You stopped reading long ago
We were never talking about the white immigrants from England
We were discussing how ALL minorities had it rough (I had thrown out black, asian, italian, irish & portugese)
Yet nearly every other group somehow was able to overcome hardships
Really it is those who refuse to assimilate who fail (whether indians on reserves or blacks who live in extreme poverty areas)
Oh and since we were discussing last 100 years + prejudice and all how about those India Indians?
They seem to have done quite well despite what was obvious second class citizenship back in the day
Not even sure what this is supposed to prove but... um hate to break it to you non-whites do far better in most sports
Basketball, soccer, football you name it
Only place your white privilege comes into play is stuff like polo
Or are you an apoligist who thinks a non-white is less able to read, write, and add?
okay couple points
assimilation what does that mean to you?
my kitchen was done by asians that i couldn't speak with because i dont speak chinese
my floor was done by a russian that again i couldn't communicate with
i have a nunber of italian friends with nonas who don't speak english
for me learning some basic english is a criteria for assimilation
so i question exactly to what degree are different groups assimilating? i feel that asians if they want to remain isolated can easily do that if they want in the gta
with regards to groups like italians they have tv shows in their language and cultural festivals. that to me sounds like they are still keeping parts of their heritage.
to me this is a fundamental difference between us melting pot vs canadian mosaic.
as for my coaching analogy....... my point is this...... given the same opportunities differe t people will have different levels of success. so your expectatio that natives should be at a certain point is not fair.
but it is more complicated than that...... imagine all races are running a race but each group is starting from a different place and each group has their own obstacles to pass and each group must also contend with other peoole blocking them or actively pushing them back.
given that scenario is it a surprise that the people starting furthest behind and facing the most obstacles are struggling?
hope you can see the difference between an explanatio and an excuse. i am just trying to explain why things arent as simple as the world you are describing
as for indians they had an iconic leader in gandhi which makes a difference. he said some questionable stuff but the first nations dont really have a lightning rod like that.