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Who are you go to vote for ??

Which party are you going to vote for

  • Conservative

    Votes: 43 32.6%
  • Liberals

    Votes: 40 30.3%
  • NDP

    Votes: 40 30.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 3 2.3%
  • other

    Votes: 4 3.0%
  • Not going to vote

    Votes: 2 1.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
I continue to monitor this thread....and Steven Harper is tied for the lead.

That should worry those on the left, as this thread is full of left wing, anti Harper people....or so I thought.

Either NDP, or Liberals, need a substantial lead in the TERB poll, or Harper is the next Prime Minister.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I continue to monitor this thread....and Steven Harper is tied for the lead.

That should worry those on the left, as this thread is full of left wing, anti Harper people....or so I thought.

Either NDP, or Liberals, need a substantial lead in the TERB poll, or Harper is the next Prime Minister.
Uh, 66% of Terbites are not voting for Harper.

The fact that Harper has 34% on this most scientific of polls is nothing to get wood about.

Sooner or later, the NDP and the liberals will unite. Maybe it's a coalition government in 2015, or maybe they pull the same stunt that Progressive Conservatives and the Reform Cowboys pulled back when, either way, the Conservatives days are numbered.

I'd be very happy with a liberal / NDP coalition run by Tom Mulcair. No problem there.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Come on Captain you can't really pin the poor economic performance due to Harper gov't policies. Have you not seen what's been going on in the world since 2009? I think relatively speaking, Canada has fared pretty well economically under Conservative leadership. We'd be in tatters if it were the Libs or NDP running things. Just look at Ontario for crying out loud - it's been a disaster due to McGuinty/Wynne mismanagement.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Wow!! 34.15% of people on this board agree they are perverts and should be jailed!!!


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Again, you don't have any statistics to back up your position, just hyperbole and anecdotes.

I don't know if Mulcair can balance the budget. But I know Harper cannot.
No way in hell Mulciar will balance a budget. He will need to pay off the unions the NDP is beholding to, Think about what Sid Ryan would want if the NDP were to form a government
"We supported you for decades, we want /demand more money per & we want more union paying public sector employees , the publics need for them is irrelevant"

Harper has balanced the budget & would have many more times had the global financial crises not reared its ugly head
There is a time to spend & he picked the right time

Your comparison of Harpers record vs. Paul Martin Jean C, & Mulroney does not take into account the impact of the financial crisis
You know the crisis where we avoid the pain of most other countries


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
I continue to monitor this thread....and Steven Harper is tied for the lead.

That should worry those on the left, as this thread is full of left wing, anti Harper people....or so I thought.

Either NDP, or Liberals, need a substantial lead in the TERB poll, or Harper is the next Prime Minister.
i thought you lowered you post count recently in order to do some self reflecting and become a more intelligent poster...i was wrong..


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
i thought you lowered you post count recently in order to do some self reflecting and become a more intelligent poster...i was wrong..
Once a person digresses to name calling and insults, they have given up on maintaining there position within a conversation....I'll stick to electoral assessments and review.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
I find it amazing....Harper continues to lead Mulcair... 34% -31% in this TERB poll..... Shocking, considering how outspoken the left is in here!


Registered Pervert
Oct 8, 2010
My worst fear is that the election ends up being 34% conservative, 33% Liberal, 33% NDP.
Obviously there are other parties to consider but you get the point
I can settle for Muclair but I can't stand Harper


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Anybody but Harper.

How anyone could vote for that idiot (especially living in Ontario) is beyond me. I can't stand him for a pile of reasons.
+1 .

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Wow!! 34.15% of people on this board agree they are perverts and should be jailed!!!
What a stupid ignorant statement. Expect nothing less from a classless douche like yourself though.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
And in return I'll say that you are comparing apples and oranges. Or in this can different eras. Seriously.

The deficits run up were at the demand of the opposition parties in 2 minority gov'ts during a downturn. Either that or we end up with an election cycle again and again until a majority is reached.

Many pundits have expressed the fact both here and in the US that is in fact Obama who has been dismissive of Canada as unimportant. And they would be right.

Comparing us to Germany? With unfettered access to trade within the Euro-zone? They are absolutely damn good at what they do but once again it's apples and oranges. In fact the NDP would stifle and block more trade agreements. Think that will help our manufacturing export base?

The world has changed in the last ten years. Drastically.

I'm not voting for Harper because I like him or all of his choices. I'm voting for him because I believe that Justin will be as incompetent as it gets and Munclair will be too beholden to the base not to spend a hell of a lot more than the Tories.

You don't actually think the NDP will balance the budget, do you?
Did the opposition insist on a huge corporate tax cut? Kinda missed that on lol. If Justin is as incompetent as it gets, then he will be as bad as Harper. So I think I will take my chances.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
What a stupid ignorant statement. Expect nothing less from a classless douche like yourself though.
Bla bla bla. Why are you on this board since the party you support deems this prostitution to be morally reprehensible and john to be exploiters. ....why support leadership when you plan to ignore them anyway.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
at least one of the people on this board can not separate issues & is prone to exaggeration
How is the issue separate? Why don't you start a groups "Johns who support C36" even better since you already call yourself John.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
The following response is directed at BUTLER and LaRue. I'm not going to bother to quote you because frankly, you're both just full of shit and kicking around anecdotes and your opinions as if they were facts.

So let's look at statistics and numbers shall we (that demonstrate that Harper is an economic buffoon).

Let's compare Harper to his liberal competition on the economy.

Harper - average GDP growth = 1.6 measly percent on average. That's THE WORST of any Prime Minister in 60 years.

Paul Martin = 2.9 percent (with a balanced budget and paying off debt to boot)
Jean Chretien (who owes it all to Paul Martin doesn't he) = 3.5 percent
Brian Mulroney (king of debt) was 2.3 percent
Lester Pearson and Louis St. Laurent = both at an astounding 5.4 percent

In the last 3 years, we have lagged the USA, Britain, Germany, Australia in terms of economic performance.we

Canadian GDP has now contracted in the last 5 months straight (another recession, second on Harper's watch, though you can argue you can't blame him for 2008 and I would agree with you.) We are THE ONLY G7 NATION WHOSE ECONOMY IS CONTRACTING AND IN A RECESSION. THE ONLY ONE. I lay that squarely at the feet of Harper and his idiotic handling of the economy and the country.

Unemployment back up to 6.8 percent and climbing. The worst it's been since Mulroney.

Government Spending under Harper is 13.1 percent of GDP. Since Brian Mulroney, it's been at 12.5 to 13.5 percent. (It was actually least under Chretien.)

Budget Deficits = Stephen Harper has given Canada 7 deficit years IN A ROW. Chretien and Martin not only balanced the budget for 10 years in a row, they paid down the debt.

So where is the economic genius boys?

Harper has put all of his government's energy into building a fucking pipeline that the Americans don't want. He's damaged our relations with the USA and their government. He has allowed manufacturing, engineering, research, development in Ontario and the east to wither and die on the vine. You can argue about China this and enevitable that, but that's horseshit. The Germans are an engineering and manufacturing powerhouse and their labour costs are far more than Canadian and they get 12 weeks vacation per year (by the end of their careers). Canadian productivity is terrible and our innovation is terrible because we do not have a government that fosters that kind of development or encourages education or research or start up companies. All the Harper conservatives have cared about is western resources because it was an easy play. Just dig the shit out of the ground and sell it at whatever the world price is. Duh.

The Harper government are a bunch of catatonic zombies when it comes to new ideas, new thinking and encouraging innovation.

There are guys on here who have mentioned C36 and Butler (in particular) scoffs at that. But I don't. C36 demonstrates what really and truly matters to these western based Reformers. Legislating morality. Not only has there been C36, but now C51 (which I hugely oppose) and there has been social legislation against abortion (albeit a private members bill) and the long gun registry and the gutting of environmental law (to help them dig that black goo out of the ground) You add all this up and it shows that the Harper conservatives are very socially conservative and rather than worry about the economy, they worry about legislating sex.

So to sum it all up, I don't give a shit about what either of you say because you're both wrong (about the economy and Harper) and the proof is in the numbers.

I'm far more worried about the economy should Harper be re-elected as opposed to either Justin or Tom Mulcair. This is based on statistical facts. (And I also oppose any kind of national daycare plan either as I figure that I'm willing to pay for a kid's education, but not for baby sitting services.)
Well said. Harper's supporters say the opposition forced him into spending- while that's true for one year it doesn't explain the other deficits nor did they force him to give economically stupid boutique tax cuts or cut the gst. Harpe also didn't have trudeau or mulcair at any of the action plan spending announcements (shouldn't they be ther if it's their fault).

He is also a phony who says he likes law and order and the military but he doesn't give money to the RCMP to hire more officers to deal with terrorism . He guts veteran benefits, he makes a soldier who lost his legs to keep proving he has no legs, he guts spending to the navy despite spending promises etc


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
How is the issue separate? Why don't you start a groups "Johns who support C36" even better since you already call yourself John.
Why do you not pull you head out of your ass?
There are a multitude of issues to consider when determining who to support
C36 is just one of them & it is a very minor one for the vast majority of voters.

The sky has not fallen since bill C36 & I suspect it will not be an issue for those who are not stupid
Unfortunately that kind of excludes you


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I wish they will be the ones who would be arrested and charged under bill c-36, then they will realize it isn't a minor issue.
That's a great attitude.
Hoping others will get charged so they will agree with your premise?


Active member
Jan 20, 2004
I would never vote Harper. I'd probably never vote conservative unless a true progressive with fiscal responsibility became leader but they don't call it the progressive conservatives anymore so that's not gonna happen.
I'll vote NDP or liberal depending on who had best chance of unseating conservative in my riding.
We truly need proportional representation. The fact that a party can get a majority govt when 60% of population vote against them is ludicrous. We don't currently live in a democracy.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Harper increases lead.

having checked back in...and continuing to monitor the anti Haper rhetoric dominating the comments over 4 pages of threads, Harper has quietly increased his lead in this non scientific poll. I say it is 'non scientific, but the poll is astonishing considering the TERB leftist crowd, and more generally Toronto being historically red. Very interesting.
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