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Guys: Do you talk to strange women in public?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Being judgmental on the amount of posts he does not take away the value of his post, just saying.
Gowest can't help it. He has a hard on for Fuji from all the times that Fuji has handed his ass to him in the politics section. He hasn't won a single debate.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Do you think people never have unprotected sex in the real world ? How children come to this world then ? Your own response is lacking any sense
You're talking about sex in a monogamous relationship? That isn't the same thing as wanting a HIV vaccine so you can have unprotected anal sex with prostitutes in high risk countries.


New member
Apr 3, 2011
It seems like you cant approach women these days like the past when there was no internet.. Everyone is so cyber social in 2016 they freak out in a face to face conversation. Did you see that video of the woman walking down the street and every time a guy says hi it was counted as sexual harassment? lol

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I appreciate the advice but that is not what I was looking for and I probably wouldn't follow it anyway since I am hopelessly shy and frankly I think I have a bit of a problem with low self esteem.

What I wanted to know if guys actually do this. I hear about it but no one I know has ever meet their SO this way.
If you don't overcome your self esteem problem, you'll develop a hairy palm. Nothing that work can't fix, just remember when dealing with women a thick skin is required. Nothing worth having comes easy.

Mr Bret

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
Well, you have to develop those social skills when you're a little kid. If you grow up to be very shy , it's very hard to develop a natural talking to people when you're an adult. Even when you try to do it won't look natural
Not entirely true, but not easy.
I was extremely shy as a kid, even as a young adult.
At some point I realized I was missing out on a lot of fun in life so I dug down deep and just forced myself out of my comfort zone.
It was a gradual process, but over the years, I've come a long way. I've even spoken in front of crowds ranging in number from a few to over a thousand. Those were tough and challenging, but I survived and in some cases even thrived.
Some days I slide back into what's natural for me and I simply do a quick evaluation of the situation and decide if I should be more outgoing or if in that case it's ok to just be the quiet one.
At least now, I have the choice.
I've given myself the choice.


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2012
What works for me is talking to everyone. The people who think it's a "game" come across as creeps.

Instead just develop an ability to start conversations with people. Not just people who happen to be hot and female. People.

Next time you are in the grocery store and there's an opportunity to tell a joke based on what you or somebody else is doing, tell the joke. Tell it whether the other person is old or young, male or female, tell it to a couple, tell it to the hot girl too.

Once you get natural talking to people then talking to a "strange woman" is just something you do not because she had big tits in a tight sweater. But because that's what you do.

Also this makes you more attractive in general. If maybe before you even talk to her she's inwardly laughing at the joke you just told the cashier your odds that she will laugh at the joke you tell her are much greater.

Some people are really good at this and some are not, but everybody can learn to make small talk and it's an easier skill to develop if you disconnect it from dating specifically and just try it out on anybody.

When the hot woman comes along you will be much cooler and less creepy and more just being yourself by saying something to her, than if you try and turn on something that you only do for women.
I agree. As I have got older, i find myself talking to all sorts of people. Many times sharing a good laugh. Just be sincere and genuine.


Active member
Jan 5, 2010
If the girl is out of your league, go ahead and try. She will think you're harmless at best and pathetic/creepy at worst. I'm basing this conclusion on the literally hundreds of stories I've heard from attractive female friends who describe exactly the approach being discussed here. These women experience this many times a day in some cases, and they're pretty much immune to it (at-least the ones I know). I'm sure if you're good-looking, tall, well-dressed and very articulate you're chances will be better than the average.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2015
I try to talk to people in public. It's been hard learning as I'm socially awkward to begin with. I find it's best to jump in with a lighthearted comment about something to do with whatever the location or occasion is.
Finding way harder to meet hot women, they look at me like I'm creepy or just give me the rolling eyes like they would to their dad. Hmm, maybe should try women closer to my age. :)


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Guys: Do you talk to strange women in public? I am not talking at a bar or some other event where you you might go there to meet someone. I mean in a place like a grocery store.

There is a grocery store near me. I do not know what it is about this place but it seems to have a lot of really attractive woman. Many of which gives me a nice smile, that rarely happens any other place, I am not ugly but no where near what most women would find attractive . I smile back but I never approach them. Then I come home and slap myself in the head for not saying anything. Most of these woman are a lot younger than me. Usually I go to the grocery on Sunday mornings, unshaven and dressed in jeans and t-shirt. I don't know if they are just being friendly and smiling at the old frumpy guy or what.

Today it happened again. This time the young attractive lady had rather large breasts in a tight sweater. Being a breast man, it was hard not to look. I felt a bit embarrassed , thinking that she caught me looking. I don't know if he was smiling out of dis comfort, because she liked the fact I was looking or just plain old being friendly.

In these situations I never know what to say. If I have a reason to talk then I am fine. But just walking up to someone no, can't do it. What about everyone else?
I usually only say something if there's an opening. For example, she's buying something that I have a comment about or question about. But for the most part I just keep to myself.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Well, you have to develop those social skills when you're a little kid. If you grow up to be very shy , it's very hard to develop a natural talking to people when you're an adult. Even when you try to do it won't look natural
Sounds like you have an excuse for everything. It is never too late to learn/practice social skills.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Well it's not impossible but it becomes much more difficult with age. It's exactly the same as learning a foreign language, much easier when you're a little kid. It isn't impossible to start it when you're an adult but it's difficult to become a fluent speaker and you will never be able to speak as a native speaker it without any accent.
I know a person in her 60s who stuttered and hated public speaking after doing toast master her stutter and fear of public speaking are now gone.

I would say there was a huge improvement in my ability to speak with women from my late teens to early twenties. The key is very simple listen and ask questions and throw in personal stuff about yourself where relevant. With practice you could do this for hours. Also, you need to build your own confidence. IF you have the attitude of finding excuses on why things won't work that's the loser in you talking.


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
On the other extreme, I know a guy in his early 20s who has no shortage of confidence. He'll literally approach women in any situation and start talking with them. Often they're hot and he gets their numbers and sees them again. I have not asked what else happens.

The problem is he's a unattractive, nerdy and uninteresting guy. He's a classic computer geek who was badly bullied and somehow learned to have unshakable confidence and a bunch of effective opening lines. I don't know if he attended one of this pick up artist semibars or something. But now me and others at work won't go out for lunch or hang out with him ever. We all cringe at this gross guy chatting up girls. Sure we are probably a bit jealous, but mostly this guy just makes us feel ill.

Confidence must be backed by something or it's like a freak show. Definitely we can all benefit from learning a few handy lines. But beyond that it's got to come from your soul, not your head.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
Stand in the produce section and watch for the women who fondle the cucumbers with glazed eyes.


I get approached sometimes when in the produce section by men asking what fruit or vegetables look fresh, etc. Fortunately I love talking about produce.... A guy recently asked me about the broccoli and I started going on about how it was very good if it had some purple in it because that meant more antioxidants...I realized he wasn't so interested in the broccoli. :spy:


Nov 14, 2011
Guys: Do you talk to strange women in public? I am not talking at a bar or some other event where you you might go there to meet someone. I mean in a place like a grocery store.

There is a grocery store near me. I do not know what it is about this place but it seems to have a lot of really attractive woman. Many of which gives me a nice smile, that rarely happens any other place, I am not ugly but no where near what most women would find attractive . I smile back but I never approach them. Then I come home and slap myself in the head for not saying anything. Most of these woman are a lot younger than me. Usually I go to the grocery on Sunday mornings, unshaven and dressed in jeans and t-shirt. I don't know if they are just being friendly and smiling at the old frumpy guy or what.

Today it happened again. This time the young attractive lady had rather large breasts in a tight sweater. Being a breast man, it was hard not to look. I felt a bit embarrassed , thinking that she caught me looking. I don't know if he was smiling out of dis comfort, because she liked the fact I was looking or just plain old being friendly.

In these situations I never know what to say. If I have a reason to talk then I am fine. But just walking up to someone no, can't do it. What about everyone else?
Dude they are simply being friendly. Not asking you to come over and bother then. If you have the confidence you could smile back and that would be great. Maybe next time she recognises you in the aisle she may start a conversation.


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
Well it's not impossible but it becomes much more difficult with age. It's exactly the same as learning a foreign language, much easier when you're a little kid. It isn't impossible to start it when you're an adult but it's difficult to become a fluent speaker and you will never be able to speak as a native speaker it without any accent.
Oh, I disagree with this. I think the language example is quite the opposite. Kids tend to get embarrassed easily, especially teenagers. Most people naturally get more confident as they get older. I think it gets easier , not harder with time.

The problem is probably that he is focusing waay too much on women, and women who he is interested in in particular. If you see a couple, talk to the man, talk to old ladies, talk to obese men in scooters, or ugly women in yoga pants, thin men who smell of cigarette smoke - you get the idea - everyone. Stop singling women out. then whena woman comes along your brain will just consider her one of many and you should in time be able to talk to her just like everyone else.

Better still, is an attractive woman SEES you talking to someone who obviously you won't want to be with, it will be a bit impressive to her, that you are an outgoing guy.
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