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How do you experience racism/discrimination?


New member
Apr 1, 2005
I was reading the "no black guys" thread in the incall section. It seems a similar thread pops up every couple of months or so.

Discrimination is something we've probably all experienced one time or another. I was wondering how have you experienced racism or discrimination in your daily life? Is is something that happened once, once in a while, sometimes, a lot? What happened? How do you deal with it? Do you think it's just a fact of life, or is there something can we do to stop it from happening in the future?
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Resu Deretsiger
Oct 14, 2012
Considering that I belong to the group with least rights here in Canada, white straight males, ya really have to ask?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Considering that I belong to the group with least rights here in Canada, white straight males, ya really have to ask?


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Can't say I have experianced it.I live in a dominatly white region ( Niagara Region).Any minorities in my area usually are students attending college/university and they seem to keep to themselves.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
I don't know man; I just don't agree with your stance/opinion that white straight males have it rough here in Canada...quite the opposite really!!
Maybe what he is trying to say is,instead of jobs being open for everyone they are starting to ask for and demand visible minorities.Such as the police/fire departments recruiting for visible minorities regardless if they are qualified or not just to cater to the Human Rights Commision or to reflect the community they will be working in.
If that isn't discrimination what is?...Sorry we don't want you coz your to white!


New member
Dec 20, 2010
I was reading the "no black guys" thread in the incall section.
Well, there goes the theory that white women love black cock. I think the rationale behind that thread is preference, not discrimination. When it comes to sexual intimacy, we have a right to choose our partners accordingly and anyone (both male and female) who plays the race card in this theatre is either naive or ignorant.


Resu Deretsiger
Oct 14, 2012
Maybe what he is trying to say is,instead of jobs being open for everyone they are starting to ask for and demand visible minorities.Such as the police/fire departments recruiting for visible minorities regardless if they are qualified or not just to cater to the Human Rights Commision or to reflect the community they will be working in.
If that isn't discrimination what is?...Sorry we don't want you coz your to white!
Or if it's a man and a woman, gay man vs straight man. Guess who's getting the job?

Btw, thread wasn't about whether we have it tough or not, but about how we experience racism and discrimination?


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
White people have it so rough...How do you get by!! lmao
Relatively speaking they have had their "rights" eroded severely over the past 50 years. Any of us would be feeling
a bit jaded. While I understand their pain, I don't have too much sympathy for guys who believe that they are now
getting the short end of the stick, because that is far from the truth.

las venganza

Senior Member
Sep 21, 2007
Maybe what he is trying to say is,instead of jobs being open for everyone they are starting to ask for and demand visible minorities.Such as the police/fire departments recruiting for visible minorities regardless if they are qualified or not just to cater to the Human Rights Commision or to reflect the community they will be working in.
If that isn't discrimination what is?...Sorry we don't want you coz your to white!
No Matter where you go in Canada the Majority of Police Officers/Firemen are white!!! So what if they hire a few minorities (as long as they are qualified).

I know some minorities that are professionals that had a horrible time finding work because they were not white.

Some jobs are still exclusively all white here in the GTA. You have to be a part of the old boys club. I have a friend who trades stock here in Toronto, everyone that works with him are all White heterosexual males…no Women and no minorities (his words).
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