Blue Jays, 2013 edition


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
This article embodies much of the eloquence, wisdom and maturity...
That is absent in the sophomoric Public Relations Machine that defines the Blue Jays...
Slick Mad Men conning us that the Edsel is "great" (I'm looking at you Jerry Howarth)...
Sadly, a product of our shallow times... and a pale substitute for Greatness.
The article is actually a large, rancid pile of pseudo-philosophical garbage posing as a sports editorial and saying absolutely nothing worthwhile or even intelligible, while reveling in its own adolescent vitriol.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
The article is actually a large, rancid pile of pseudo-philosophical garbage posing as a sports editorial and saying absolutely nothing worthwhile or even intelligible, while reveling in its own adolescent vitriol.
Which makes it equivalent to most, if not all of ZeroSumPlus's posts.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
This article embodies much of the eloquence, wisdom and maturity...
That is absent in the sophomoric Public Relations Machine that defines the Blue Jays...
Slick Mad Men conning us that the Edsel is "great" (I'm looking at you Jerry Howarth)...
Sadly, a product of our shallow times... and a pale substitute for Greatness.
Somehow I don't think he read the entire article. The conclusion being a team needs time to gel. With the bad start, a ton of new personalities and injuries to key players when have they had time to do this.
The solution proposed of "blowing up" the team doesn't address this adds to it.
ZSP......if you're going to make a point, at least try to bolster the agruement withsomething that doesn't subtract from it........


Oct 5, 2008
After blowing up the Farm System...
Jays are 53-61... and 7th in wild-card standings 11.5 games out...
And allowed 39 runs on their recent "successful" 3-4 road trip = 5.57 ERA...
Overall... starting pitching ERA is 5.15 = 29th out of 30 teams.

OFFICIAL BLUE JAYS POSITION = Nothing wrong, no one to blame, we have no idea what's wrong...
As constantly repeated by AA, Gibby and shills like Wilmer on down.

It's not only pitching, but fundamental chemistry issues...
Requiring a either a massive shakeup or a 3 year Farm System rebuild.

But no matter what one proposes...
People just take AA's dick out of their mouth long enough... to suggest trading some scrubs.

OK, Blue Jay Nation = Zombie Nation

I'll grant you one thing...
For a Threadmill Team competing in the AL East...
At least it's entertaining and fun to watch.
1. Please explain specifically how they "blew up the farm system".
2. Where is this so-called "OFFICIAL BLUE JAYS POSITION" published or declared?
3. If they say "Nothing wrong", why would they say they "don't know what's wrong" ? (this clearly makes no sense)
4. Is insulting people (AA, Gibby, Blue Jays fans, other posters, etc.) a fair or even mature way to express your opinions?

In your next post, you even take a shot at Jerry Howarth. God forbid that a broadcaster should try to put a positive spin on the ball games and ball team he is broadcasting. Wouldn't want people to enjoy listening to the ball game or anything, would you.

Please go watch some baseball, learn a bit and come back when you at least have some basic knowledge about what you are talking about.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
1. Please explain specifically how they "blew up the farm system".
2. Where is this so-called "OFFICIAL BLUE JAYS POSITION" published or declared?
3. If they say "Nothing wrong", why would they say they "don't know what's wrong" ? (this clearly makes no sense)
4. Is insulting people (AA, Gibby, Blue Jays fans, other posters, etc.) a fair or even mature way to express your opinions?

In your next post, you even take a shot at Jerry Howarth. God forbid that a broadcaster should try to put a positive spin on the ball games and ball team he is broadcasting. Wouldn't want people to enjoy listening to the ball game or anything, would you.

Please go watch some baseball, learn a bit and come back when you at least have some basic knowledge about what you are talking about.
Loved reading that. Only 8 posts per year for you but that was worth waiting for.

Hope I don't disagree with you on anything.


Jun 6, 2009
OK, my mistake cuz I saw Vernon with the Yanks...
And was not following Beesball 2-3 years ago...

I still don't see any reason to view AA as a genius...
Must be based on the 2010 Jays that went 85-77.

That, baby, was 3 years ago...
But today the Farm System is bare (the best single evaluation of a GM)...
And the Jays are worse than the giant balls Anthopoulos sucks...
Game after game they make basic fundamental errors...
Multiple errors/game, miss cutoff men, laughing on the bench while losing big, etc...

I get it... AA gambled... and lost.

Now let's suck it up, move on, and rebuild the Farm System...
Not make the Jays AA's personal compulsive gambling problem.
Dude, maybe you should just stop MAKING ASSUMPTIONS, usually false...
I guarantee your life will be much better in general, baby.

I listened/watched to 99% of Jays games 1977-1994...
And then switched to basketball circa 1995...

So I am a disciple of Hall of Fame builder Pat Gillick.

AA has ZERO in common with Gillick...
Gillick spent 20 years methodically building the Jays Farm System...
Starting round 1983 studs were coming up every year and winning jobs...
We had outfields like Bell/Moseby/Barfield years before the ChamPeenChips.

Once Gillick left you got 20 years of Threadmill...
Broken down retreads like Melky hobbling around the outfield...
Spacemen like Dickey tweaking knuckleballs = Fun Reality TV.

In one "exciting" winter AA has guarateed you guys another 5-10 years of ThreadMill...
Now will be Colangelo Time... with AA swinging countless deals to save his gambling ass.

Frankly, anyone who supports AA today... knows little about building baseball teams.

At least the Raps have got a man in Gillick's mold...
The Masaih never overpays and never makes a deal without accumulating an asset...
You do that 25-30 times and you are looking at the NBA Finals.
So you admit to not watching the jays a lot since '95, but you vociferously prattle on about their mistakes and weaknesses as if you have a direct pipeline to the club.



Sep 5, 2005
So you admit to not watching the jays a lot since '95, but you vociferously prattle on about their mistakes and weaknesses as if you have a direct pipeline to the club.

Why would watching the previous 2,963 games be helpful in any way...
As opposed to watching/listening to the last 115 games of a completely re-built clusterf*ck?

Your post is a world-class LOGIC FAIL.

Frankly, I feel sorry for anyone who suffered through the Ash/Ricciardi eras...
Most people had better things to do... as they will when NFL/NBA season starts.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
Why would watching the previous 2,963 games be helpful in any way...
As opposed to watching/listening to the last 115 games of a completely re-built clusterf*ck?

Your post is a world-class LOGIC FAIL.

Frankly, I feel sorry for anyone who suffered through the Ash/Ricciardi eras...
Most people had better things to do... as they will when NFL/NBA season starts.
What's a 'threadmill'?


Jun 6, 2009
Why would watching the previous 2,963 games be helpful in any way...
As opposed to watching/listening to the last 115 games of a completely re-built clusterf*ck?

Your post is a world-class LOGIC FAIL.

Frankly, I feel sorry for anyone who suffered through the Ash/Ricciardi eras...
Most people had better things to do... as they will when NFL/NBA season starts.
You said you hadn't watched the Jays since '94, that's ~1000 games, not 115, and then you go downhill from there. yopu just showed you suck a basic math as well, keep up the good work.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2011
With Josh Johnson gone after this year, should the Jays take a chance and bring back Doc Halliday? He's a free agent at end of season. He would unify this team.
Actually after Halliday left several players told reporters, confidentially, that he wasn't a very close teammate. He often kept to himself and concentrated only on his preperation.


Jun 6, 2009
Actually after Halliday left several players told reporters, confidentially, that he wasn't a very close teammate. He often kept to himself and concentrated only on his preperation.
Apparently not that confidentially. A lot of pitchers are like that, not really news.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2011
Apparently not that confidentially. A lot of pitchers are like that, not really news.
No not really news, but the original point was that he could be a unifying force on the team. With that type of personality I don't think a player can unify a team.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
At this point, the only blue jays that would remember playing with Halliday would be Lind and maybe Bautista. The rest of the team is brand new. So why would he inspire them?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Apparently not that confidentially. A lot of pitchers are like that, not really news.
I suspect there are many guys who just look on it as a business, show up and do their job. I wonder if a lot of this rah-rah locker-room buddies stuff isn't made up for PR.


Active member
Jan 3, 2005
I suspect there are many guys who just look on it as a business, show up and do their job. I wonder if a lot of this rah-rah locker-room buddies stuff isn't made up for PR.

A lot is genuine. Lawrie, Kawasaki are really exuberant. Bautista EE Reyes also but a little more suttle. There are definitely guys that work at the game as a business and controlled emotions.


Jun 6, 2009
No not really news, but the original point was that he could be a unifying force on the team. With that type of personality I don't think a player can unify a team.
He may have been a leader once, especially among the pitchers, but as noted before, he left for more money and returning, for money, certainly not a championship, will not change that.
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