Vaughan Spa

Third win for Mayor Ford!


Mar 21, 2011
Your hate on for Ford is laughable. You said that "Rob dropped out of university; the only job he's ever had is the a year and a bit at the FAMILY label plant doing 'sales'." but our last Mayor, you know, the Harvard educated one who raised taxes over and over and ballooned the city's debt with not much else to show for it other than a than a garbage strike was so much better. Again, laughable!
Miller left a surplus and a transit plan that Ford killed.
Ford's surplus is mostly leftover from Miller, and now that Wynne is getting on his ass its also proving somewhat transitory.
Ford is too busy sticking fridge magnets on things to actually do anything useful for the city, like resigning.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Miller left a surplus and a transit plan that Ford killed.
And he was also the winner of this award. Glad you like a winner!

13th Annual Lifetime Achievement Teddy:

David Miller

“And the Lifetime Achievement Teddy goes to…former Toronto Mayor, David Miller, for a career of reckless taxing-and-spending. As Mayor, Miller grew the city’s operating budget by 44 per cent, $2.8 billion, increased the city’s debt by more than $1 billion and increased property taxes every year well beyond the rate of inflation. He fought for and got new taxing powers which he used to impose a host of new taxes, including a: plastic bag tax, garbage tax, car tax, billboard tax, and land transfer tax.”

Concluding the ceremony Gaudet remarked, “over the years David Miller has provided so much material for the Teddies we will see if future municipal nominations will suffer with his departure.”
Even someone from the Toronto Star agrees. lol

Rondi Adamson Published on Fri Jun 07 2013

It might come as a surprise to some Torontonians that many of us who voted for Rob Ford in 2010 did not do so because we were impressed with his PR prowess. We voted for him because we feared a vote for George Smitherman would mean a continuation of life in Miller-ville.

The received wisdom about Mayor Ford is that those who voted for him are all angry, car-worshipping, Tim Hortons-frequenting suburbanites who see those who live in Toronto as “them” and who believe that “them” are out to get their guy. Another assertion is that regardless of the election, they reflexively vote conservative.

I live in Toronto — downtown — and have been known to drink a Starbucks latte or 50. I don’t own a car. In a recent byelection I supported the animal rights candidate in my riding. In short, I don’t qualify for membership in “Ford Nation” and yet, in the 2010 municipal election, I voted for Rob Ford.

I voted for him because after two terms of a disastrous though media-friendly mayor, I did not relish the idea of another summer of strikes, and pungent, inconveniencing ones at that; another four years of being held hostage by unions; another four years of rent-seeking and overspending; another four years of a mayor who was antagonistic to Billy Bishop Airport, despite the undeniable benefits it brings to the city; another four years of having a mayor who prioritized bike lanes over concerns about the reasonable flow of car traffic. (For the record, I’m not against bike lanes; I’m against bike lanes on streets like Jarvis.)

Since his election, the mayor has had some successes: privatizing garbage collection west of Yonge; scrapping the car registration tax; rerouting the bike lane on Jarvis back to traffic. This week it was announced that Toronto finished 2012 with a surplus of $248 million. And much of this has been accomplished with a less-than-co-operative city council, in part made up of people seeking to further their chances in future elections; in part made of those still apoplectic — two and a half years in — that Ford won a mandate.

What I like about Ford — and this is something David Miller never understood — is that he understands that mandate. The job of the mayor is to deal with infrastructure and services and make the city run as efficiently as possible. The job of the mayor is not, say, to mandate ethnic food carts, as Miller saw fit to do. And I write this as someone who would prefer a falafel over a vegetarian hotdog any day.

I wish Mayor Ford were handling the current drama with aplomb. But were an election held today, with the allegations against him unproven, I would likely vote for him again. I say “likely” because in a fictional election, I don’t know the fictional opponents. Were we talking about Olivia Chow, I would vote for Ford, because I think Chow-town would be Miller-ville, The Sequel.

Since 2010, a common cry from some of my anti-Ford friends has been, “It’s not my Toronto, anymore!” Sure it is. When Miller was mayor I never thought it wasn’t “my Toronto.” I just thought it was my Toronto run by a grandstanding incompetent.

And this is what those who want Ford gone have never understood: their inability to admit that Miller was a disaster and that Smitherman or Chow would be more of the same. Field a better candidate already and some of us would leave Ford Nation.

Rondi Adamson is a Toronto writer.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
But Ford gave us the weekly weigh-in and the weight loss challenge to other mayors! That was......umm...entertaining?


Jan 31, 2005
The left/right debate is boring. The pendulum will swing back and forth forever. And that's good.

Is it too much to ask for someone competent?

Who, when they go around yelling "subways, subways, subways" actually has a plan and gets the job done?

Someone who doesn't smoke crack?

I don't care left vs right as much as I care about honesty, integrity, vision, and getting the job done.

I disagree with the politics of someone like Margaret Thatcher but deeply admire and respect her determination to do things, to implement, to act.

Whether a problem is solved with a left wing or right wing approach is less important than that it is solved. Doing nothing about our problems is far worse.

My biggest problem with Ford is that he hasn't shown up. The job isn't getting done. On the biggest issue and his major campaign promise, transit and subways, he has done fuck all.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Your hate on for Ford is laughable. You said that "Rob dropped out of university; the only job he's ever had is the a year and a bit at the FAMILY label plant doing 'sales'." but our last Mayor, you know, the Harvard educated one who raised taxes over and over and ballooned the city's debt with not much else to show for it other than a than a garbage strike was so much better. Again, laughable!

Speaking of lying, how many promises did McGuinty break? I think it's in the range of 250, but I don't hear you ragging on him. No surprise!

That's a stretch. How many jobs did David Miller ever create vs. Ford. I suspect you will be able to provide accurate data. BTW you can't count tax-payer funded public sector jobs as part of your number. As we all know, those are easy to increase.
This is thread about Ford, not someone who was Mayor two years ago. Is that comparison the only way you think you can make Ford look good? If you want to talk about previous Mayors start a thread. Ditto if you want to talk about past Premiers.

Job creation isn't a mayoral function that I'm aware of, and the matter was raised in reference to pre-political professional life anyway. The other two guys you dragged in here managed to convince someone other than their own big bro' to create a job for them. As practising lawyers, they can at least be creditted with some sort of economic self-sufficiency that earned a buck or two ferom someone other than family before entering politics.

Not Rob.


Apr 24, 2005
I am so disappointed. I heard on 680NEWS this morning that a poll of Canadians only ranked the Ford alleged crack scandal 3rd. Duffy and gas plants ranked one and two.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
This is thread about Ford, not someone who was Mayor two years ago. Is that comparison the only way you think you can make Ford look good? If you want to talk about previous Mayors start a thread
Of course oldjones has made plenty of posts himself in this thread where he compares Miller`s record to Ford`s. Might wanna follow your own advice there, oldfart:

Now watch, oldjones will come up with all kinds of excuses why his posts are somehow different and justified.



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I am so disappointed. I heard on 680NEWS this morning that a poll of Canadians only ranked the Ford alleged crack scandal 3rd. Duffy and gas plants ranked one and two.
Gee Whiz, the tragicomic escapades of a buffoon from Etobicoke are the number three story across Canada, and you're disappointed? Shows what twisted times we lie in.

I'd be wanting something like 'Toronto Mayor's Council winning streak still unbroken at 100 straight Yes votes, Citizens united in support'. or How about: Proposed gas plants win Enviro-Design Award; Toronto residents ask,'When do we get ours?'


Apr 24, 2005
Gee Whiz, the tragicomic escapades of a buffoon from Etobicoke are the number three story across Canada, and you're disappointed?
How can reasonable and rational people rank Duffy and gas plants ahead of our mayor? Where is my sarcastic smilie.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
Now watch, oldjones will come up with all kinds of excuses why his posts are somehow different and justified.

They might indeed be different if he is still trying to rationalize the provincial Liberals, he has to be the only one left myopic enough to do so. Except he would take 2,000 words to say so.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Of course oldjones has made plenty of posts himself in this thread where he compares Miller`s record to Ford`s. Might wanna follow your own advice there, oldfart:

Now watch, oldjones will come up with all kinds of excuses why his posts are somehow different and justified.

Only you would imagine that it was comparing mayors that I complained of. Or be obsessed enough to actually research and link my old posts. If anyone bothers to follow you up, I`ll happily stand by the points I made in them, and I should thank you for giving them extra prominence.

As for the exchange you horned in on, I guess gameboy now has help in actually finding good stuff to say about Rob, beyond `the guy he replaced was worse`. But neither of you has offered anything yet.

Or do you imagine you fevered opinion of me is of general interest to all TERB?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
They might indeed be different if he is still trying to rationalize the provincial Liberals, he has to be the only one left myopic enough to do so. Except he would take 2,000 words to say so.
Still? Never did. What the government of the day did or didn't do is quite another matter, sometimes interesting enough to discuss. But parties and their labels are for kindergarteners..


Apr 24, 2005
Mayor Ford helped raised the rainbow flag this morning to a chorus of cheers:thumb:, although some muted boos were heard from Adam Chaieff-Fathuthaler(sp), Ruby and Madger.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
I am so disappointed. I heard on 680NEWS this morning that a poll of Canadians only ranked the Ford alleged crack scandal 3rd. Duffy and gas plants ranked one and two.
Why would anyone outside of Ontario care about the gas plants?


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Mayor Ford helped raised the rainbow flag this morning to a chorus of cheers:thumb:, although some muted boos were heard from Adam Chaieff-Fathuthaler(sp), Ruby and Madger.
Cool.... will he be riding on the Gay Somali Crack Dealers Association float?


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Mayor Rob Ford says Liberals ‘blindsided’ him over funding for Toronto
Mayor Rob Ford accuses Premier Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal government of “blindsiding” him on a change to funding arrangements for the city of Toronto

“I’m furious. It’s just not right. Last-minute blindsiding,” Ford told reporters outside the Frost Building on Queen’s Park Cres.
“I’m very, very frustrated right now. I’m getting punished for running an efficient government. That’s exactly what’s happening here. They found out that Mayor Ford can turn the city around, but obviously these people can’t. It’s disgusting.”
When told that Ford had accused the province of ambushing him on the issue, Sousa wondered about confusion in the mayor’s office.
Before the treasurer wrote to Ford on June 13, Sousa’s chief of staff twice called his counterpart at city hall, but never heard back.

Coincidentally, June 13 was the day of Project Traveller raids, in which Toronto police targeted a Dixon Rd. apartment block that has been linked to a video — viewed by the two Star reporters and an editor at the website Gawker — of the mayor allegedly smoking crack cocaine.
Chief Bill Blair has repeatedly refused to say if Ford is in any way connected to the year-long police investigation into guns and drugs.
Sousa sounded exasperated that the mayor would accuse him of “blindsiding” the city.
“That’s interesting, because it was I who initiated the discussion at the start. And I told the mayor I’m a little disappointed myself because I made a call to the mayor’s office and said: ‘You’re going to receive a letter. I think it’s important for us to have a discussion relative to what’s in this letter and the net benefit that you’re going to have as a city,’” he said.
This is typical pattern for Ford. He did the same fucking thing with Karen Stintz regarding the TTC newstand leases - he deliberatley ignored her attempts to talk to him, and then after it was too late to do anything, went on his radio show to whine and to insult her.

Ford publicly scorned the TTC’s recent $50-million, sole-sourced contract for the newsstands, bakeries and cafés in the subway system; Stintz says she twice tried to call the mayor to discuss the deal, but never heard back. Yesterday, when Stintz found out the mayor was holding an impromptu press conference, she hustled to Ford’s office to observe. After a Ford staffer asked why she crashed the scrum, she replied, in pitch-perfect passive aggression, “I just want to hear what the mayor has to say. I don’t hear from him directly.”
Whether his incompetence is innate or due to crack smoking, this sort of repeated behaviour would not be acceptable in a regular work environment and he'd be written up for his continued refusal to reply to phone calls and emails.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
This is typical pattern for Ford. He did the same fucking thing with Karen Stintz regarding the TTC newstand leases - he deliberatley ignored her attempts to talk to him, and then after it was too late to do anything, went on his radio show to whine and to insult her.

Whether his incompetence is innate or due to crack smoking, this sort of repeated behaviour would not be acceptable in a regular work environment and he'd be written up for his continued refusal to reply to phone calls and emails.
I'm trying to see how about a week and a half would make a difference to the announcement. It wasn't going to be a consultation. They were going to do it. That is cut 150 million dollsrs to social housing. Where is the outcry against the Provincial govt? None so far. Where is OPAP marching on Queens Park? How can anyone blame the Mayor for a funding decision by the Liberals? Myopic.....


Mar 21, 2011
I'm trying to see how about a week and a half would make a difference to the announcement. It wasn't going to be a consultation. They were going to do it. That is cut 150 million dollsrs to social housing. Where is the outcry against the Provincial govt? None so far. Where is OPAP marching on Queens Park? How can anyone blame the Mayor for a funding decision by the Liberals? Myopic.....
Speaking of myopic, you do realize that provincial funding for Toronto is still going up, even with this cut?


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
The court would find in favour of the Star, which would trot out three eye witnesses and corroborating testimony from the police. The existence of the video would then become a judicial fact, Ford would be found to be lying in open court -- perhaps opening himself to perjury charges -- and he would very likely wind up paying the Star's legal cost for bringing such a frivolous and vexatious lawsuit.

Crack Nation may yammer on about how they don't believe eye witnesses and the various other reports, but that's just kooky nonsense and a judge will have none of it.

How does that help him?
If the Star can't provide the substantial evidence. they have 3 useless "eye" witnesses who has nothing but hearsay.
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