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Gym pet peeves


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
3: Point out that if Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp or some other similar celeb was doing the looking, in 5 minutes they would be kneeling on the bathroom floor sucking dick. So obviously the problem isn't with your looking it is that you are not famous enough or hot enough and that is really more of a her problem, not a you problem.
This is outrageous! Should we regular non-famous fugly men be making this a Human Rights complaint? :D


Active member
Jul 12, 2006
The ones that baffles me are the fit, good looking women that wear yoga pants/shorts and sports bras that bitch at you for looking at them. If you don't want the attention, then don't dress that way.
I remember something that drives me nuts.

1: Tell them you are not going to apologize for not being a gay and find their attitude hetrophobic and deeply offensive and demand an apology.
2: Say you are looking at them because they are sexually harassing you and are offended and that if you wore pants so tight that they could tell if you had been circumcised they would react the same way.
3: Point out that if Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp or some other similar celeb was doing the looking, in 5 minutes they would be kneeling on the bathroom floor sucking dick. So obviously the problem isn't with your looking it is that you are not famous enough or hot enough and that is really more of a her problem, not a you problem.

Of course none of these things will work with most females as they lack reason and accountability. If you find one who does respond well, marry them.
I usually respond in one of two ways, each said with a smirk/sly grin

1) Thank you for noticing.
2) I'm glad you like it.

More often then not, this disarms the woman who is doing the bitching. ;)



Nov 20, 2006
This is outrageous! Should we regular non-famous fugly men be making this a Human Rights complaint? :D
It is time for an Occupy Vagina movement. It is not fair that those who are in the top 1% looks charm wealth and or status get 50% of the vag. We must demand that the government tax the hotties and make them spread the vagina among the less fortunate.

Magic Hour

Active member
Jan 31, 2013
I don't like when people are chatty while you're trying to get the heart rate up. Lots of lonely people, and people with issues at the gym. Guess I could get headphones and ignore them, but I don't like how they feel.

Art Mann

May 10, 2010
tonight at the gym i wore a baggy top so this one guy can actually work out without staring at my hooters :wink: so many perves at the gym lol does that mean i'm one of them :D

What ticks me off is the way you stare at my crotch while I'm working out . . .

. . . and then never do anything about it with those luscious lips of yours.



Well-known member
I spent 3,500.00$ and put a pretty good gym in my basement.That was 12 years ago and I don't miss the "fitness club" experience one bit.With a few exceptions, the clubs are social masturbation exercises for adrenaline junkies..little else.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
the muscle (meat) heads that uses the free weights and don't bother to return them when they are finish. It's the same meatheads that normally hogs the machines, sitting there picking their nose and pimples.


Well-known member
Jul 2, 2005
On top of yo mama!
the morons that wait 5 minutes between sets of the same exercise. especially during peak periods! for fuck sakes, there is only a couple benches, racks etc, so stop talking or staring at ur blackberry and move the fuck on. seems like half the people are there to socialize nowadays. I turned my goodlife membership in because of this and now work out of a $20 month ratty gym. the equipment may be old but at least the people in there are there to work out.


Nov 20, 2006
the morons that wait 5 minutes between sets of the same exercise. especially during peak periods! for fuck sakes,
You could ask to work in between sets. I've never found people to have a problem with that. There are perfectly cromulent reasons to wait 5 minutes between sets and there is more than enough time to work in.


Dec 5, 2001
On the right

what ticks me off is when the person before me on the machine doesn't wipe it off after they are drenched in sweat. please wipe !
I used to assiduously wipe every machine after I had used it. I then started noticing how few do that and now wipe them down well before. Haven't had a cold this year. I really hate the idiots that wipe a machine down with the sweaty towel they have had wrapped around their necks.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
I go to a huge Goodlife before work and it's never busy so I don't have a problem waiting for any equipment. However on weekends I go to a smaller one closer to home and there's this one guy who "sets up camp". Even when it's busy he will put his towel and bag down at one of the 2 chest benches, and then wheel over a flat bench to set up His Personal Space. So now he's occupying 2 benches for close to an hour. But wait, there's more!
First off, his idea of a bench press is to push up the barbell and then lower it abut 2" and then back up again. AND THEN he will walk away from these 2 'reserved' benches and use some of the cable machines in a type of circuit. So now he's taking up 2 benches and 2 cable machines at the same time.
It doesn't affect my routine but it bothers me that he needlessly monopolizes so much equipment.
Also not a fan of the locker room exhibitionist who parades all around the locker room butt naked for 15mins
I know it's a cliche that old men do this. But younger men also do some gross things:
1. a couple of weeks ago I came into the dresing room and there was a guy in his 20s sitting on the bench in front of my locker so I had to wait for him to get changed. He was sitting bare-assed on the bench. No towel underneath him :Eek:
2. I was taking a piss at a urinal and a 20-something guy finishes up peeing at another urinal, turns, and walks out of the bathroom and back to the weight room. Without washing his hands. Hello?!

Oh yeah another peeve: people who take 3 minutes to completely fill up a liter water bottle at the drink fountain. Come on, you're not doing a triathlon under a hot sun, you're going to sit at a cable machine and slowly move a handle less than a meter for 5 reps and then rest, and barely break a sweat. Take a sip and move on!

Taking pet peeves to another level:
Personal trainers who
a. teach bad form.
b. have their client do squats in the smith machine. I mean if you're going to instruct someone to do squats TEACH THEM! In the squat rack. With a barbell.
c. The Charmer. The PT who won't stop talking and just chats away about nothing while the client sits there listening instead of oh maybe working out since you're paying for it!.


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
Low ceiling gyms.

I worked out at Extreme Fitness at Yonge and Shepp 10 years ago. The gym had a low ceiling and a very poor air filtration system so all of the sweat and B.O from some of the members circulated throughout the gym 24/7. The place always stunk like a big old hockey gym bag with a pepperoni stick in it. It really was the land of the F.O.B's in that place. I would be warming up on the bike look over and see a dude lifting weights with a dress shirt, jeans and dress shoes on.lol. I just shook my head and tried to finish my workout asap. A bunch would come in workout for an hour without changing then pull out cologne from their bag and spray themselves up without even taking a shower, yuck.

There was a high volume of a certain ethnicity that worked out there and some reeked of italian sausage/ pepperoni whenever they would sweat and the smell was so putrid:faint: that I couldn't stand it anymore and changed gyms. I paid the penalty to quit the gym and left after 2 months. I wouldn't go back there if the membership was free and they served free beer with every workout. Gross B.O smell wall to wall in that place.

I now pick my gyms allot better and look for the area its in, who goes there and for the ceiling to be high with great ventilation. I don't ever want to smell those overly hairy, pepperoni smelling funk's again. Pure Fitness at Eg/Laird is great. Nice high ceilings, great air flow and no funky odors.


Well-known member
I used to train at the Adonis Gym..in downtown Oshawa before it closed ..that place was a dungeon with old brick walls..duct tape over some of the benches..they were THAT old and banged up..dumbbells were chipped.. reeked of sweat, the summertime was fucking brutal, but I loved it!!
The people there were there for 1reason..get their workout in and GTFO
I remember seeing a pro BB there once...he was massive he was getting ready for the NOC'. Contest in NYC


May 25, 2008
Just about 2 miles past appropriate
the morons that wait 5 minutes between sets of the same exercise. especially during peak periods! for fuck sakes, there is only a couple benches, racks etc, so stop talking or staring at ur blackberry and move the fuck on. seems like half the people are there to socialize nowadays. I turned my goodlife membership in because of this and now work out of a $20 month ratty gym. the equipment may be old but at least the people in there are there to work out.
Reason # 476 to turn in a Goodlife membership.


May 25, 2008
Just about 2 miles past appropriate
Taking pet peeves to another level:
Personal trainers who
a. teach bad form.
b. have their client do squats in the smith machine. I mean if you're going to instruct someone to do squats TEACH THEM! In the squat rack. With a barbell.
c. The Charmer. The PT who won't stop talking and just chats away about nothing while the client sits there listening instead of oh maybe working out since you're paying for it!.
Reason #477 never to go to Goodlife. Personal trainers that look like the fat guy from Lost. Really?


May 25, 2008
Just about 2 miles past appropriate
You could ask to work in between sets. I've never found people to have a problem with that. There are perfectly cromulent reasons to wait 5 minutes between sets and there is more than enough time to work in.
Agreed. If you are afraid to ask to work in between sets you should probably not be working out at a public gym.


May 25, 2008
Just about 2 miles past appropriate
I remember something that drives me nuts.

If you are going to spot someone, follow the fucking instructions.
Interesting because because I hate it when some complete stranger at a gym who has to work-out alone because he has no friends interrupts my own workout to ask me for a favour, and then gives me detailed instructions about how he wants me to perform this favour.

I usually fuck it up intentionally so the social misfit never bothers me again during my workout and maybe makes more of an effort to be less of a dick and make some friends so he wouldn't have to bug people at the gym for a spot. When you think about it I'm really providing a service to humanity.

But hey, that's just me. Always trying to make the world a better place.


Nov 20, 2006
Interesting because because I hate it when some complete stranger at a gym who has to work-out alone because he has no friends interrupts my own workout to ask me for a favour, and then gives me detailed instructions about how he wants me to perform this favour.

I usually fuck it up intentionally so the social misfit never bothers me again during my workout and maybe makes more of an effort to be less of a dick and make some friends so he wouldn't have to bug people at the gym for a spot. When you think about it I'm really providing a service to humanity.

But hey, that's just me. Always trying to make the world a better place.
Someone who isn't a social misfit would just say no if he didn't want to..
Someone who isn't a social misfit would just lend a hand and not make a big deal about it. I only ask for one set of one exercise and I pick the person I ask carefully.
A person who isn't a social misfit would realize that doing the spot wrong doesn't send a message to not bug people for a spot, it sends the message that you are retarded.

Also many people work out alone, I am sure they are not all social misfits. Also I rarely get asked to spot someone, it isn't the sort of thing to start cutting yourself over. But hey a person who isn't a social misfit could handle being asked for an assist once in a while.
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