Is Hobbying Limited to the Upper Middle + Class?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
$100k is the basic starting point for income to be hobbying.
I don't think that's at all true. I know someone who hobbies religiously and he's just shy of $100K gross income. Best guess is he spends about $20K a year on hobbying, which is just nuts to me! Even I'm only a little over that income threshold and I spend between 5K and 10K a year. I can easily see how someone making 50K could afford some hobbying. I happen to know some people who make even less than that who hobby.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Depending on what kind of service you are looking for most people can come up with 40 to 150.

The Miracle

New member
May 20, 2016
It really depends, to be honest. You have many options out there, but I prefer to stick to Indy SPs, specifically within the $250H to $350H range.

Hobbying, for me, is a special occasion I would partake in here and there. I would love to hobby everyday or every week, but being a blue collar, I abstain from wasting my time with half hour bookings. I pretty much save up for sessions with ladies I know who are worth it (those I have built a strong rapport with), as such I book hour or longer sessions.


Mar 9, 2015
Last year I only spent about $2300 on the hobby.

That works out to only $190 a month.

I am one of those poor guys who can only hobby maybe 4 or 5 times a year. So because of that I have to be very selective over who I am going to see. I only see providers who are very well reviewed because I can't really afford to have a sub par session. I can't afford to take a risk on a provider who is not well reviewed. I only pick the best. and since I only hobby a few times here I don't mind having to pay for someone who is more high end. All the best rated providers, Angel Monore, Dina Doll, Valeria Baleza, Jayde Fleming, you name them, I have seen them all because those are ALL I see. If I only hobby a few times a year then I am going to book with the best there is. Seems perfectly sensible to me. and I always book at least 2 hours. I believe the quality of the session is much more important then the quantity of the sessions. and I am not taking a 90 minute bus ride to Downtown Toronto ( I don't have a car and I live outside of Toronto) to see a girl for a measly 45 or 60 minutes that is just a complete waste of time for me. I also feel that because I can hobby only a few times a year it makes each encounter that much more exciting and special. If I was rich and could just hobby any time I wanted it would sort of cheapen the experience and i would get bored. or I would get addicted, not being able to afford to hobby anytime I want forces me to have self control and not be totally obsessed with the hobby. I see these hobbyists bragging about how they saw 100 sps in one year and I feel like they are just addicts bragging about their addiction.
As one of the younger (and therefore poor) guys here, I can relate to many of the underlying principles in this post (but not so much their applications due to personal differences).

To me, the best aspect of this realm is that it discriminates significantly less than the rest of life does, and even if I became a millionaire, I wouldn't want that to change. Just like in any other hobby, some people will wish it to be an exclusive club in which one must spend a minimum of x dollars or see y number of escorts annually to qualify as part of the team, and that's fine, as long as the hobby itself is still welcoming. The way I see it, there's nothing wrong with a flexible definition of "hobbying." Factors that are unrelated to income, such as the client's character and expectations will invariably influence how he's going to define it. Frankly, too many members overestimate how often some guys need to get laid. For a lot of us, a few times per year is plenty. ...especially when you're upgrading from zero.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2006
As one of the younger (and therefore poor) guys here, I can relate to many of the underlying principles in this post (but not so much their applications due to personal differences).

To me, the best aspect of this realm is that it discriminates significantly less than the rest of life does, and even if I became a millionaire, I wouldn't want that to change. Just like in any other hobby, some people will wish it to be an exclusive club in which one must spend a minimum of x dollars or see y number of escorts annually to qualify as part of the team, and that's fine, as long as the hobby itself is still welcoming. The way I see it, there's nothing wrong with a flexible definition of "hobbying." Factors that are unrelated to income, such as the client's character and expectations will invariably influence how he's going to define it. Frankly, too many members overestimate how often some guys need to get laid. For a lot of us, a few times per year is plenty. ...especially when you're upgrading from zero.
Getting laid a few times a year may sound pathetic, but it is still a heck of a lot better then not getting laid at all. For me getting to have sex 10 times a YEAR would be a lot. and a lot of men (even married ones) are in the same boat.

When you can only afford to hobby maybe a few times a year as oppose to every month or every week, You really need to make every session count. You really have to put serious thought into who you are going to see next.


Mar 31, 2009
When I was in university, there was a fellow female student who would do the nasty on a selective basis for a nominal fee which was only slightly more than a real date of dinner and movie. I sometimes wonder what became of her. Probably a high power corporate lawyer working on mega merger deals.
May 8, 2010
I think there's hobbying that goes on at all price points and at all income levels. As stated by others in this thread, some less affluent guys just hobby less often and are more selective in who they see.

Alternatively, there are a lot of guys who scour BP for $60 Blow n Go specials...and many SP's service this particilar niche. It's my impression that you don't typically see these guys posting on terb, though...nor do you see these providers advertising's a whole different market/community.

My two cents.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
We have no idea how people spend their cash.
There are no surveys we can trust about something shameful and illegal and anecdotal stories don't tell us the full truth.


Senior Member
May 16, 2016
Toronto, Vancouver
Just thinking of the opposite side of the economic equation with SP income. Anecdotally I think most well reviewed Indys gross 300 to 500k plus per year tax free. Presumably there is a shelf life to this income as they reach 30+ the level of revenue may dwindle. Smart oneswill prepare well for the future.
May 8, 2010
Just thinking of the opposite side of the economic equation with SP income. Anecdotally I think most well reviewed Indys gross 300 to 500k plus per year tax free. Presumably there is a shelf life to this income as they reach 30+ the level of revenue may dwindle. Smart oneswill prepare well for the future.
I dunno...I have no direct experience or info about this one way or the other...However, no reason that should stop me from having an opinion goes:

I would imagine that the ladies who charge higher rates can do so for quite some time: ie well past age 30. My take is that these ladies develop longer lasting relationships with their clients that are based on more than just sex and physical appearance. That's why the guys pay the higher rates in the first place. Thus, over the years they develop a clientele of regulars who will tend to stick with them as they age together.

I would suspect that the "limited shelf life" thing would be more of an issue for ladies working at the lower priced end of the market: it would get harder for them to compete with the young hotties flashing their pics on BP.

That's my guess anyway.


Senior Member
May 16, 2016
Toronto, Vancouver
LOL Are you serious? $300-$500k a year? And tax free? I don't know any ladies that make that much (not even HALF that much), i pay my taxes, and many other girls do too. Please don't assume that every girl is seeing half a dozen guys every single day. Everyone has different schedules, many have a monthly period, take time off for pleasure or sanity reasons, get sick, get hurt, has cancellations/no shows etc. It's not a conveyer belt.
I am more enlightened now; would have never guessed tax payments to CRA on SP income. Thx
May 8, 2010
I am more enlightened now; would have never guessed tax payments to CRA on SP income. Thx
I've kinda wondered about the whole idea of SP's paying taxes. As I understand it, under Bill C36 it is not illegal for SP's to collect money for sexual services...but Living off the Avails of prostitution is still a crime. Ergo...If the government collects tax revenue from SP's is it not guilty of "Living off the Avails" and immediately obligated to arrest itself?

One of these days an sp will take this to the Supreme Court and imho should win.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2006
The more that you need sex (sp or civi), the weaker you are.
Just giving into to your urges all the time is weak, I totally agree with this. A lot of hobbyists allow the hobby to control them as oppose to the other way around. Self control is so important Sex is wonderful but there are so many other things you can be spending your time, energy, and money on.


Senior Member
May 16, 2016
Toronto, Vancouver
Where are you getting your information from? Guys can't simply go oh X agency girl sees 10 guys a day, indy SP's charging more must see the same 10 guys a day. It does not work like that. Also plenty of ladies have another job, or put that they are a personal trainer/coach etc for their industry code and still pay taxes.
Agree tax on other jobs like coach trainer etc is a given, but this implies SP income is likely tax free.


Senior Member
May 16, 2016
Toronto, Vancouver
Again you have not said where you are getting any of your information from on how much SPs make or them not paying taxes. I for one have always paid taxes every year, on time regardless of what job I have had. Tax evasion isn't for me. Maybe some of the fly by night or temporary SPs but if you've been doing this for over a year or a few years you better be filing taxes. It's very easy to get audited if you just pretend you don't make income anymore.
It was just a hunch. I guess I was wrong; didn't mean to be controversial, but rather conversational. Meant to be lounge chatter not a factual representation of anything or any SP.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2016
just thinking of the opposite side of the economic equation with sp income. Anecdotally i think most well reviewed indys gross 300 to 500k plus per year tax free. Presumably there is a shelf life to this income as they reach 30+ the level of revenue may dwindle. Smart oneswill prepare well for the future.
lol i wish


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2015
To the original question, I think no, not limited to upper and middle Class, although the price point and/or frequency will obviously vary.
Someone who has upper class income, 150k plus, may be able to afford a $400/hr courtesan dinner date or overnite once a month.
OR someone on a fixed income social assistance may be able to squeeze in a $50 car call every once in a while.

It all depends on what your chosen life priorities are.
I'm middle class. I have fairly low rent, no wife and no cable bill. I have more disposable income to spend on this hobby than a hard working lawyer or doctor with a new mortgage a wife and 3 kids in sports who wanna go to College.

It's up to each of us, as adults, to make our OWN life choices. I don't judge how others live, but I'll stand up for anybody who wants to make their own choices. But when you make a choice, please live by it.

And somehow, this morphed into a discussion of how much SPs make and if they pay taxes.
Again, we all have a choice to live our life as we see fit. A Lady can decide for herself how much she charges, how much she works, how much to claim. And she chooses what to do with her money.
It not up to us to decide, or to judge.

Math is simple, I've applied for jobs before :) a couple times.

5 days per week x $500 per day x 50 weeks per year = $125,000
Change ANY of the variables to meet your expectations. For instance, I do a 4 day workweek.

So, to they guy who imagined an SP making 500k, I'd agree with Charlotte, never heard of a SP who can make 2000 /day 5 days a week for a whole year. Or anywhere even close.

More math, since it's that time of year. If I put 20k in my RSP, I'll pay about 10k less tax this year. How much tax will I pay on the 20k when I spend it during my retirement? Rrsp's are the best thing that ever happened, for the Banks...


Senior Member
May 16, 2016
Toronto, Vancouver
To the original question, I think no, not limited to upper and middle Class, although the price point and/or frequency will obviously vary.
Someone who has upper class income, 150k plus, may be able to afford a $400/hr courtesan dinner date or overnite once a month.
OR someone on a fixed income social assistance may be able to squeeze in a $50 car call every once in a while.

It all depends on what your chosen life priorities are.
I'm middle class. I have fairly low rent, no wife and no cable bill. I have more disposable income to spend on this hobby than a hard working lawyer or doctor with a new mortgage a wife and 3 kids in sports who wanna go to College.

It's up to each of us, as adults, to make our OWN life choices. I don't judge how others live, but I'll stand up for anybody who wants to make their own choices. But when you make a choice, please live by it.

And somehow, this morphed into a discussion of how much SPs make and if they pay taxes.
Again, we all have a choice to live our life as we see fit. A Lady can decide for herself how much she charges, how much she works, how much to claim. And she chooses what to do with her money.
It not up to us to decide, or to judge.

Math is simple, I've applied for jobs before :) a couple times.

5 days per week x $500 per day x 50 weeks per year = $125,000
Change ANY of the variables to meet your expectations. For instance, I do a 4 day workweek.

So, to they guy who imagined an SP making 500k, I'd agree with Charlotte, never heard of a SP who can make 2000 /day 5 days a week for a whole year. Or anywhere even close.

More math, since it's that time of year. If I put 20k in my RSP, I'll pay about 10k less tax this year. How much tax will I pay on the 20k when I spend it during my retirement? Rrsp's are the best thing that ever happened, for the Banks...
It all depends on how you do the math. At 250 per session 4 per day times 20 days a month ( assume 10 days off)=20,000 per month or 240/yr. Double the rate and you will be close to 500k. Again this is just hypothetical chatter for entertainment not necessarily factual.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Just thinking of the opposite side of the economic equation with SP income. Anecdotally I think most well reviewed Indys gross 300 to 500k plus per year tax free. Presumably there is a shelf life to this income as they reach 30+ the level of revenue may dwindle. Smart oneswill prepare well for the future.
I have a personal acquaintance who makes over $200K a year, but she pays taxes. She generally sees 3 - 5 clients a day, 3 - 5 days a week, with some very enviable holidays sprinkled in. Definitely not hurting for cash.
I know another (not intimately) who makes closer to $150K, but I don't believe she pays taxes. Not sure how you can get away with that without raising red flags when you have that much cash flow....


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2015
Back in the 80's when I first started to see escorts, I was making a much lower income. I still managed to find disposable income, by keeping living expenses low. I had friends who scrimped and saved to buy a boat or snowmobile or cottage. But that didn't interest me. All I ever wanted were hot women and cars. :)
On the positive side, I've helped some ladies put themselves through college, and others who moved on to start thier own businesses. I've seen others go down the path of addiction and ruin. But recently met some ex-SP's who've recovered from addiction and gone on to a full life.
We all get to choose how we live. When my kids were young, I paid my child support. Then when I got custody and was full time single Father, nobody paid me child support. Life isn't fair.
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