How do you experience racism/discrimination?


Just less active
Oct 14, 2002
You're so hard done by. My sympathies.
You know. I'd like to hear one right he does not have as a Canadian, that a Canadian visible minority has.

I'd also like to see him list the implied privileges he does/doesn't have. He can even use the link I posted above to even refute 1 of the points made.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
All the other groups need my money to support their idea of equality, that's how.
wow. the only taxpayer in canada. how do you have time to be on terb?
Red, it might be worse than you think. Azprint started the thread about the inferiority of short people. I suspect he has to support them as well. His views are interesting in that they come from an EE person who has been here for only ten years.


Jun 6, 2009
Red, it might be worse than you think. Azprint started the thread about the inferiority of short people. I suspect he has to support them as well. His views are interesting in that they come from an EE person who has been here for only ten years.
So does that mean he's one of them and not one of us?:eyebrows: I always though 'racism' was spelt with only one 's'.


Dec 25, 2012
I agree with the above, but before you can call something "racism" you need to define the difference between "racism" and "discrimination".

This is a topic I am very interested in, but i have to do some research before replying.

I believe that in our daily lives we all have to made decisions, and those decisions are based on some form of discrimination.
dont forget to add in prejudice and bias


New member
May 9, 2013
Excuse the dumb question but what's a "gook".
Gook*is a derogatory term for East Asians (especially Koreans) which came to prominence in reference to enemy soldiers.U.S. Marinesserving in the**Philippines**in the early 20th century used the word to refer to Filipinos.The term continued to be used by American soldiers stationed around the world to refer to non-Americans.It acquired its current status as a derogatory word for Asians at the time of the Vietnam War.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Or if it's a man and a woman, gay man vs straight man. Guess who's getting the job?

Btw, thread wasn't about whether we have it tough or not, but about how we experience racism and discrimination?
you are real funny...forgetting, or ignoring 1000 years of human history.. if you seriously think that being white is a disadvantage in our society , then you are delusional, if your not, then you are just trolling..


Just Me
Dec 5, 2008


New member
May 9, 2013
Gook, Rice Eater, Nuprin - they don't hurt my feelings enough. Got anything stronger?
We dont want to hurt your feelings :)

Personally I love those of oriental descent.. ive always had grest sessions with them.. always been treated fairly and never had any issues.


New member
Apr 1, 2005
I was reading the "no black guys" thread in the incall section. It seems a similar thread pops up every couple of months or so.

Discrimination is something we've probably all experienced one time or another. I was wondering how have you experienced racism or discrimination in your daily life? Is is something that happened once, once in a while, sometimes, a lot? What happened? How do you deal with it? Do you think it's just a fact of life, or is there something can we do to stop it from happening in the future?
Looks like it's time to get back to my original questions from the beginning of this thread.

Have you experienced discrimination/racism in your daily life? How do you deal with it? Is it culture (to honor our culture people we need to exclude people that don't belong), part of a natural desire to be with people who are like ourselves (people like us need to stick together), something that comes from the original sin (deep down we've all got evil intentions), or just ignorance (people are stupid)?

And since most of us seem to agree that racism/discrimination is bad, how do we make it stop?


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2003
And since most of us seem to agree that racism/discrimination is bad, how do we make it stop?
i would suggest that as a first step we need a new word to describe the problem.

I will admit that I prejudge people at times, quite regularly. I am most likely to do this based on their culture, which is to say assumptions about the shared values of they and their social group, not race.

I often work in the downtown section of a small city. If I see a young man loitering around with nothing to do during the business day, dressed like a punk out of a music video, and spending food stamps on energy drinks, I would think just as negatively about him regardless of whether he is black or white or asian. I frequently see all three in a given day.

In contrast if a young person were to interview with me for a job and they were intelligent, educated, respectful, and driven, I can't imagine race being any factor at all in my decision.

My distaste for anyone who is lazy, irresponsible, and who expects me to pay for their lifestyle while they sit around on their asses is not 'racism' is it?



New member
May 9, 2013
The only way to really make it stop is to disallow other cultures and races from living together.

But people will then just turn to prejudice... such as "I dont like short people" ect...

There will never be a time where everyone is content with everyone. We just have to do our best to avoid intolerant people and stick with like minded people, despite their color.


Dec 25, 2012
Looks like it's time to get back to my original questions from the beginning of this thread.

Have you experienced discrimination/racism in your daily life? How do you deal with it? Is it culture (to honor our culture people we need to exclude people that don't belong), part of a natural desire to be with people who are like ourselves (people like us need to stick together), something that comes from the original sin (deep down we've all got evil intentions), or just ignorance (people are stupid)?

And since most of us seem to agree that racism/discrimination is bad, how do we make it stop?
Go ahead, you start, clearly define the term and the problem. Thats the first step. Saying it is "bad" is meaningless.
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