Well I live in the USA. Was born in Canada and moved to the US a while back. Sadly this is a result of a much deeper problem. It really all started hundred of years ago when slavery was permitted. The black population was imported as slaves and of course these peoples got the crappy end of the stick. Black peoples have suffer for century and were considered animals. As a result, they were left with no chance to get an education. Apply this to generations onto generations of peoples prevented from decency and respect and you get racial segregation that's perpetuated from father to son. This racial BS gets caught in an infinite loop. You then confined these peoples to live in low housing conditions and you create ghettos. It's not until the mid 60's that laws are finally pass to afford the black communities the rights to ride a bus or to go pee in the same toilet as the white people do! In short white people have created this problem from scratch longtime ago and now it's coming to a head and it's about to get uglier. Ask yourselves why you're afraid when you encounter a big black guy late at night? Because you were told from growing-up that they were bad peoples, uneducated and not to be trusted and they were most likely criminals. If a white kid wear a hoody, he's cool. If a black kid wear a hoody, he's hiding something or he's a criminal. Well guess what? Cops in the USA are just like any other white guy. They have pre conceived notions that all black peoples are bad guys. Hence, shoot first ask questions later. I'm not even sure it's possible to eradicate racism on this planet sadly
To be fair, statistics show Black people have lower education and higher crime rates and prison rates. So there is some truth to it. Of course that's not to say every white person is an angel or a black person is bad.
For example, if someone was walking down a dark alley and had a choice between bumping into:
1. An 80 year old lady with a hoodie
2. A black guy with a hoodie
3. A white guy with a hoodie
4. An 8 year old boy with a hoodie
Guess what? Based on what I've seen, read, and taking into account demographics, I'd put the 8 and 80 year olds as no threats.... although if I really had to choose one as more of a potential threat, I'd probably choose the kid. The white guy as a possible threat, and the black guy as potentially the biggest threat. Chances are 99% nothing bad will happen..... BUT if something did happen, I'd place my betting dollar the black guy has the biggest probability of something bad happening.
Not all demographics are created equal. You are fooling yourself if you think every combination of demographics has an equal chance of threat.
As for your opinion about slavery and how it is a longstanding issue that has lead to what is today, perhaps so. But maybe not.
Although nothing will ever be perfect, I firmly believe that if people act cool and don't cause trouble that wounds heal and people can get along a lot better. I'll give you a good example...... Germany was the root cause of WW1 and WW2. Taking over the world, killing millions, Nazis, concentration camps, fire bombing cities you name it they did it.
They lost. WWII ended in the 1940s.
Yet, even just decades later, Germany smartened up. The governments improved, people acted better and didn't go with the Nazi BS so much anymore. After a while, Germany is back to being part of the global economy. Does anyone treat Germany like assheads like during WW1 and WW2? I don't see it. It's not like people have an ingrained mindset that all Germans are bad. Maybe shortly after that time, people still hated them for doing so much killing and such, but if enough time passes, things improve and the mindset of the past generations are gone as they die off.