Toronto Escorts

Blue Jays: 2016 Edition


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
The Bosox just refuse to lose more than they win...

BJ's will have to go 10 & 4 or 11 & 3 to have even a chance of catching them and I don't think they have what it takes... even then the Bosox would have to go 7 & 7 or worse the rest of the way...

I doubt that the Tigers, Mariners or Astros have what it takes to make up 3 games for the the second WC so, at best, it looks like the BJ's will have to play the Orioles for the WC spot and I doubt that they have what it takes to beat them, either... and not a hope against the Rangers should they be lucky enough to get that far!

Except for a miracle... dat, dat, dat's all folks!

Actually I like our chances against the Rangers. I think the boys really have a hard on for payback against them.

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
So I have a couple of questions for you black booty lover...

Are you a black man who loves booty or are you a man who loves black booty? Even your handle is an enigma! Of course, giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are a man, not a child...

And when you try to ridicule me (only "try" because you never make it) about what I say about team chemistry, the BJ's weaknesses and prospects, the Price effect, etc., etc.... how come you don't try to ridicule Martinez, Shulman, Griffiths or others when they later say the same things?




Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
The Bosox just refuse to lose more than they win...

BJ's will have to go 10 & 4 or 11 & 3 to have even a chance of catching them and I don't think they have what it takes... even then the Bosox would have to go 7 & 7 or worse the rest of the way...

I doubt that the Tigers, Mariners or Astros have what it takes to make up 3 games for the the second WC so, at best, it looks like the BJ's will have to play the Orioles for the WC spot and I doubt that they have what it takes to beat them, either... and not a hope against the Rangers should they be lucky enough to get that far!

Except for a miracle... dat, dat, dat's all folks!

The only thing we can hope for is Jays get suddenly very hot during the playoffs


Terror Belli Decus Pacis
May 26, 2008
Cleveland is who you want in the playoffs. No Carrasco, no Salazar, no Brantley. They padded their record by beating up on the Twins & White Sox all season long.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
The Toronto Blue Jays offence ranks 4th in the American League (of 15),
6th in MLB (of 30) in runs scored.
Don't let facts get in the way of opinion.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
what I say about team chemistry,
In all seriousness as a comedian (Bobby Bittman reference), we can analyze what goes on on the field, but unless we are in the dressing room and can observe the players' interactions how do we really know what kind of chemistry there actually is? It is pure conjecture.

You may be right, you may be wrong but none of us actually knows.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The problem is that the Jays were first rate up to the end of August - albeit not as exciting or dramatic as 2015 - but have hit a wall. Not sure if it's fatigue, injuries, everybody slumping at the same time, or just older players burning out, but it has not been good and shows no signs of turning around - viz. last night and the first game of the Bosox series.

I get it that this is a "3 run HR offence" and small ball is not its forte. But if the timing of some of the sluggers is a little off, those 3 run HR's are suddenly whiffs or pops to shallow centre and 2 stranded ducks on the pond. And the balls have fallen off the starting staff and that means 4 or 5 runs by the 5th and 4 innings of Tepera and Schultz.

Then there are the E's and the mental errors...


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
The problem is that the Jays were first rate up to the end of August - albeit not as exciting or dramatic as 2015 - but have hit a wall. Not sure if it's fatigue, injuries, everybody slumping at the same time, or just older players burning out, but it has not been good and shows no signs of turning around - viz. last night and the first game of the Bosox series.

I get it that this is a "3 run HR offence" and small ball is not its forte. But if the timing of some of the sluggers is a little off, those 3 run HR's are suddenly whiffs or pops to shallow centre and 2 stranded ducks on the pond. And the balls have fallen off the starting staff and that means 4 or 5 runs by the 5th and 4 innings of Tepera and Schultz.

Then there are the E's and the mental errors...
Yet, they are still in the hunt, despite being a team with so many flaws. That is a statement in regards to their competition who should be running away from such a flawed team.

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
In all seriousness as a comedian (Bobby Bittman reference), we can analyze what goes on on the field, but unless we are in the dressing room and can observe the players' interactions how do we really know what kind of chemistry there actually is? It is pure conjecture.

You may be right, you may be wrong but none of us actually knows.
Agreed. Nobody actually knows other than those directly involved... and, sometimes, even they don't know!

But there is a great deal you can infer and deduce by observing and from a great deal of available evidence: what is and what is not said; body language; performance on the field; statistics; performance relative to talent, etc. etc... enough to allow for an informed opinion.

I learn a lot just from watching faces and body language on the field... which is why I love to watch on TV: you get really up close to the player... it's no different than cross-examining a witness at trial...



Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Yet, they are still in the hunt, despite being a team with so many flaws. That is a statement in regards to their competition who should be running away from such a flawed team.
Boston is steadily pulling away as we speak - and grinding the Yankees out of the WC race. Which helps.

Detroit is slumping. Houston and Seattle are hot and cold. And O's are playing as badly as we are. It's an odd September.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Angels stadium has just been invaded by killer bees.
Never seen that before :D


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Blue Jays 2 hits and 0 runs through 5. Stroman pitching a decent game, but no run support. Where have we heard this before? Oh that's right. Liriano last night.

This loss - if it happens - will hurt in the standings. For once, O's, M's and Tigers all won.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2009
Losing 0-2 thru 6.
The offence has been bad since mid-August when we lost 2 of 3 to Cleveland and Tampa. It looked good when we swepted the Twins (who doesn't ) and we squeezed a series from Balt. But we have not won a series in Sept. Mainly stinkers even making more errors.

Exclude the AAA Twins and this lineup has been struggling for a month, less than 4 RPG.
Desperation time. Gibby has to shake up the lineup or do something, anything. Status quo clearly not working.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I'm officially off the bandwagon if we lose this one. So far - against a LAA starter with a 5.63 ERA:

3 hits
11 strike outs
0 runs
15 left on base

You can't win if you don't score any runs. Swing for the fences doesn't work when your big sluggers are all cold. And this team can't go the opposite way and play small ball to save its life.

It's not Gibby. He takes what management gives him and I doubt that JB or EE listen to anyone but themselves. Team needs a far more varied offence incorporating speed and situational hitting and hitting for average, as well as the big bomb.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Jays look totally unmotivated


Mar 31, 2009
The Jays are imploding before our very eyes.

Hide the women and children. They don't need to see this.

Last night the Jays stranded 11 runners on base. This like the guy who picks up 11 women in the bar but can't finish.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2009
Forget the W & L's. They are playing so sloppy and don't deserve to win. We used to have one of the best defences and now there's errors everywhere. The worst defensive team in Sept.

And not just errors but all the brain farts. JB over throws 1B for the 3rd out trying to foolishly throw out Trout at home. Saunders lobs it into 3B and the hitter takes the extra base to 2B.
Getting thrown out on the bases.
On and on they have been making mental mistakes.

Forget about winning. They are not playing well enough to compete, let alone win. Even if they miraculous make it thru WC game, the top teams like Texas and Cleveland will expose this weakness and it won't be pretty.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Final tally -

0 runs
4 hits
5 walks
20 left on base
12 k's
29 AB's - that means, walks aside, just 2 guys over the minimum stepped to the plate. So of the 4 hits, 2 must have been erased on the base paths. Just a hopelessly bad result - for the 2nd day in a row.

It's over. Whatever is wrong with this team isn't going away fast enough to get them into the playoffs.

On the bright side, the free agency market for Saunders and Bautista is just about dead at this point and both are re signable. If we want them. Saunders is a 3rd OF who had a good 3 months at the start of this season and has slightly above average skills for a major leaguer. JB is potentially able to be a star again, but at 35 years, what team is going to open its coffers to take a chance on a guy who is hitting .230 and spends 1/2 the season on the DL?!
Toronto Escorts