So how huge is it? Three or four vague videos? Of what?
You made the charge of "…a lot of voting fraud": Give us numbers. I'll willingly admit what you provide evidence for. But you've offered none yet. Not of fraud, not of voting fraud, nor of a lot of anything but Trumpian biases.
This argument is misleading, and trotted out far too often.
In any allegation of misconduct, you never start out with all the proof. You start out with enough proof to give credence to the allegation to justify full investigation. Calling for concerns to be silenced because a full investigation has yet to be conducted that fully proves the allegation just denies this reality.
There are some historically proven cases of voting fraud. There are other cases where there was strong evidence to suspect voting fraud, but those cases were not pursued as they were not material to the result of the election (e.g. Romney getting 0 votes in certain Philadelphia precincts). There is evidence of weaknesses in the voter registration system and in certain voting machines that could be exploited (deceased voter registrations that have not been updated, weak voter identification requirements, voting systems in some states that don't incorporate paper backups). Now, there is some evidence that contractors of the DNC have at least said (whether fairly edited or not) things that indicate people are planning to exploit weaknesses of the system to defraud the election results.
None of this is unequivocal proof that there has ever been widespread election fraud which was material to the result of an election, or that such widespread fraud will occur in this election. However, a reasonable person would consider this information seriously, and would be attentive to whether any of this occurs during this election, because many people feel that the vote may be close enough for voting fraud to materially impact the result.
The call of the Trump camp is to be watchful of the election process. I can't think why that would ever be an inappropriate or unfounded message.
Now, if either camp tries to make something out of nothing after the election, then you'll find me on board with the notion that you should put the integrity of the democratic process ahead of poor loser excuse making.