The apartment was rented in the mother's name. Are you sure Olivia and Jack's income was ever part of the reported income profile to qualify for government housing? Or did they hook Olivia's mother up with the apartment and just move in under the radar. At least until the Star questioned them about it.
Yes. When Layton first moved into the co-op, he moved into his own unit, on his own merits. Chow and her mother were already living there in another unit. When Chow and Layton eventually got married, they all moved into a single unit together.
I would point out that the lunatic right want to promote this smear without having to provide any proof of their own. They demand that Chow/Layton prove they didn't do anything wrong. And then they turn around and, despite all the circumstantial evidence exorciating Rob Ford, say that he is innocent until proven guilty.
The hypocrisy of some people is just hilarious.
Look up there at red, demanding that we just believe all his bullshit because he "remembers" it, but he doesn't feel compelled to prove any of the smear. It's bullshit from top to bottom.
The City Solicitor did a detailed investigation into the whole affair at the time and came back and said Chow and Layton had done nothing wrong. That should have closed the case, except that the idiots on the right can never let go of a good smear once it's running. Facts don't mean anything to them.