Thanks Frinto, I really looked at the add too. Didn't like the muscular legs!
That beeing said, one evening I picked up a girl on the street several years ago and she offered to go to her appartment
it was on a third level
I was following her going up the stairs when I realized it was a guy
I left
This might come out wrong but I will try anyway.
I had predicted this sort of thing happening more and more a few years ago. It is becoming more and more socially accepted that if you are not happy your gender you can do something about it and make a change and technology has also made this possible in appearance at least.
Let me stop here and just add that I have no problem with this, people who are not comfortable with their gender and want to switch s not an issue for me. I believe they have every right to do so.
BUT ...
Does this mean that is ok for a person who switched genders to no identify they did so before getting into bed with them or since the gender switch has taken place and they are now officially the opposite sex would they just carry on as if they were born as that gender and expect everyone to just go along with it.
Just a thought and I am not sure how this will work out. Again I am all for people doing what they want to make themselves happy and feel comfortable but I am not sure how I feel about it becoming a secret that doesn't need to be told if you are becoming involved with them.
The other side of it is I could see that being an issue for example, a man that identified as a woman and then went through all the operations to have the change done, legally change your name, etc... To them they would be a woman now and I don't think they would want to have to admit that previously they were a man because to them they never really were a man.
What do you guys think?