Do you support the ban of logos referring to natives in sports clubs?

Do you support the ban of Native logos in sports club ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 37.9%
  • No

    Votes: 77 62.1%

  • Total voters


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
In Thailand they call us Farang.

Never heard a white person complain about that


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Probably because white people aren't a marginalized group who're actively oppressed (See: Residential School, Colonization, MMIW, Environmental racism, Film representation, Police brutality, Workplace discrimination, Hiring discrimination, the 60s Scoop, Poverty, Redface, Slavery, Land rights, Suicide rates.. Need I go on?) nor have most people even heard of that. Nor is it something said oppressive group says is your designated monicker (which it's rooted in colonial violence) and when you argue it, they come up with these awful false equivalences and other logical fallacies as an attempt to justify it, all the while speaking over you.
Exactly ^^^

I have several native/mixed native friends and dated one many years ago. I think what people don't understand, is to use the term Indian when referring to Aboriginal people is considered derogatory. It doesn't matter if its use was well-intended, or people have been using it for years, it's still a derogatory term.

While I agree things as a whole have become way too politically correct, I'm going to have to agree with Aboriginal people when they say it's offensive to them. The term Indians has been around for a long time, as has Orientals and Niggers but that doesn't make them any less derogatory to use in 2016.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Exactly ^^^

I have several native/mixed native friends and dated one many years ago. I think what people don't understand, is to use the term Indian when referring to Aboriginal people is considered derogatory. It doesn't matter if its use was well-intended, or people have been using it for years, it's still a derogatory term.

While I agree things as a whole have become way too politically correct, I'm going to have to agree with Aboriginal people when they say it's offensive to them. The term Indians has been around for a long time, as has Orientals and Niggers but that doesn't make them any less derogatory to use in 2016.
The term Indian is not derogatory and to equate it and Oriental (in no way a racist term) with nigger is just stupid. Not even close.


Mar 4, 2015
Well the Europeans butchered and stole their them hooked on alochol...continue to offend their culture and traditions....such a shame we continue to allow this.
They butchered Europeans and some natives too. Such a shame that only one side needs to apologize.


Mar 4, 2015
Ban blackboard, because its racist, use whiteboard instead. Also don't only use white chalk, use multiple colours at the same time so that we don't exclude LGBT people.

And the term "black hole" is VERY offensive to African females, totally suspend it


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
It doesn't matter what it's intention is. It's how we receive it. Why is white perception of Indigenous people an their connotation more important than how actual Indigenous people feel.
Maybe stop telling Indigenous people how they're supposed to feel about things that actively harm them?

Whether or not the intention isn't bad, the execution is racist and harmful, and the fact that people don't see it, just shows that they themselves view us so poorly that they think bad representation is either accurate or flattering.

In certain cases it is a mockery and perhaps racist (the Cleveland Indians logo is a silly caricature).

In other cases, I'm not so sure, as in Atlanta Braves. Like Iris said, sometimes the logo and the name is a reference to commendable qualities of a certain indigenous group (or of any group or people).


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
So you say it is how we receive it that is important.

Then you ask why white perception is more important.

You are arguing against yourself in the same post.

The 'we' that Camilla is referring to, I believe, is in reference to Indigenous People, not White folks.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I really don't understand how something could be considered "racist",...when there NEVER was any racist intention.

Yes calling native Canadians, Indians was incorrect,...but there was NEVER any intention of insulting.

The term Canuck was though to be originally derogatory, but people got over it,...and now people are proud to be called a Canuck.

Nobody is telling anybody how to feel, but don't call me a racist if I mistakenly call some one a North American Indian, there is no racist or insulting intent.

Latino's call "whites" Gringo's, that racist,...I don't personally give a shit.


PS: I probably burnt a bridge here,...but that wasn't intentional either,...:apologetic:

What Camilla is saying is that 'intent' is irrelevant but that the ignorant must stand to be corrected regardless, because they are not Indians or from India.


Mar 31, 2009
In Thailand they call us Farang.
In China they call you "white ghost".

Personally, I try to be sensitive to other cultures/ethnic groups (unless they are trying to kill me). I see no problem in changing the Cleveland team name to something benign like "Erie". How about the Cleveland Eries?

BTW: I think Toronto is an ------ name or word.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Probably because white people aren't a marginalized group who're actively oppressed
So basically you think its OK to call people derogatory names, so long as they havent been oppressed in the past??


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
intent or lack of intent is not a defence for offending someone.

rob ford meant to complement asians for working like dogs but some people would rather not be compared to dogs.

i find people are too quick to throw the pc card and suggesting this is a new thing when in fact protrests vs sports teams date back to at least the 70s.

does anyone here have business sense? if you want to get a message out wouldnt you choose the most cost effective method to reach the largest audience?

finding exceptions is also not a way to invalidate a complaint. especially when the exception has not been proven. i mean can we confidently say that an insignifcant number of whites dont mind terms like gringo, gaijin etc?

as for who commitred which attocities...... who cares? that has nothing to do with people not wanting a caricature of themselves as a mascot. we would use a black or asian cartoon so why a native?


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
If you don't believe the last is racist and the others are, reflect on your double standard.
Bad enough people trying to claim Chinese is a different race but you are going to try and claim Jews are as well?
It is a religion if you were not aware

No different than naming my team the Bible Thumping Catholics
Offensive yes
Are Catholics a separate race? No
Toronto Escorts