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Jonas Valanciunas in T.O means Raptors 2012 season almost here .

What do you Expect from this Years Raptors Team ?

  • Another Season of more Lottery Balls then Wins !

    Votes: 29 59.2%
  • Damm what a season ! We just missed the playoffs in last week of the Season

    Votes: 6 12.2%
  • Finally A Toronto Team Makes the Playoffs !

    Votes: 11 22.4%
  • Finally A Toronto Team that makes it pass the First Round

    Votes: 3 6.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

the boy wonder

New member
May 7, 2004
entertaining game yes, but another loss, hopefully they learn a bit about this loss, tomorrow is a must win!


New member
Mar 29, 2005
They lost it in the fourth quarter when they gave up an 11 point lead. They were winning the whole match through until 2 seconds to go, how disappointing is that.

They'll find it very difficult to lift themselves for tonight's game.


Apr 28, 2008
They lost it in the fourth quarter when they gave up an 11 point lead. They were winning the whole match through until 2 seconds to go, how disappointing is that.

They'll find it very difficult to lift themselves for tonight's game.
The fact the tieing 3 pointer is from a ball player who had a career 2 for 27 shooting percentage from beyond the arc means the baskeball gods were smiling on the Jazz last night .. Although Bargs who seems to forget how to score in 4th quarters may also add to why the Raps are 1-6 ..

Life as a Toronto sports fan .... Last year when we were cheering tanking the Raps win and this year when we want playoffs they start 1-6
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Active member
May 18, 2003
Bargs almost single handedly is making the Raps nearly unwatchable of late... I'm amazed he even breaks a sweat he looks like he's half asleep, he's an embarassment to the jersey. Meanwhile Amir is playing like his life depends on it. Casey has been truly awful during this streak too with his substitutions or lack thereof.


Apr 28, 2008
Bargs almost single handedly is making the Raps nearly unwatchable of late... I'm amazed he even breaks a sweat he looks like he's half asleep, he's an embarassment to the jersey. Meanwhile Amir is playing like his life depends on it. Casey has been truly awful during this streak too with his substitutions or lack thereof.
Bargs took the summer off and it seems he has taken the fall off also .


Active member
Jun 10, 2008
Raptors Win!!!! Raptors Win!!!! Raptors Win!!!! Get out the salami and cheese!!! They finally catch a break, they score 5 points in the 4th quarter running on fumes from triple OT the night before and Indy had like 5 chances to tie it up and they don't!!

Let's hope this turns the year around!!!


New member
May 19, 2012
Raptors will suck like they do EVERY year, I want to root for them but they give me no reason to.


Active member
Jan 20, 2006
Raptors Win!!!! Raptors Win!!!! Raptors Win!!!! Get out the salami and cheese!!! They finally catch a break, they score 5 points in the 4th quarter running on fumes from triple OT the night before and Indy had like 5 chances to tie it up and they don't!!

Let's hope this turns the year around!!!
ONly way you can beat a team shooting 36% is if your opponent is shooting 32%.
Like always can't tell if the Raps played good "D" or if Indiana just sucked. My guess is a little of both. I don't want to get down on the Raps when they win, but that won't do it against a really good team.
On the plus side, it looks to me like DeRozan is earning his big salary. Amir is a Beast. T.Ross looked like he's figuring out how to get minutes(gotta say was impressed with him holding off Hibbert in the post, as well as his overall hustle)....and gotta remember, if Lowry comes back healthy, he's a force to reckon with. Once again, it might have been to the team's advantage to have him out of action for a few games, cause some of these guys gotta learn to step up. I also think a healthy Klieza is very much welcome on this team at the 3 spot!!!


Apr 28, 2008
ONly way you can beat a team shooting 36% is if your opponent is shooting 32%.
Like always can't tell if the Raps played good "D" or if Indiana just sucked. My guess is a little of both. I don't want to get down on the Raps when they win, but that won't do it against a really good team.
On the plus side, it looks to me like DeRozan is earning his big salary. Amir is a Beast. T.Ross looked like he's figuring out how to get minutes(gotta say was impressed with him holding off Hibbert in the post, as well as his overall hustle)....and gotta remember, if Lowry comes back healthy, he's a force to reckon with. Once again, it might have been to the team's advantage to have him out of action for a few games, cause some of these guys gotta learn to step up. I also think a healthy Klieza is very much welcome on this team at the 3 spot!!!
It seems with Jose's under the PG ( triple double ) the pace is slow and it allows them to play solid defense . This run and gun system they were playing at the start of the season seems to effect the team's abilty to play defense . DeRozan seems to have turned a corner and developed a confidence and attitude recently on the court .


Active member
May 18, 2003
Last night Jonas should have got most of Barg's playing time in the fourth... He was playing well and not tin foul trouble. Bargs was shitty as he has ever been and getting paid for sleepwalking. Its decisions like that which make me think Casey is not a good coach.


Apr 28, 2008
Last night Jonas should have got most of Barg's playing time in the fourth... He was playing well and not tin foul trouble. Bargs was shitty as he has ever been and getting paid for sleepwalking. Its decisions like that which make me think Casey is not a good coach.
The Raptors organization baby's Bargs .... He didn't have a great night on the offensive end but heck that every player has those type of nights but then gets only 2 friggin boards which means he was totally useless .


Active member
May 18, 2003
Casey is horrible... Raps got a very good game from Val the first three quarters 11/11 and 3 blocks, then he doesn't play in the 4th and the Raptors are smoked.
It's total amateur hour, he has no idea what he is doing with his substitutions. He's losing tonnes of games while not giving his young players the PT they need to develop.


Apr 28, 2008
Casey is horrible... Raps got a very good game from Val the first three quarters 11/11 and 3 blocks, then he doesn't play in the 4th and the Raptors are smoked. It's total amateur hour, he has no idea what he is doing with his substitutions. He's losing tonnes of games while not giving his young players the PT they need to develop.
Your opinion maybe valid but free throws missed during crtical times of the game is something that makes me want to throw something at the tv set .


Active member
Jan 20, 2006
ON a positive note, nice to see Lowry back. He looked pretty good, but he also may have thrown things off in the 4th, and inadvertently lost the game. Raptors generally seem scared in the 4th. They are scared to be too far behind and scared to be ahead. Very much a psychological thing right now....but its also getting a bit ugly. Maybe with Lowry back they can still make some progress.


Active member
Jun 10, 2008
Listening to the Basketball Jones Podcast, the point was made that it's time to end the Andrea Bargnani era. It's over. The Raptors needs to move on, Bargnani needs to move on, it needs to happen.

I totally agree, problem is who would want him at his salary and what could you get back?

And is Colangelo too proud to deal him because he was his first pick as a Raptors GM and a 1st overall pick at that?


Active member
May 18, 2003
Another game, another loss... When your starting PG shoots 6 for 15, you're in trouble.
Casey must have heard all the criticism of him not playing Val, he let him play 35 minutes and foul out.


Active member
Nov 10, 2011
The Raps are now 3-9, brutal. I feel ashamed that I spent so much money on tickets this year, but I really paid to see their opponent and not them so it's not that bad.


Terror Belli Decus Pacis
May 26, 2008
This team is in trouble. No go to guy, no one that opposing defenses fear.

I think back to the draft and how Golden State/League Office fucked the Raps over - GS won the coin toss since both teams were tied for 7th and selected Harrison Barnes who we wanted badly as he wouldn't been the 3 for the next decade. That would've solidified all 5 starting spots. Raps then reached for Ross, signed stiffs like Fields & McGuire, and are now forced to play DeRozan at the 3. The interesting thing was that if GS dropped below 7th that pick would've gone to Utah so a lot was riding on that coin toss.


Active member
May 18, 2003
3 and 10.. Season is shaping up like a typical Raptors stinker. Well no way they extend Colangelo after this season unless he pulls off some kind of magic before the next draft.
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