Does Olivia Chow = Ineptocracy

Does Olivia Chow = Ineptocracy

  • Yes

    Votes: 65 56.0%
  • No

    Votes: 51 44.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
Feb 5, 2006
As a career politician, chow will have to pander and owe those who got her there, i.e, unions, special interest groups and her NDP supporters. She'll owe too much to too many for her to be a credible and effective mayor. She's going to want to re-invent the wheel while trying to be all things to all long as they live in the less affluent areas of downtown.

Tory on the other hand owes nothing to nobody and when it comes right down to it, he really has nothing to prove not does not he need the position. He's well known for his business acumen not to mention he's highly sought out for his charitable work. If you have a good cause and you need to raise money and get the word out, there's nobody better. He's doing it for the right reasons, to serve his city. Stintz, is like Chow, in that she's in it for herself, Ford on the other hand did it for the right reasons but he turned out to be a narcissistic sociopath.
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50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
As a career politician, chow will have to pander and owe those who got her there, i.e, unions, special interest groups and her NDP supporters. She'll owe too much to too many for her to be a credible and effective mayor. She's going to want to re-invent the wheel while trying to be all things to all long as they live in the less affluent areas of downtown.

Tory on the other hand owes nothing to nobody and when it comes right down to it, he really has nothing to prove not does not he need the position. He's well known for his business acumen not to mention he's highly sought out for his charitable work. If you have a good cause and you need to raise money and get the word out, there's nobody better. He's doing it for the right reasons, to serve his city. Stintz, is like Chow, in that she's in it for herself, Ford on the other hand did it for the right reasons but he's a bit of a sociopath.
Totally agree with this entire post, except the last point.

Ford is not a "bit" of a sociopath... He's a COMPLETE sociopath.


Aug 8, 2008
I agree on your latter points but I thought their explanation was that they paid a higher rent (not just $100) based on their income level submitted on an application to that co-op?
They did not pay the difference until they were outed by the press. It may even have been the Toronto Star, which now seems to be her own personal public relations firm.


Sep 24, 2004
They did not pay the difference until they were outed by the press. It may even have been the Toronto Star, which now seems to be her own personal public relations firm.
The Star is not even a credible news source anymore, much like the Sun. Heather Mallick is a raving, babbling psychopath and DiManno, Doolittle, etc., are not far behind. I only read it for Damien Cox's sports pieces.


Sep 25, 2013
Olivia Chow seems like a nice enough person but Toronto needs an SOB mayor who can stand toe to toe against bully "public service" union SOB's and not blink. If Olivia becomes mayor, the bully unions will eat her alive.
Cops and fire have done well in arbitration but CUPE deserves a big raise. Been held back too long.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
You Torontonians truly have no idea how you are perceived outside your bubble.

The fact of the matter is it doesn't MATTER what policies Olivia Chow would bring in. She would immediately legitimize the city. Rob Ford has no policies so therefore he cannot take credit for anything. He's crack addicted drunk. He's not capable of running corner store far less a major city. If you think Rob Ford had anything to do with any right-wing wet dream policies, you're wrong.
Well I am glad you can't vote in the election. As far as perception goes, I can't say I care what people outside the city think of our mayor or anything else with respect to the city. I do care what the policies of the potential mayor are going to be. I think voters should consider each candidates policies and not just vote for someone because they are not rob ford. We have over 30 candidates for mayor who are not rob ford and would equally satisfy yokels like yourself who don't have to live with the consequences of city council decisions.

I don't want ford to win and I think it unlikely he will win, but its too early to make a call especially as the main non ford candidates haven't outlined what their platforms are- other than some vague feel good statements.

Have people really made up their minds already? If so- what are you basing your decision on? Neither tory nor stintz nor chow have said much.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Olivia's parents were poor because they refused to learn English and could not find work in Toronto. I saw an interview Chow and Layton did years ago at her mother's house and she still couldn't communicate worth a damn in English.

So then the taxpayers were forced to subsidize her while she lived in subsidized housing for years. And don't forget that both Olivia and Jack moved in with her for a few years until the newspapers outed them as two rich Toronto Council members with big salaries paying $100 a month in rent for their 2 bedroom apartment in community housing. Then they apologized and said that they'd pay back the subsidy, but they never did. Oh, and Jack Layton, just like Ford is the child of millionaire parents so his theft of tax dollars is even more atrocious.

And if Chow's main focus is to create jobs in Toronto as her campaign already states, why be mayor when that position has no power for such things. All real tax and job creation power is in Ottawa. I guess she's just abandoning it because she's been such a failure there.
How do you know they refused to learn English?


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Olivia's parents were poor because they refused to learn English and could not find work in Toronto. I saw an interview Chow and Layton did years ago at her mother's house and she still couldn't communicate worth a damn in English.

So then the taxpayers were forced to subsidize her while she lived in subsidized housing for years. And don't forget that both Olivia and Jack moved in with her for a few years until the newspapers outed them as two rich Toronto Council members with big salaries paying $100 a month in rent for their 2 bedroom apartment in community housing.
From your description, Chow is tight with money. I thought that's what we wanted.


Mar 12, 2004
From your description, Chow is tight with money. I thought that's what we wanted.
Typical socialist,...tight with their money,...but free spenders with other people's money,...



New member
Feb 5, 2006
Let Chow and the NDP minion army exhaust themselves early, by June the soft middle will have grown tired of her. She stands for nothing and her entire political career is based on self promotion and a narrow vision of the political spectrum. Get her north of Lawernce Ave and she's out of her element and has nothing to say that people want to hear. I've had the misfortune of having to endure one of her speeches, it's 40 minutes of my life that I'll never get back, her biggest flaw in my opinion is that she talks at you rather than listen to you. And like any good liberal or NDP politician, they all know what you need better than yourself.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Ford spent Saturday night drinking alone in his office. So sad and pathetic. Then he stumbled out to Queen Street and as usual made a drunken fool of himself.
Let Chow and the NDP minion army exhaust themselves early, by June the soft middle will have grown tired of her. She stands for nothing and her entire political career is based on self promotion and a narrow vision of the political spectrum.
Typical socialist,...tight with their money,...but free spenders with other people's money,...

You two need to get your act together. Either she is a "typical socialist" and therefore you know exactly what that means wrt spending, social programs and policies, or she "stands for nothing". Can't have it both ways.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Does this sound like Olivia Chow to you? A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Sounds like the Ford administration to me. Certainly Rob's proven incapable of leading, and has never provided for himself or produced goods or services of value let alone wealth, but has spent his entire working life attached either to the public teat or his family's.

If you're right about Chow, that has them both running a pretty equal race so far, except she started poor, earned her way by her abilities and hard work and has an admirable record of building on successful achievement so her constituents have repeatedly entrusted her with greater responsibility. While Rob did get re-elected in the Ward his daddy's machine gave him, he built no record there he could run for Mayor on and only got elected because the divided slate on the other side collapsed.

Ineptocrat is a perfect term for a rich, dishonest drunkard who can't even manage to keep his continuing inability to stay sober private and has never actually done any work to earn the mayor's salary he takes from the taxpayers.


New member
Feb 5, 2006
WHAT SHE SAID AT LAST THURSDAY'S MAYORALTY CAMPAIGN LAUNCH: "I want to put children and families at the heart of our city."

WHAT SHE DID: As a school trustee in 1989, she voted herself an 86% pay hike and spent the most on expenses ($30,570)

In 2002, she led the charge at city council -- along with her husband, then-councillor Jack Layton -- to keep 112 Tent City squatters on contaminated Cherry St. land for four years. She protested against council's move to ban raves -- the biggest underground party scene in Toronto, if not Canada, at the time -- where drugs like Ecstasy were rampant and one man died in 1999.

WHAT SHE SAID: "I have a plan to strengthen our small businesses and promote jobs and prosperity."

WHAT SHE DID: Vociferously fought the expansion of the Island airport in 2003 and tried to block public entry to the site on the day the first Porter flights took off in 2006.

WHAT SHE SAID: "I have a plan to get people moving faster now -- not 20 years from now."

WHAT SHE DID: Helped escalate downtown gridlock by fiercely backing every bike lane project while a councillor.

During 2004 budget talks, she was reported as saying: "If I had $26 million, I'd build one community centre in a high-risk neighbourhood first than fix any more roads."

WHAT SHE SAID: "I learned how to work hard and make every penny count, to save money for rainy days and invest wisely ... that is what I will do as your new mayor."

WHAT SHE DID: Pushed numerous pet projects while at City Hall including:

* $250,000 in 1999 to nurture squeegee kids instead of legislating them out of business

* $400,000 for rent supplements for the Tent City squatters--

* More than $40 million in child and family projects over three years

* $100,000 in 2002 for harm reduction projects including safe crack kits

* At $458,251, the fourth largest spender among GTA MPs in 2012- 13, beating out cabinet ministers Peter Kent and Joe Oliver.

WHAT SHE SAID: "The current mayor is no role model for my granddaughters ... we deserve better."

WHAT SHE DID: Lived in a taxpayer-subsidized three-bedroom co-op apartment, paying $800-a-month while making jointly $120,000 (one-third tax free) jointly a year. Public pressures forces them out in mid-1990.

As chairman of Toronto school board's race relations committee, she endorsed a petition to end racially-motivated police violence, helping to incite angst following police shooting of a black woman in 1989.

As member of Police Services Board in 2000, she turned up at a violent OCAP riot at Queen's Park and instructed cops to back off. She was forced to resign from police services board because of her interference.

She joined her husband and other leftists councillors in a nine-day noisy filibuster to try to derail $1-billion plan to ship Toronto's garbage to Adams Mine.

Sponsored an OCAP event at City Hall in 2005, encouraging the poor to exploit a loophole in welfare rules which allowed them to collect a $250-a-month diet benefit, whether eligible or not.


Uncaring bastard!
Aug 28, 2006
The Centre of the Universe!
AND...the point goes to Marcus! Excellent post. Excellent job summarizing all of Olivia Chow's "accomplishments".

I voted for Rob Ford in the last election, because I believed he was the best choice. Obviously, knowing now what I did not know then, my choice MAY have been different, but most likely would not have been, because I don't believe the other candidates represented an acceptable alternative.

I WILL NOT VOTE FOR ROB FORD IN THIS ELECTION, because there are alternatives. Olivia Chow is not one of them. I will listen to all of the candidates platforms and then vote for whom I think is the best choice. At this point, it is John Tory, however that is open to change.

My biggest fear is that, at the end, I am forced to choose only between Olivia Chow and Rob Ford. Can't vote for Chow, under any circumstances given her history. I PRAY Rob Ford drops out before it comes to this. I can't spoil my ballot, because that would be a victory for Chow. Sodnacki and Stintz at this point are lightweights with no real chance. Ford should exit and leave it between Tory and Chow.
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