5-year-old shoots 2-year-old sister in Kentucky


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
You can't call this an accident. What parent thinks a 5 year old has the mental capacity to handle a rifle, let alone the fact that they left it in a corner of their mobile home with a round in it.

"It's a little rifle for a kid... The little boy's used to shooting the little gun," White said. Yeah, and now he will live the rest of his life knowing he killed his 2 year old sister. Nice!

BURKESVILLE, Ky. (AP) — In southern Kentucky, where children get their first guns even before they start first grade, Stephanie Sparks paid little attention as her 5-year-old son, Kristian, played with the rifle he was given last year. Then, as she stepped onto the front porch while cleaning the kitchen, "she heard the gun go off," a coroner said.

In a horrific accident Tuesday that shocked a rural area far removed from the national debate over gun control, the boy had killed his 2-year-old sister, Caroline, with a single shot to the chest.

"Down in Kentucky where we're from, you know, guns are passed down from generation to generation," Cumberland County Coroner Gary White said. "You start at a young age with guns for hunting and everything."

What is more unusual than a child having a gun, he said, is "that a kid would get shot with it."
In this case, the rifle was made by a company that sells guns specifically for children — "My first rifle" is the slogan — in colors ranging from plain brown to hot pink to orange to royal blue to multi-color swirls.
Kristian's rifle was kept in a corner of the mobile home, and the family didn't realize a bullet had been left in it.

"It's a normal way of life, and it's not just rural Kentucky, it's rural America — hunting and shooting and sport fishing. It starts at an early age," said Cumberland County Judge Executive John Phelps. "There's probably not a household in this county that doesn't have a gun."

In Cumberland County, as elsewhere in Kentucky, local newspapers feature photos of children proudly displaying their kills, including turkey and deer.

Phelps, who is much like a mayor in these parts, said it had been four or five years since there had been a shooting death in the county, which lies along the Cumberland River near the Tennessee state line.

"The whole town is heartbroken," Phelps said of Burkesville, a farming community of 1,800 about 90 miles northeast of Nashville, Tenn. "This was a total shock. This was totally unexpected."

Phelps said he knew the family well. He said the father, Chris Sparks, works as a logger at a mill and also shoes horses.

The family lives in a gray mobile home on a long, winding road, surrounded by rolling hills and farmland that's been in the family since the 1930s. Toys, including a small truck and a basketball goal, were on the front porch, but no one was home Wednesday.

There's a house across the street, but the next closest neighbor lives over a hill.
Family friend Logan Wells said he received a frantic call telling him that the little girl was in an accident and to come quickly.

When he got to the hospital, Caroline was already dead. "She passed just when I got there," Wells said.
White said the shooting had been ruled accidental, though a police spokesman said it was unclear whether any charges will be filed.

"I think it's too early to say whether there will or won't be," Trooper Billy Gregory said.
White said the boy received the .22-caliber rifle as a gift, but it wasn't clear who gave him the gun, which is known as a Crickett.

"It's a little rifle for a kid. ... The little boy's used to shooting the little gun," White said.

The company that makes the rifle, Milton, Pa.-based Keystone Sporting Arms, has a "Kids Corner" on its website with pictures of young boys and girls at shooting ranges and on bird and deer hunts. It says the company produced 60,000 Crickett and Chipmunk rifles for kids in 2008. The smaller rifles are sold with a mount to use at a shooting range.

Keystone also makes guns for adults, but most of its products are geared toward children, including books and bright orange vests and hats.

"The goal of KSA is to instill gun safety in the minds of youth shooters and encourage them to gain the knowledge and respect that hunting and shooting activities require and deserve," the website said. No one at the company answered the phone Wednesday.

According to the website, company founders Bill McNeal and his son Steve McNeal decided to make guns for young shooters in the mid-1990s and opened Keystone in 1996 with just four employees, producing 4,000 rifles that year. It now employs about 70 people.

It also has a long list of testimonials from parents who talk about how grateful they are to be able to go shooting with their children.

Sharon Rengers, a longtime child advocate at Kosair Children's Hospital in Louisville, said making and marketing weapons specifically for children was "mind-boggling."

"It's like, oh, my God," she said, "we're having a big national debate whether we want to check somebody's background, but we're going to offer a 4-year-old a gun and expect something good from that?"


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
An image from the webpage of the company that made the gun.
Only in the U.S. where even kids could be a target of gun marketing.



New member
Jan 19, 2006
Tragic but irresponsible. It wasn't a five year old having been given a rifle, it was a five year old not having been taught the basics: Never, ever point a firearm at someone you are not ready to and legally justified in killing, always make sure your weapon has been cleared, a firearm is not a toy, never handle a firearm without adult supervision, it was the weapon not having been secured.


Just less active
Oct 14, 2002
Tragic but irresponsible. It wasn't a five year old having been given a rifle, it was a five year old not having been taught the basics: Never, ever point a firearm at someone you are not ready to and legally justified in killing, always make sure your weapon has been cleared, a firearm is not a toy, never handle a firearm without adult supervision, it was the weapon not having been secured.
I have never met a five-year-old that will always do what he/she is supposed to do. Most adults don't.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I have never met a five-year-old that will always do what he/she is supposed to do. Most adults don't.
Which is why it shouldn't have been just laying around for the boy to play with, since another of those rules is firearms are not toys.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
"It's a normal way of life, and it's not just rural Kentucky, it's rural America — hunting and shooting and sport fishing. It starts at an early age," said Cumberland County Judge Executive John Phelps. "There's probably not a household in this county that doesn't have a gun."

I wonder if there's a correlation to the average IQ of the county.


Jun 6, 2009
"It's a normal way of life, and it's not just rural Kentucky, it's rural America — hunting and shooting and sport fishing. It starts at an early age," said Cumberland County Judge Executive John Phelps. "There's probably not a household in this county that doesn't have a gun."

I wonder if there's a correlation to the average IQ of the county.
Considering only ~10% of the US electorate hunts, the spokesman statement seems flawed.


Jul 21, 2012
Which is why it shouldn't have been just laying around for the boy to play with, since another of those rules is firearms are not toys.
If people can't be responsible enough to have their guns locked up, perhaps there SHOULD BE stricter gun control laws because of yahoos as such, along with a catchy phrase like, ohhhh, "FIREARMS ARE NOT TOYS". ;)


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Why the fuck does a 5 year old need to learn how to shoot? Yes, the parents are irresponsible for not locking up the gun.. But, if you ask me, the gun manufacturer is equally irresponsible for manufacturing a firearm specifically for children..


Been there done that. Bored, need help
Jan 22, 2004
Under you
Blame the parents all the way. No matter what the gun laws are south of the border, that is irresponsible parenting. BTW, did you see the stat that almost 900 people a year a killed by accident in 2011? Wow, so sad.

cunning linguist

Well-known member
Oct 13, 2009
Why the fuck does a 5 year old need to learn how to shoot? Yes, the parents are irresponsible for not locking up the gun.. But, if you ask me, the gun manufacturer is equally irresponsible for manufacturing a firearm specifically for children..
And what message does it send when other companies manufacture plastic toys that shoot foam darts or a stream of water, meant to be used against each other?


New member
Aug 31, 2009
And what message does it send when other companies manufacture plastic toys that shoot foam darts or a stream of water, meant to be used against each other?
... You're right. Those plastic guns ARE exactly like real guns. Thank you for pointing out how a child using a water gun is totally as bad as a child using an actual gun.. It's amazing that I didn't recognize how EXACTLY THE SAME those two things are.

Heck.. We let kids fire water at each other? So OF COURSE we should let them fire bullets at each other!! DUH!! It would be IRRESPONSIBLE NOT TO!
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