I think what we can take away from this discussion is not that all women don't want to be approached by men, but that western feminism and the resulting hyper-political correctness has put relations between the sexes in such an awkward place that flirting and dating are all but dead.
I don't know. I'll go back to my point about just being friendly and making small talk with many people. If you do that, some will turn out to be single women.
Many won't. If you are just being yourself and joking with lots of people you won't have to flee the store when you tell a joke to IM469's S.O., you can joke with him too when he walks over and all have a better day with a small laugh, because you weren't trying to score, you were just being funny.
Here's the thing, once you are talking the rest will take care of itself. It's saying hello that's the hard part. After that there's nothing you are really going to do to influence the outcome.
If she is happily attached you aren't going to "game" her into bed. If she doesn't think you are attractive or she didn't like your joke you aren't going to get there either. If she's single and thinks you are her type then after "hello" she's going to make it easy for you anyway.
At the end of the day "game" just means learning how to break the ice without being a total creep. After that it's about whether or not she'd swipe right and whether she's even looking.
If you are talking to everyone you will have enough interactions with women to create some opportunities. If you are talking to no one, well, hopefully you look good enough that tinder works out for you.