Flu Vaccine Time


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I guess the nuts believe vaccines cause everything. Of course lack of vaccines causes outbreaks of Victorian era diseases among wealth groups of kids and needless deaths among the young, old, and infirm.

Stats show in Ontario, 19,000 hospitalizations and 300 deaths every year due to the flu. How many people are hospitalized or die in Ontario every year because of vaccines?


Jun 6, 2009

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
We had a couple of major threads on this starting over two years ago. The anti vaccine claim was shown to be bogus then and it still is. Posting a similar thread won't change it, especially this link as there nothing new in it.
Don't believe everything you read. Drug companies are worth billions, they can and do create the news they want you to hear

Sure vaccines have done more good then harm but they are NOT harmless. People don't live any longer then 300 years ago, just more people live to a ripe old age.

Benjamin Franklin lived to he was 84 years old and was born in 1706...even today 84 years is pretty darn good


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
People don't live any longer then 300 years ago, just more people live to a ripe old age.

Benjamin Franklin lived to he was 84 years old and was born in 1706...even today 84 years is pretty darn good
You might want to check your facts what you are saying is wrong. Anecdotal evidence proves nothing in case you didn't know.

Average life expectancy in the United States was less than 50 years old at the turn of the 20th century. In 2003 it reached 77 years. So much for your theory.


S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
I said MORE people live to a ripe old age but they don't really live any longer....expect those few over the age of 100

Some people did lived till their 80's hundreds of years ago....just today more people reach old age.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
George Washington made it till age 67 and the doctors back then fuck him up and he also did not care for himself.....


On Thursday, December 12, 1799, Washington spent several hours inspecting his plantation on horseback, in snow, hail and freezing rain—later that evening eating his supper without changing from his wet clothes. That Friday he awoke with a severe sore throat (either quinsy or acute epiglottitis) and became increasingly hoarse as the day progressed. Sometime around 3 a.m. that Saturday morning, he awoke his wife and said he felt ill. Following common medical practice at the time, he was bled—initially by an employee and later again by physicians.

"A vein was opened, but no relief afforded. Couriers were dispatched to Dr. Craik, the family, and Drs. Dick and Brown, the consulting physicians, all of whom came with speed. The proper remedies were administered, but without producing their healing effects; while the patient, yielding to the anxious looks of all around him, waived his usual objections to medicines, and took those which were prescribed without hesitation or remark."

Washington died at home around 10 p.m. on Saturday, December 14, 1799, aged 67. The last words in his diary were "'Tis well."


People today still fall ill with the flu and died of old age at 67

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Average life expectancy has been going up cause more poor and weak people are living longer but back hundreds of years ago some people were living till a ripe old age with no medicines - vaccines \


Verified supercentenarians who died before 1955

Geert Adriaans Boomgaard M 21 September 1788 3 February 1899 110 years, 135 days Groningen, Netherlands

Margaret Ann Neve F 18 May 1792 4 April 1903 110 years, 321 days Guernsey, Channel Islands

Ann Pouder F 8 April 1807 10 July 1917 110 years, 93 days Nebraska, United States

Louisa Thiers F 2 October 1814 17 February 1926 111 years, 138 days Wisconsin, United States

Miriam Bannister F 19 March 1817 9 April 1928 111 years, 21 days Missouri, United States

Demetrius Philipovitch M 9 March 1818 fl. August 1928 110 years, 150+ days Yugoslavia

Delina Filkins F 4 May 1815 4 December 1928 113 years, 214 days New York, United States

Katherine Plunket F 22 November 1820 14 October 1932 111 years, 327 days Leinster, Ireland

Valgjer Svien F 10 October 1842 23 January 1953 110 years, 105 days Minnesota, United States


...........see even back then over 100 happen

All those people lived till 110 and were born way before vaccines came along

is anybody living to 130, nope...just MORE people are living longer

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
We need to get people living past 110 for us to say medicine has really extend life's, IMO

A few people lived to 110 back 150 years ago, that still is the max old age just about

Maybe people will never live to 140 years or more. Our children grand children will see if it happens...would not shock me if it doesn't happen...so far 110 is about it and that happen even before real medicine came along.


Nov 22, 2010
Vaccines are big money making machines fora pharmaceutical companies and once it's in your system the process starts and the as you get older symptoms show Up and then guess who has the medicine to fix it....the drug companies .

You will see that in most cases, not all, that the best medicine in life for most people is NO Medicine.

As someone famous said back in the day ..."the doctor of the future will require no medicine just natural foods and a good healthy active lifestyle that is balanced."

I'm sticking to that routine and Belief and my body has had 2 Tylenol in my system in more than 3.5 decsdes and i feel amazing. Whereas my other pharmaceutical friend is filled with drugs for high blood pressure, cholesterol, gout, overweight, low back pain, anti inflammatory, and muscle relaxants.

I wonder who's liver and kidneys will be cleaner and last longer once her reaches 50 when organs start to give up?

Possum Trot

New member
Dec 7, 2009
I said MORE people live to a ripe old age but they don't really live any longer....expect those few over the age of 100

Some people did lived till their 80's hundreds of years ago....just today more people reach old age.
Huh? And why do you think more people live longer? Better medicine. You are sort of shooting yourself in the foot.


Jun 6, 2009
Huh? And why do you think more people live longer? Better medicine. You are sort of shooting yourself in the foot.
He apparently doesn't realize that the ever increasing number of people who live past 80 and 100 has a lot to do with medicine. It's not just a few; ~6000 Canadians lived past 100 last year.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Don't believe everything you read. Drug companies are worth billions, they can and do create the news they want you to hear

People don't live any longer then 300 years ago, just more people live to a ripe old age.

Benjamin Franklin lived to he was 84 years old and was born in 1706...even today 84 years is pretty darn good

Ben Franklin was the exception, not the rule! In fact the average life expectancy 300 years ago was only 45 approx. so you're way off mark. I agree that pharmaceutical companies make millions but the flu vaccine is free so they're not making money on it specifically!
Also, the flu epidemic killed 20 to 50 million people in 1918 so don't spew incorrect info as facts.


Jun 6, 2009
Don't believe everything you read. Drug companies are worth billions, they can and do create the news they want you to hear

Sure vaccines have done more good then harm but they are NOT harmless. People don't live any longer then 300 years ago, just more people live to a ripe old age.

Benjamin Franklin lived to he was 84 years old and was born in 1706...even today 84 years is pretty darn good
Has to be one of the silliest posts of the years. Ben was a unique case for the 19th century. One must also read historical records carefully.

A Sumarian record indicates that many of their kings lived to ride old ages;


Makes you wonder how long a Sumerian year was?

Check out the link, an interesting read.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
While vaccines are not 100% without risk (allergic reaction etc) it is fairly obvious that they are beneficial, all but wiping out terrible deseases like polio and small pox for instance. Yet there remains this backwards group, largely in the US of lettuce eaters :) who persist in perpetuating these narrow minded views, myths and fears. Hard to understand.
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