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How dumb am I? I bought a jacket with coyote fur on the collar.


New member
May 2, 2012
Ill bet you 99.something % of people that live in Timmins or elsewhere dont own a $700 coat and stay warm just fine. Not to mention you dont live there and are just visiting so not a long term need. Thats your choice of course but goofy to me
The people who live there are probably much more used to the biting cold. I'm not griping about the price of the coat. There was not a lot of shopping options so I choose to support the local economy. I just did not realize I was buying fur. You see these jackets all over the city. I'm just surprised there was not more of a backlash against them as many people are anti fur. I've unzipped the collar. So I don't fear being paint bombed.



New member
May 2, 2012
you paid 700$ for a jacket ?
I'm the type of person who will spend for quality. I figured the jacket would last more than 10 years and keep me warm. Seemed like a good investment.



internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
I'm the type of person who will spend for quality. I figured the jacket would last more than 10 years and keep me warm. Seemed like a good investment.

you can get a good jacket that will last you a good couple of years and keep you warm for like 100$. hell i got a thick denim work coat with fake fur lining and a quality hood for 65$ at marks.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I was doing some work in Timmins recently where it's bitterly cold. I ended up shopping on Main St. and picked up a Canada Goose jacket as there were limited options. Priciest coat I've ever bought but I've always heard good things about how warm they are. I totally thought the fur on collar was fake not coyote fur. My mistake. Gross. (Though I get that I eat meat, wear leather shoes and do other things that would make PETA rage) I just wish I was more informed before I dropped almost $700 bucks on the coat. At least the collar can be zippered off. I wish I could just return it though. The company line is that the fur is for function, not fashion.

$700 jacket with fake fur? what's next, Tiffany and Cartier rings with fake diamonds?


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
I was doing some work in Timmins recently where it's bitterly cold. I ended up shopping on Main St. and picked up a Canada Goose jacket as there were limited options. Priciest coat I've ever bought but I've always heard good things about how warm they are. I totally thought the fur on collar was fake not coyote fur. My mistake. Gross. (Though I get that I eat meat, wear leather shoes and do other things that would make PETA rage) I just wish I was more informed before I dropped almost $700 bucks on the coat. At least the collar can be zippered off. I wish I could just return it though. The company line is that the fur is for function, not fashion.

how could you fur-get it had a coyote hood?


Apr 27, 2008
Way more humane than farm raised fur where the animals live in horrible conditions and are sometimes even skinned alive.
. I have a cousin that runs a fur farm. Animals living in horrible conditions are under a lot of stress. Animals under a lot of stress do not produce a high quality fur. Animals are well fed. Animals that are poorly fed do not produce a high quality fur. Animals are humanely killed, they are not skinned alive. What a ridiculous statement.


Jul 1, 2012
In my bum
Troops owns and wears a black mink full length coat, and don't care how it was made. Animal activist can give me dirty looks all they wants. As far as i'm concerned, I didn't kill them animals. Who is to say mine did not die of natural causes. If they didn't, oh well, theyre already dead, so might as well make good use out of them by keeping me warm and look pimpin.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
To the OP, I completely sympathize with your position.

I will not buy a Canada goose jacket with coyote fur, or any other fur for that matter. See if you can remove the fur and send it back to the company and tell them you didn't know it was real fur and it disgusts you that it is. More and more people are realizing it is real fur and they are speaking out against it. There is no reason that the company cannot use fake fur.

The fur industry is wrong from top to bottom. Be they raised for fur, or trapped in the wild.

If any other posters on here are so naive to think that the coyotes are hunted by "skilled trappers" and don't suffer, or "suffer minimally" - I have some oceanside property in Saskatchewan I want to sell you because you really are that dumb.

The fur industry is cruelty defined.

At least with leather you can say, "well, the animal was raised for food and nothing went to waste" With an animal that was killed for its fur, nothing of the sort can be said.

People who support fur are sick bastards.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
First of all, your existence pleases me Klute.

Second of all, I'm not proud of this but my first reaction to people who wear Canada Goose is I look down my nose at them because most of them don't even know Canada Goose uses coyote fur... And then I have to remind myself that I am being an unfair judgmental asshole, and they just don't know, they have never seen the way coyote fur is harvested blah blah blah but I mean it takes me awhile to calm myself down. ....
Sorry but coyotes are a pest, killing domestic pets and livestock, taking over the habitats of naturally occurring species and with a population growing out of control. They are being killed anyways to control their population so we might as well make use of their fur.

p.s. I was recently talking to an environmentalist who has taken up hunting deer for the same reason, lack of predators means a ridiculous and unsustainable growth of their population. I'm not a fan of hunting but the rationale makes sense.

Just because they are animals doesn't make them good.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
. I have a cousin that runs a fur farm. Animals living in horrible conditions are under a lot of stress. Animals under a lot of stress do not produce a high quality fur. Animals are well fed. Animals that are poorly fed do not produce a high quality fur. Animals are humanely killed, they are not skinned alive. What a ridiculous statement.
For the most part, yes. I would have to agree with you. Sure the animals are fed. I'm no animal activist but watch some of those PETA undercover videos, the animals shown were not kept in humane conditions and were not humanely culled. And yes, there were some that were skinned alive and clearly in a lot of pain.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
First of all, your existence pleases me Klute.

Second of all, I'm not proud of this but my first reaction to people who wear Canada Goose is I look down my nose at them because most of them don't even know Canada Goose uses coyote fur... And then I have to remind myself that I am being an unfair judgmental asshole, and they just don't know, they have never seen the way coyote fur is harvested blah blah blah but I mean it takes me awhile to calm myself down.

Third of all, to those in this thread whose conscience is content because they read a statement online about ethics by the company whose product is in question, I know the official Canada Goose website says humanely harvested but give me a break - that's like when the hotel I stay at says they won't change the sheets or give me fresh towels unless I request it because they care about the environment. Hello, it's called "corporate green washing" - look it up. And yeah I get it coyote overpopulation is a bitch - wah wah wah - but there is nothing ethical about the way these traps are set up and the way the coyote starve to death and suffer horrendously - they break their teeth trying to escape - while they are stuck in these traps which are checked only a couple times a month.

Fourth of all, to those on this thread drinking haterade, you don't have to be a vegan/vegetarian whatever to be conscientious (sic?) of animal suffering. Just because a person eats meat or wears leather or whatevs doesn't mean they are not allowed to have an opinion or take offence to animal cruelty. Hey haters, by your logic, just because I think some of the people on this thread are idiots and I would like to punch them in the face, I shouldn't bother trying to be nice to anyone else because hey, I'm just a kinda' person that likes to punch people in the face.

Fifth of all, I specifically chose to buy North Face as opposed to Canada Goose specifically because of the coyote fur collars which - "serve a function"? What function is it serving that faux fur does not serve for people living in southwestern Ontario? But anyway, back to point 5, I do research before I buy anything and I thought North Face was the most ethical and functional jacket comparatively for what I need to use it for and just last year it came out that their geese were force fed. Sucky. But I'm not going to throw this one away because that would be idiotic but if this jacket ever gets lost I definitely won't be supporting North Face in the future either.
Excellent post.

I'm 100 percent with you.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Sorry but coyotes are a pest, killing domestic pets and livestock, taking over the habitats of naturally occurring species and with a population growing out of control. They are being killed anyways to control their population so we might as well make use of their fur.

p.s. I was recently talking to an environmentalist who has taken up hunting deer for the same reason, lack of predators means a ridiculous and unsustainable growth of their population. I'm not a fan of hunting but the rationale makes sense.
I feel the same way about humans. Far too many.

The old, "coyotes eating livestock" bullshit eh.

No doubt right up there with killing thousands of bears because the bears attack people. (I think there was one bear attack last year and 5,000 bears on the other hand where killed just in case.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
james t kirk; If any other posters on here are so naive to think that the coyotes are hunted by "skilled trappers" and don't suffer said:
First of all, hunting and trapping are two different things. Secondly, a skilled trapper checks the traps frequently because if they didn't, there would be nothing left but bones. Thirdly, the trapper up north uses the pelts he collects to feed his family. Hardly a "sick bastard". Hunting and trapping are a part of our national heritage, this being Canada and all. It's easy to forget sitting in your downtown condo.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
ok, so heres the thing i dont left from somewhere to go to Timmins, without bringing proper outer wear.....have i summed it up properly?


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
ok, so heres the thing i dont left from somewhere to go to Timmins, without bringing proper outer wear.....have i summed it up properly?
you left out the part about buying a 700$ coat in timmins as well. i am sure it wasn't marked up 100%.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
you can get a good jacket that will last you a good couple of years and keep you warm for like 100$. hell i got a thick denim work coat with fake fur lining and a quality hood for 65$ at marks.
you know, nobs used to boast how much they paid for something, nowadays they boast how little they can spend..


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
you know, nobs used to boast how much they paid for something, nowadays they boast how little they can spend..
i saw a good quality coat and grabbed it. had no idea how much it cost till i got to the counter. i was pleasantly surprised. why spend 700$ when 65$ does the same job.
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