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Flu Vaccine Time


Aug 18, 2011
Yes, it's essential for people whose immune systems are comprised ie. diabetes, heart disease, emphysema, asthma and the elderly.
it's also important for those who associate with people whose immune systems are compromised!


Jun 6, 2009
While vaccines are not 100% without risk (allergic reaction etc) it is fairly obvious that they are beneficial, all but wiping out terrible deseases like polio and small pox for instance. Yet there remains this backwards group, largely in the US of lettuce eaters :) who persist in perpetuating these narrow minded views, myths and fears. Hard to understand.
The article posted earlier lost it when it made the claim that vaccines failed because they don't protect you (100%). That's never been the claim, so I knew the author was not well versed in the facts of how vaccines worked, so the much of his article and opinions were questionable
You must be one of those conspiracy theory believers!
Listen, I've had pneumonia 3 times in my life and if it wasn't for the shots I would've/could've died, you know it all! :frusty:
I'm not a conspiracy theorist... And I won't be getting a flu shot it isn't really necessary for me.I'm young and healthy, I dont work with sick people or deal with the public all the time. Even if did, handwashing is good enough. We need to get sick every once and a while. I get sick all the time from kids . And I'd rather not contribute to some kind of super bug. I'd rather build up natural immunities. If it's not going to kill me or disable me, I don't really want to take the shot... I don'teally agree with everyone having access to it either.


Jun 6, 2009
I'm not a conspiracy theorist... And I won't be getting a flu shot it isn't really necessary for me.I'm young and healthy, I dont work with sick people or deal with the public all the time. Even if did, handwashing is good enough. We need to get sick every once and a while. I get sick all the time from kids . And I'd rather not contribute to some kind of super bug. I'd rather build up natural immunities. If it's not going to kill me or disable me, I don't really want to take the shot... I don'teally agree with everyone having access to it either.
Getting it when you're young is best. You also don't know who's handle that door knob, drawer handle, or window latch, just before you. You have more risk from getting a problem with superbugs because of excessive use of antibiotic soaps and shot.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Don't believe everything you read. Drug companies are worth billions, they can and do create the news they want you to hear

Sure vaccines have done more good then harm but they are NOT harmless. People don't live any longer then 300 years ago, just more people live to a ripe old age.

Benjamin Franklin lived to he was 84 years old and was born in 1706...even today 84 years is pretty darn good
Did you really just suggest that people don't live longer than they did 300 years ago? Really?


New member
Oct 12, 2010
I'm not a conspiracy theorist... And I won't be getting a flu shot it isn't really necessary for me.I'm young and healthy, I dont work with sick people or deal with the public all the time. Even if did, handwashing is good enough. We need to get sick every once and a while. I get sick all the time from kids . And I'd rather not contribute to some kind of super bug. I'd rather build up natural immunities. If it's not going to kill me or disable me, I don't really want to take the shot... I don'teally agree with everyone having access to it either.
I am not getting the vaccine because I am busy and can't be bothered.

But that does not mean that it is not a good idea and people should follow my example.

Nor does it mean that the inane quackery posted on the internet about vaccines is true.


Apr 24, 2005
Humans are walking warehouses of germs, viruses and bacteria. Do not kiss little kids or seniors.

Also, don't keep your house spic and span clean. Your immune system needs exercise.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Also, don't keep your house spic and span clean. Your immune system needs exercise.
What is the proper amount of filth to keep in our houses for our optimum health?


Apr 24, 2005
What is the proper amount of filth to keep in our houses for our optimum health?
Get a couple of pigs. Remember our immune system was designed to live among pigs as was the case with our ancestors. They never got ashma.


Jun 6, 2009
Get a couple of pigs. Remember our immune system was designed to live among pigs as was the case with our ancestors. They never got ashma.
I can't speak about your ancestors, but mine hunted pigs. they slept with cows and horses. It was the English that introduced pigs to our farms and told us to leave.


Mar 12, 2004
Long term

I get the flu shot, but still have some concerns with the system,...not too long ago, doctors were prescribing antibiotics way to often, and did not tell patients to finish the prescription.

The result, as I understand it, is that some viruses mutated, instead of being killed off.

Before any of the so called experts reply, I am only repeating what I was told by the medical profession, but I would be interested in hearing from people actually in the profession.



Jun 6, 2009
I get the flu shot, but still have some concerns with the system,...not too long ago, doctors were prescribing antibiotics way to often, and did not tell patients to finish the prescription.

The result, as I understand it, is that some viruses mutated, instead of being killed off.

Before any of the so called experts reply, I am only repeating what I was told by the medical profession, but I would be interested in hearing from people actually in the profession.

Not so much mutated, but just were not eliminated. Viruses normally have a natural high rated of mutation. Just a point, antibiotics won't do diddly to fight viral infections. It doesn't take a medical professional to know that one. If doctors prescribed antibiotics for a viral infections, they should go back for a refresher course.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2004
Not so much mutated, but just were not eliminated. Viruses normally have a natural high rated of mutation. Just a point, antibiotics won't do diddly to fight viral infections. It doesn't take a medical professional to know that one. If doctors prescribed antibiotics for a viral infections, they should go back for a refresher course.
Docs were in the habit of giving out antibiotics, just in case it was bacterial and to make the patient go away. They seem much better now about resisting the urge to just fire off a prescription.

I've never heard a concern about vaccines inducing a supervirus. Viruses do mutate regularly, but the vaccines train your body to fight them without actually exposing you to live, mutatable virus. To a virus, an immunized population is like scorched earth. No room to get established without an immune system kicking in immediately.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I said MORE people live to a ripe old age but they don't really live any longer....expect those few over the age of 100

Some people did lived till their 80's hundreds of years ago....just today more people reach old age.
Yes, vaccines and modern medicine have made it far more likely for people to live their natural life.


Jul 27, 2011
One of the issues for me is the Canadian government only pays for multi dose vaccine and the preservatives they put in it scare me.

Single dose vaccine or nothing as far as I am concerned.
Docs were in the habit of giving out antibiotics, just in case it was bacterial and to make the patient go away. They seem much better now about resisting the urge to just fire off a prescription.

I've never heard a concern about vaccines inducing a supervirus. Viruses do mutate regularly, but the vaccines train your body to fight them without actually exposing you to live, mutatable virus. To a virus, an immunized population is like scorched earth. No room to get established without an immune system kicking in immediately.
. The flu virus itself is always changing. That's why you need a shot every year. There are antibiotic resistant bacteria...and viruses mutate and can become super bugs.... That itself, scares the living sh*t out of me. I don't care about the other reasons, like not feeling well or potentially having a reaction and being crippled by the shot (that's very rare) but I personally don't want to contribute to the cycle.


Dec 26, 2005
Here is my understanding, at this point. Would love for someone to add to it or prove me wrong, as I'm open-minded on the subject.

Vaccination, in general, is good for the overall population. There are risks, however, as evidenced - at least in the US - by the compensation the government pays to victims of vaccine injuries. While the best situation for society is for everyone to be vaccinated, the optimal solution for an individual is to be a free rider. Let everyone else get vaccinated, obtain 99.999% of the benefits via herd immunity, and pay none of the costs.
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