Blue Jays, 2013 edition


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Hey, watch the blasphemy... AA = Genius...
Because he miraculously got the *** Yankees *** to overpay for Vernon 100 years ago...
Should posts like this make us think more highly of your baseball acumen? The level of accuracy of your statements?

Just wondering.


Sep 5, 2005
A.A. traded Vernon Wells to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, not the New York Yankees.
OK, my mistake cuz I saw Vernon with the Yanks...
And was not following Beesball 2-3 years ago...

I still don't see any reason to view AA as a genius...
Must be based on the 2010 Jays that went 85-77.

That, baby, was 3 years ago...
But today the Farm System is bare (the best single evaluation of a GM)...
And the Jays are worse than the giant balls Anthopoulos sucks...
Game after game they make basic fundamental errors...
Multiple errors/game, miss cutoff men, laughing on the bench while losing big, etc...

I get it... AA gambled... and lost.

Now let's suck it up, move on, and rebuild the Farm System...
Not make the Jays AA's personal compulsive gambling problem.
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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
OK, my mistake cuz I saw Vernon with the Yanks....And was not following Beesball 2-3 years ago...
You weren't following baseball 3 years ago, and we're supposed to take your opinion seriously?

I don't think so.


Sep 5, 2005
You weren't following baseball 3 years ago, and we're supposed to take your opinion seriously?

I don't think so.
Dude, maybe you should just stop MAKING ASSUMPTIONS, usually false...
I guarantee your life will be much better in general, baby.

I listened/watched to 99% of Jays games 1977-1994...
And then switched to basketball circa 1995...
So I am a disciple of Hall of Fame builder Pat Gillick.

AA has ZERO in common with Gillick...
Gillick spent 20 years methodically building the Jays Farm System...
Starting round 1983 studs were coming up every year and winning jobs...
We had outfields like Bell/Moseby/Barfield years before the ChamPeenChips.

Once Gillick left you got 20 years of Threadmill...
Broken down retreads like Melky hobbling around the outfield...
Spacemen like Dickey tweaking knuckleballs = Fun Reality TV.

In one "exciting" winter AA has guarateed you guys another 5-10 years of ThreadMill...
Now will be Colangelo Time... with AA swinging countless deals to save his gambling ass.

Frankly, anyone who supports AA today... knows little about building baseball teams.

At least the Raps have got a man in Gillick's mold...
The Masaih never overpays and never makes a deal without accumulating an asset...
You do that 25-30 times and you are looking at the NBA Finals.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
Dude, maybe you should just stop MAKING ASSUMPTIONS, usually false...
I guarantee your life will be much better in general, baby.

I listened/watched to 99% of Jays games 1977-1994...
And then switched to basketball circa 1995...
So I am a disciple of Hall of Fame builder Pat Gillick.

AA has ZERO in common with Gillick...
Gillick spent 20 years methodically building the Jays Farm System...
Starting round 1983 studs were coming up every year and winning jobs...
We had outfields like Bell/Moseby/Barfield years before the ChamPeenChips.

Once Gillick left you got 20 years of Threadmill...
Broken down retreads like Melky hobbling around the outfield...
Spacemen like Dickey tweaking knuckleballs = Fun Reality TV.

In one "exciting" winter AA has guarateed you guys another 5-10 years of ThreadMill...
Now will be Colangelo Time... with AA swinging countless deals to save his gambling ass.

Frankly, anyone who supports AA today... knows little about building baseball teams.

At least the Raps have got a man in Gillick's mold...
The Masaih never overpays and never makes a deal without accumulating an asset...
You do that 25-30 times and you are looking at the NBA Finals.
Well sweetheart, aren't you a special fella.

Oh my goodness! You watched and listened to games! And the Yankees haven't scooped you up to run their club yet?!?

What's a 'ThreadMill'?

I think you may mean 'treadmill'.

What are 'ChamPeenChips'?

You really think Gillick didn't make any mistakes? Bill Caudill/Ken Dayley/ ring a bell? Those are just the 1st 2 names that come to mind.
Gillick traded Alan Ashby for Mark Lemongello, Joe Cannon & Pedro Hernandez, was offered Ron Guidry for Bill Singer, said no, traded away Pete Vuckovich for little in return. Jesse Barfield for Al (Mr. Blister) Leiter. He traded Jeff Kent, who will likely be the 1st Blue Jays draft pick to make the Hall of Fame.....and the list goes on......

Gillick made about as many mistakes as he made good decisions.

Dickey is a spaceman? You're thinking of Bill Lee.
R.A. Dickey won the 2012 Cy Young Award, was hurt early this year, but has settled down nicely (3.64 e.r.a. in past 7 starts, 5 of those in R.C. where he has not pitched as well as on the road).

Funny how virtually everyone in baseball picked Toronto to compete for/win their division.
The sharpest guys in the room, the oddsmakers in Las Vegas installed the Blue Jays as odds on favourites to win the World Series.

How's that following basketball worked out for you, in a league where more than 1/2 the teams make the playoffs every year, the Raptors have won exactly one series in their entire history!!

Good job, good effort.

Has A.A. made mistakes with some of his signings?
Of course, the only person that never makes a mistake is someone who stands pat.

Regarding your basketball observations, I'm pretty sure it's Masai, not that your grade 2 attempt to spell messiah?

One more question, what's with the RanDom CAPITAL LETterS that you toss in to various sentences.

By the way, my life is just fine, thank you. Now stop picking at your tooth with that matchbook cover and straighten your tinfoil hat.


Jun 6, 2009
Realistically, the BJs are not making the playoffs, but stranger things ave happened, yet I would be rrrrreeeeeeeeaaaaaaly happy if they beat the farkin' Yankees.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Has A.A. made mistakes with some of his signings?
Of course, the only person that never makes a mistake is someone who stands pat.
And the armchair critic who has 100% hindsight.

Why don't they show us their quotes in March saying how AA's moves were going to backfire. If they didn't criticize his moves back then they should STFU right now. AA's moves were almost universally praised at the time.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
And the armchair critic who has 100% hindsight.

Why don't they show us their quotes in March saying how AA's moves were going to backfire. If they didn't criticize his moves back then they should STFU right now. AA's moves were almost universally praised at the time.
Oh yeah, this.

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
I am aware that the Blue Jays got David Cone in return, a part of a World Series championship, but that was a hell of a price to pay.
I still think it was the right move. They jays were trying to win now (at that time) not later and who knew jeff kent would go on to have the type of career he had.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
I still think it was the right move. They jays were trying to win now (at that time) not later and who knew jeff kent would go on to have the type of career he had.
It was a move that Gillick had to make, Kent wasn't going to help the Blue Jays win the World Series in 1992, and David Cone did.
That being said, hell of a price to pay for a 2 month rental.


Sep 5, 2005
And the armchair critic who has 100% hindsight.

Why don't they show us their quotes in March saying how AA's moves were going to backfire. If they didn't criticize his moves back then they should STFU right now. AA's moves were almost universally praised at the time.
Shackie, baby...
The goal of MLB is to win the World Series...
Not to be "universally praised" in April by media pinheads.

Please update your calender it's August, baby.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Shackie, baby...
The goal of MLB is to win the World Series...
Not to be "universally praised" in April by media pinheads.

Please update your calender it's August, baby.
Different topic.

Any horse's ass can criticize after they've seen the result. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of those who vainly attempt to prove themselves knowledgeable about the team by lambasting the failed moves but for some reason were silent and not quite as smart when they said nothing as the moves were being made.

BTW, I was referencing the oddsmakers in Vegas, whose job it is to make cold-blooded, accurate assessments as billions of dollars are on the line, not the media who seek sensationalism, not accuracy. The money men had the Jays at or near the top. Only a pinhead would think those guys are pinheads. Do you not think they know their business. I'd like to hear your opinion of them.

Again, show me your criticisms of AA's moves back in April.

Otherwise, the critics come lately remind me of:



Sep 5, 2005
I am aware that the Blue Jays got David Cone in return, a part of a World Series championship, but that was a hell of a price to pay.
Gillick's Cone/Kent trade is interesting...
Because people might compare it to AA's winter gambooling.

Here are the facts:

August 27, 1992 (after the non-waiver trading deadline).

Toronto leading the AL East...
72-55, 2.0 games ahead of Baltimore...
*** But are having problems with starting pitching ***.

Cone is 13-7, 2.88 ERA with Mets.
Cone led NL in strikeouts 1990 and 1991

With Toronto...
Cone goes 4-3 with a 2.55 ERA...
Cone goes 1-1 with a 3.22 ERA in post-season.

Blue Jays are well rested down the stretch... and with 1992 World Series.

Just win, baby.

I don't see any similarity to any WINTER trade AA made pre-2013...
In fact, this is a textbook example of why Gillick is HOF...
While AA is running a High-Powered Excuse Machine.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
Hindsight, ain't it a son of a bitch!


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Gillick's Cone/Kent trade is interesting...
Because people might compare it to AA's winter gambooling.

Here are the facts:

August 27, 1992 (after the non-waiver trading deadline).

Toronto leading the AL East...
72-55, 2.0 games ahead of Baltimore...
*** But are having problems with starting pitching ***.

Cone is 13-7, 2.88 ERA with Mets.
Cone led NL in strikeouts 1990 and 1991

With Toronto...
Cone goes 4-3 with a 2.55 ERA...
Cone goes 1-1 with a 3.22 ERA in post-season.

Blue Jays are well rested down the stretch... and with 1992 World Series.

Just win, baby.

I don't see any similarity to any WINTER trade AA made pre-2013...
In fact, this is a textbook example of why Gillick is HOF...
While AA is running a High-Powered Excuse Machine.
1)With the huge revenue generated by a championship, just about any team in any sport would trade a future HOF'er for a championship.

2)Teams in such different positions as the current and '92 Jays change their rosters in different ways for different purposes. Those Jays truly only needed to add a piece or two to complete the puzzle. AA has had to basically start from scratch in the last 2 or 3 years. Previous to this year the Jays were never, ever mentioned as post-season contenders let alone Vegas favourites for the WS. Keeping this in mind AA has (this Titanic of a season notwithstanding) improved the the team where they are now in the discussion. A crap out season but it seems they are headed in the right direction.

In light of that, I'm willing to give him a mulligan for this year, but he'd better make some good moves for next year and the team wins at least 90 games and probably under a different manager.

3)On a side note and I believe this kind of thing still happens but how does a player like Cone pass through waivers to the Jays and with their record they may have had the last team to get a crack at him? Surely one of the other 28 teams could use and afford a player like Cone. Just among the playoff contenders who only have to pick up his salary and not lose a player.:confused:


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Curious if ZSP was saying the same thing about gillick in 85 when they blew the playoffs to Kansas. Or in 87 when they collapsed to Detriot. Or in 89 when they were swept by Oakland.
I wonder how he felt about trading Mcgriff and Fernandez in 90?

Watch because they key to this trade Reyes. D tool player and locked for 5 years.

I remember when "Stand Pat" was villified in the press. AA is better than you think. Players half to perform too. It took two years from the Alomar/Carter trade. So too will contender take time again.
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