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Do you support the ban of logos referring to natives in sports clubs?

Do you support the ban of Native logos in sports club ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 37.9%
  • No

    Votes: 77 62.1%

  • Total voters


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Glad to see someone agrees.
Though one small correction.
Indian isn't really something liked. It's just something accepted. Think of it as reclaiming a slur.
We accept our grandparents refer to themselves by it because it's how they learned to refer to themselves.
Many use it for themselves as an act of reclamation. Myself included.
It's no something I enjoy being referred to as or want an outside party calling me.
It has colonial ties and the linguistic history is rooted in colonial racism and the pain of my people.

Sorry, I should have been clearer. By borderline I did mean that it should be avoided.
Also sorry to see all the posters here trying to tell you how you should feel.

Its just a team name, it can be changed.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I'm not sure exactly what the issue is but I think it stems from the term "Indian". Natives don't consider themselves "Indian". That was a term given to them by Columbus who mistakenly thought he had landed in India.

Would re-naming the teams with "Native" suffice?

Then again, if there were problems with Tomahawk chop with the Atlanta Braves, then I don't know. One has to wonder about the level of liberal White people in all of this. They're good at inventing problems.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
If this is such an important and pressing issue, why did it not come up until the playoffs? I believe Cleveland and Toronto play each other during the regular season as well. Must not have been that important a few months ago I guess.
1)The timing has no bearing on the merits of the argument.

2)The timing does give the move more exposure because of the playoffs. Nothing wrong with timing things to make it more effective.

3)As well, this issue/topic is nothing new. It has been brought up many times before.

Aside from these 3 points, good post.

Not saying I agree with a ban. Just pointing out the deficiencies of this particular line of reasoning.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
it is false to say these protests only happen at playoffs.

people have been protesting redskins since the 70s. while some protests did occur during playoffs others did not.

cleveland is a small market so it is no surprise we dont hear much if at all anything here i toronto.

the spirit in which a name is chose is irrelevant. if i thought a basketball team should be called the darkies to pay tribute to all the grest black players of the past ut would still be wrong.

indian was a name incorrectly given to people of north america. from their perspective it is probably offensive to be referred to by thr name given to them by their oppressor.

as for a regular season blue jays cleveland game would not be watched by many people. you cant blame protrsters for picking high profile events i mean if you are doing something for free wouldnt you want your tine to be spent in the most effective way? during playoffs brigs national attentioncto the issue.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I need to see it first. Please show us. Or even describe it.
imagine old black face movies with cannibals danci g around a pot.

or how about a bunch of asian dancing around bowing and say ah so.

mimicking a native stereo type is just wrong. especially since the chant is not even native words.

if there was a team paying tribute to asians and they chanted ching chang chong would thst be okay?


Dec 10, 2014
I have no problem with the Chicago Black Hawks logo and name, which isn't derogatory. But the name "Chief Wahoo"??!!
Matters little what you're ok with, Black Hawk is the name of an Indian chief. If natives find the name and image disrespectful you should learn to respect that.

Same thing with the name Braves their symbol is the tomahawk and at the games they do the chop while chanting. Names have changed over the years, let them change to exclude native themes.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
This whole thing is complete bullshit.

The only time this comes to the forefront by the "so called" offended is when a team makes it to the playoffs. The people that spearhead these protests are attention seekers! Where were they the rest of the season?!?! The same thing happened in 92, when the Braves came to town...

Get over it.. Its just the nickname of a sports team that's been around for decades. Why all of a sudden is it an issue now?

The bigger issue here is how do the "Jays" avoid getting completely SCALPED By the "Indians"!
as you pointed out it is just a name.

so why not change it. the redskins protest goes back to the 70s thats 30 plus years ago.

so it is not like this problem is new.

according ro wikipedia the cleveland issue has also bee since the 70s


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
as you pointed out it is just a name.

so why not change it. the redskins protest goes back to the 70s thats 30 plus years ago.

so it is not like this problem is new.

according ro wikipedia the cleveland issue has also bee since the 70s
Because in this overly politically correct world, someone will always take exception. Case in point, someone commented in another thread, that animals should also not be used. (E.g. Dolphins, Blue Jays, Sharks etc.) I'm surprised someone hasn't filed an injunction against the "Redblacks"!

Let's not be so petty, and get back to playing the game rather than fabricating issues that are completely unrelated.


New member
Jan 19, 2006

The saddest of these was the University of North Dakota's "Fighting Sioux" the image was respectful, about 3/4 of the State's Sioux supported the name and still the NCAA forced UND to give up the name and logo.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
I think this is an other liberal bullshit. I think teams use that logo because it show respect for the Indians. The logo is a symbol for their power, their strength and their brave heart. I totally understand why these teams use an indian head.
This world is crazy.
The black hole is offensive too:


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
As someone who likes to drink, I'm deeply offended by the Milwaukee Brewers.
I'm gonna start a petition to have their name changed.

Also my last name is King. I want Sacramento Kings to change their name, as its deeply offensive to me


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
I think this is an other liberal bullshit. I think teams use that logo because it show respect for the Indians. The logo is a symbol for their power, their strength and their brave heart. I totally understand why these teams use an indian head.
This world is crazy.
The black hole is offensive too
What about a "white lie"???

I'm offended by that too. It implies all white people all liars


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
imagine old black face movies with cannibals danci g around a pot.

or how about a bunch of asian dancing around bowing and say ah so.

mimicking a native stereo type is just wrong. especially since the chant is not even native words.

if there was a team paying tribute to asians and they chanted ching chang chong would thst be okay?
I'm not arguing against the concept of banning.

I just wanted to know what the speerchucker move looked like.


New member
Apr 3, 2011

The saddest of these was the University of North Dakota's "Fighting Sioux" the image was respectful, about 3/4 of the State's Sioux supported the name and still the NCAA forced UND to give up the name and logo.
It all seems like a deceiving plan to rid any and all native symbolism. Most of the land was named by the natives it shouldn't come to a surprise or insult if something that is tied to the people the city's belong to. Political correctness is deceiving and self destructive, next they are going to call for all cities with native names to be changed sounding more american and less "offensive". Abolishing everything that is native just sounds like the nail in the coffin of that heritage.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Imagine how amazing this discussion could be if anyone was actually educated in Indigenous history, discourse and politics or even actually a Native person and didn't just pull the political correctness card whenever they get uncomfortable.
But I guess I'm the only one that fits that description
But Camilla, can we all not agree that Indians logo was never meant to be insulting or mocking of Indian people?? Why would a pro baseball team try to make a mockery of their franchise, it makes no sense.

It would be the same as adopting the Mad cartoon logo



hung like a squirrel
Jan 28, 2006
Peeler Region
1)The timing has no bearing on the merits of the argument.

2)The timing does give the move more exposure because of the playoffs. Nothing wrong with timing things to make it more effective..
Exactly! If the argument has merit it should be raised at the earliest opportunity, not only when the greatest number of people are watching.

Thanks for supporting my point!



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
It doesn't matter what it's intention is. It's how we receive it. Why is white perception of Indigenous people an their connotation more important than how actual Indigenous people feel.
So you say it is how we receive it that is important.

Then you ask why white perception is more important.

You are arguing against yourself in the same post.


Mar 12, 2004
It doesn't matter what it's intention is. It's how we receive it. Why is white perception of Indigenous people an their connotation more important than how actual Indigenous people feel.
Maybe stop telling Indigenous people how they're supposed to feel about things that actively harm them?

Whether or not the intention isn't bad, the execution is racist and harmful, and the fact that people don't see it, just shows that they themselves view us so poorly that they think bad representation is either accurate or flattering.
I really don't understand how something could be considered "racist",...when there NEVER was any racist intention.

Yes calling native Canadians, Indians was incorrect,...but there was NEVER any intention of insulting.

The term Canuck was though to be originally derogatory, but people got over it,...and now people are proud to be called a Canuck.

Nobody is telling anybody how to feel, but don't call me a racist if I mistakenly call some one a North American Indian, there is no racist or insulting intent.

Latino's call "whites" Gringo's,...is that racist,...I don't personally give a shit.


PS: I probably burnt a bridge here,...but that wasn't intentional either,...:apologetic:
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