Is Hobbying Limited to the Upper Middle + Class?


Jul 23, 2005
I have a personal acquaintance who makes over $200K a year, but she pays taxes. She generally sees 3 - 5 clients a day, 3 - 5 days a week, with some very enviable holidays sprinkled in. Definitely not hurting for cash.
I know another (not intimately) who makes closer to $150K, but I don't believe she pays taxes. Not sure how you can get away with that without raising red flags when you have that much cash flow....
I am a tax accountant and would add that the smart ladies report a plausible amount of their income on their tax if they gross $150k, they report say $100k, deduct $40% as overhead and pay tax on $60k. This makes them part of society, creates RRSP room, builds retirment income via CPP and allows access to credit. If you don't report the income, then how do you plan to explain to CRA how you bought that $400k condo for cash. Sadly, the ones that don't report the cash just end up wasting most of the cash on trips, expensive clothes and accessories and drugs. By the time they are burnt out and looks have faded, they don't have much to show for their efforts. Given that CRA has a very large project on the underground economy, it will not be long before they target the ladies of this industry.


Senior Member
May 16, 2016
Toronto, Vancouver
I am a tax accountant and would add that the smart ladies report a plausible amount of their income on their tax if they gross $150, they report say $100k. They are registered for HST and claim valid business expenses. If you don't report the income, then how do you plan to explain to CRA how you bought that $400k condo for cash. Sadly, the ones that don't report the cash just end up wasting most of the cash on trips, expensive clothes and accessories and drugs. GIven that CRA has a very large project on the underground economy, it will not be long before they target the ladies of this industry.
Good to know. Hmm ...this is a nice set up for a tax auditor role play session with an SP.


Senior Member
May 16, 2016
Toronto, Vancouver
You're still doing a lot of assuming. Independent SPs are not an agency, they do not have a booker lining up a high volume of new appointments every day. From what I notice based on reviews here, the average terb member sees agency girls for half hour appointments, and some for hour appointments. I have my own incall, I know how many appointments I and a few of my friends have per week. And none of us are having 4 clients a day regularly (maybe once in a blue moon), let alone every day. How can your jaw and vagina handle having sex with 20 people a week? No way. A lot of ladies need time off or get burnt out and only work 1-3 days a week if they do see a high volume of clients because things happen, you get sore, etc.

Now in the $100-$140/hh $200-$220/h price range yes these ladies get a lot more inquiries than we do at the $250-$350/h price range, but again many of them only work a few days a week because they get tired or sore. What you COULD book and what you ACTUALLY book are 2 different things.

Think of how much work it would be for you if you HAD to have sex for 4-5 hours a day 5 days a week, would it be fun at that point, would you be sore or tired? For me it's about sustainability, if I were seeing 20 clients in a week there's no way I could work the next week, even 2 weeks. I don't want to hurt myself or get burnt out. I want everyone to have a good time, and so I schedule my appointments accordingly to ensure that nothing suffers and I don't see "too many" clients.
Thanks, very informative. Agree if I had to have sex 4 to 5 hrs a day 5 days a week I could hurt myself, but it wouldn't be a bad way to go as long as the sex was with someone desirable.

Seriously, thanks for the data points obviously I don't have all the facts right. I am better informed now. Have a super day.


Nov 25, 2005
I wanted to comment on this topic just based on the title. I want to firstly say, not everyone who uses these services does so, as a "hobby". There are those who engage in this field for reasons they maybe wish weren't so, or, after years of hoping something else would pan out for them. Having said that, I do find recently with the upward adjustment in many fees, my options in this industry have narrowed. It's difficult a large degree I've had some more rewarding experiences with independent SP's. Sessions which, in some way better meet what I was seeking or needing. This is not to say I've not been well looked after by agencies too in many cases. I just find the independent can often hone in more on what a client may be after, or need. For me, someone in a wheelchair who in many cases, already has to select from a smaller pool of willing providers, it's difficult to see my options further reduced by market change. Still, I fully support providers in getting their due.


Sep 2, 2004
I am a tax accountant and would add that the smart ladies report a plausible amount of their income on their tax if they gross $150k, they report say $100k, deduct $40% as overhead and pay tax on $60k. This makes them part of society, creates RRSP room, builds retirment income via CPP and allows access to credit. If you don't report the income, then how do you plan to explain to CRA how you bought that $400k condo for cash. Sadly, the ones that don't report the cash just end up wasting most of the cash on trips, expensive clothes and accessories and drugs. By the time they are burnt out and looks have faded, they don't have much to show for their efforts. Given that CRA has a very large project on the underground economy, it will not be long before they target the ladies of this industry.
I think like any cash based business there is under reporting or non reporting of income that occurs. Non reporting may be higher for the sex industry only because of fear/uncertainty of reporting given the legal questions surrounding the profession. CRA doesn't care how you made the money though, they just want their cut. Remember income tax invasion was eventually brought down Al Capone. Things like FINTRAC requiring banks to report large deposits, less reliance on cash, ubiquity of point of sale terminals, etc will be able to target the underground economy more precisely and eventually kill it off.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Just wondering how do some of you guys afford hobbying so often and with the higher-end providers?

It seems to me that unless you're making $100k or so it would be difficult to see providers often. And the last time I checked the income level in Canada, only a few of you are in the top bracket.
Wtf upper/middle class lol
Trust me most upper class types have their own private stash and would never touch the stuff the commoners do
Some providers put stupidly high prices trying to act like they high class but they are not and they just get a couple regulars who overpay them

There probably are more lower class hookers out there
$60 is pretty much standard and some go as low as $20


Senior Member
May 16, 2016
Toronto, Vancouver
Unfortunately bitcoin is still a pain in the ass to buy in Canada. In the USA it's no problem if you have a US bank account, many legit companies will sell you the going rate. In Canada you have to buy from a reseller, which can be a random person and because of so many scams most don't accept etransfer or convenient ways of payment and want to meet up and get cash in person - this sucks. The other alternative is going to a bitcoin ATM which there are a few locations in Toronto, but you have to go into a store to do it, already have a bitcoin wallet address, and when I did I still didn't know if I was getting a good rate or not. So for now it's kind of a rip off on the fees, just like buying other currency you pay more than you actually receive with the exchange rate. If you have bitcoins then probably not an issue paying for things with them, if you need to buy bitcoins it becomes more expensive now.
I need a session with you just for the education :adoration:


Active member
May 22, 2011
At about $250+ per session, you'd think this hobby is for people who have money.

Then again, you'd think some poor people wouldn't spend all their money on cigarettes, booze and drugs. Yet somehow they scrape up the money to do them.

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
100-150K before taxes is middle class. Upper middle class I think is 200K+ before taxes.

It really depends on the person, not on his income. Some are just really bad with their money. They make say 30k/year and spend it all, max out their cards and lease a merc to look rich. Especially the youth these days. I have a friend who's a waiter at a fast food joint and he spends everything on $500 dollar hoodies, shoes and wallets the moment he gets his paycheck. Some spend it entirely on sneakers. I have no doubt some spend their entire paychecks with SPs.

Some are just your average 50-75k guys that are single, young, unattached, addicted or in love with an SP. Instead of contributing for a downpayment or to retirement savings they spend most of their after tax, after rent income on SPs. Then finally you have your lawyers, consultants, businessmen, skilled tradesmen, doctors... which I believe contribute to the bulk of hobbyists that peruse girls at or above $250/hour or sometimes the occasional BP gem.

There will always be people who hide their income, especially ones who get paid in cash. You can't rely on Statcan for these things. There are also people who made their money elsewhere and heirs.
There are also many other factors. Some of these people might be making 36-40 k a year, but if they are living at mom and pop's still, well that's like making 100k a year. Stats can is also showing salaries for all these part-time jobs that are mostly kids and students, not really adults who have started their careers, so it's pretty misleading.


Senior Member
May 16, 2016
Toronto, Vancouver
LOL It's just not as simple as buying directly from the site you sign up for an account with. In Canada we have to find people to buy it from or go to an ATM, so that's why it's not so straightforward here. If you have bitcoins the value tends to keep going up and up, but then when someone hacks and steals bitcoins (from banks/companies) you might see the rate drop. I'm not sure that I like bitcoin, but it's an interesting idea. I just wish I knew back in the day as the initial buyers got rich if they held onto them for a few years before selling.
A UWO prof I know offers an online free crash course on Bitcoin/crypotocurrency in case you are interested, link below:


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Sadly, the ones that don't report the cash just end up wasting most of the cash on trips, expensive clothes and accessories and drugs.
That sounds about right, except the drugs part. She doesn't own any real estate, but she takes plenty of vacations, and spends a lot on clothing and clubbing. She's getting on in years too.
She may actually report smaller earnings like you said, but she sure does go on about how she's gaming the system.
Last I heard was she latched on to some rich guy, so she may be set for life regardless.

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
Even if you make a moderate amount you can hobby. Even on 15K a year with student living I managed to hobby (a looong time ago). Hell a dude living in mom's basement making minimum wage for 40 hr/week can hobby weekly.
When my strip club hobby was in full swing it was on the same budget when I was a student, entering the workforce, and when 'well employed'. Sometimes starting with 'less' can be really handy in structuring a hobby. Even if I switched to SPs or MPs I'd never increase my monthly budget (beyond an overdue bump for inflation). I'm currently spending way less than that... Even on a modest budget most people could afford a couple of 'reasonable' encounters at a SC / MP / or with a SP on a bi-monthly basis, even if 'reasonable' is just a blow and go by a decent girl in a decent environment every couple of weeks. edit: ...and you can go well below 'decent' if you want to.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2006
frankcastle made an excellent point, a guy working 40 hours a week making minimum wage living in his mom's basement (and most likely doesn't have to pay rent) can afford to hobby every week.

It's not about how much make but how much you can keep.
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