your Holier-than-thou BULL SHIT and lies, confirms your indoctrination,...which doesn't allow you to think outside of the confines of your oppressive version of religion.

I'm done with you,...


K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I don't think that desecrating a holy book was an appropriate response but I can sympathize with the parental anger and frustration with the Peel Board. The decision to allow Islamic prayer rooms in public school is absurd if they are not willing to make the same accommodations for other religions. What's next halal cafeteria lunches? Decisions like this coming from clueless liberal bureauacrats are what fuel resentment towards Islam.


Banned from schools.....
Aug 16, 2011
On the Credit River with Jim


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
All Christians pay for it through their taxes. You do realize Catholics are the largest Christian group.....Its also in the BNA

You do realize that the majority of Canadians and Ontarians are not Catholics and have to pay for religious education in addition to their property taxes.

The fact that the laws make it difficult to change does not make it in any way equitable.


Banned from schools.....
Aug 16, 2011
On the Credit River with Jim
You do realize that the majority of Canadians and Ontarians are not Catholics and have to pay for religious education in addition to their property taxes.

The fact that the laws make it difficult to change does not make it in any way equitable.
The taxpayer cost per student is the same in the public or Catholic system. You're not paying for it - the Catholic taxpayer is. They don't charge more to teach religion.

It is equitable in that the Catholic students are supported by people who choose to put their money into that rather than the public. If you choose to put your kids into the public system, that's where you direct your property taxes.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
Most Canadian schools were founded on biblical principles. I remember getting a Gideon bible given to me in grade school, we had bible readings and said the Lord's Prayer together every morning.

If Christian teaching is no longer allowed in public schools, I see no reason why Muslim or any other religious instruction should be allowed in public schools.

There are private schools for many religions, including Catholic and Christian (not the same).

My kids went to a private Christian school. The school had the right to deny entrance to any family or student who wasn't willing to abide by their religious code of conduct and belief system. They also get some government funding for every student that enrolls, including for students who homeschool through them.


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2009
Which is the more elegant? US or Canadian?



Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:
Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

Fundamental freedoms

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

(a) freedom of conscience and religion;

(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and

(d) freedom of association.

Congress shall make no law respecting the establishing of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
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