If he is not paying his taxes for his own screw ups, i.e. Going into bankruptcies of almost a billion dollars, and not paying any personal taxes since then, and then deriding the Obama Government for not spending enough on veterans does that not make him a hypocrite? Yes, it is legal to avoid paying taxes, but obviously he does not want to disclose his tax returns as many of his supporters barely make ends meet, but do pay their taxes.The July 27 speech was weird. What Trump said - “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”
Strikes me as a person frustrated by the investigation being stalled, and essentially time being run out intentionally. It also has the feel of being a joke, that missed its mark.
I don't think it was appropriate in the least, but don't consider it treason. Its an example of a flaw In Trump which is that he sometimes speaks without thinking things through.
He has his own 'grey' area with the hidden taxes, and perhaps not have been paying them for a very long time. However, in looking into that topic, Trump last Taxes made public were 1995.
It was asked "Is it legal to avoid paying taxes that long" - The answer was Yes.
Federal tax law allows real estate investors, such as Trump, to declare losses and carry them forward to offset income in future years.
So its not like Trump has done anything illegal if he hasn't paid taxes. What Trump opponents want to know is does he use 'loopholes', what is he really worth, and how much to charity.
But this is really just curiosity, and wouldn't stand to deviate Trump. But the emails are entirely different. Much more seems to going on, the depth of involvement by the FBI, and if Congress was lied to.
...as for the presidential nod, I appreciate that and know while a kind compliment, it shows the regard for Trump. But most in here really really know politics. I however know hockey, sex and eating clean.
Its a truth, I don't have the IQ to debate anyone, or support a strong argument. I just express why I like Trump. Not so much as a person, but most of his ideas.
You have been more eloquent than Trump and will make a better candidate than Trump, no doubt. But yes, do enjoy what you love doing as eating, sports and sex is on everyone's radar, as Trump says trust me.