Oh relax john if you use advanced search you can look for all threads started by the person of your choice. Reading the titles takes secondes. Don't worry a mere few minutes was invested in looking up your posting habits. Context is important, looking at your posting habits tells us a lot about you. Combine that with the insults your are so comfortable flinging shows that this is not just about hte taxes as your like to claim.
Posting habits tells us a lot about you?
Thats rich coming from someone who blatantly misrepresented himself.
Searching for dirt on someone is low
I guess that is what simpletons do when they have been outwitted
Use whatever adjectives you want because it really doesn't bother me. In fact I think it helps to highlight your character or lack there of so keep it up. And it also helps to highlight your insistance on making this a personal topic.
And exactly what does misrepresenting yourself as a Teacher for a number of years say about your character Frank?
I may be a lot of things, but my integrity and honesty are above question
Unfortunately you will have to find a new board to haunt in order to make that claim
If you want to call your poll 83% of the general population you would be wrong.
It is a far better proxy than your opinion
Do you think the general population is as accepting of prostitution as us? So how can you assume that the views of terbites reflects the general population? Terbites also tend to be people who can afford a fairly expensive hobby so again their views might not reflect the average joe which you love to champion.
But you can not prove this sample does not represent the general population and it is certainly a better indicator than your obviously biased opinion
This is just basics of sampling, bias and survey taking.
If you had clue one about statistics you could have made a much better attempt at downplaying the significance of the results.
However you appear to have the same lack of understanding on that subject as you do wrt business, finance & education
There are biases in that you should have posted the question without your preamble. Proper surveys ask people just hte question and that's it.
I suppose you think people should make uninformed decisions when it comes to a serious matter as taking away salary or benefits?
Your preference is the general public not be totally aware of the magnitude of teachers outrageous compensation
You would just as soon slide one on by them when they are not looking, sort of like how you tied teacher compensation to the tax increase and then latter claimed it was for the deficit
But then again this is the same person who meets a few teachers at a cottage and assumes that all teachers can afford cottages.
Come on Frank, thats is a grade three level comment
I never said all teachers have cottages
However I have met more than a few who do own them
Jesus if you make $83K a year and your spouse makes a decent income a cottage is affordable
Two teachers together @ 83K a year could afford a magnificent cottage.
Two average taxpayers (46K) in Ont, unfortunate can not afford a cottage and to be honest with can ill afford another 2% on every purchase they make.
I wonder how much though you gave to the impact of a 2% HST increase would have on the average family?
My guess is you did not give it any consideration because you have an agenda
Given you lied about being a teacher, I do not believe that crapola about the MPA, turned teacher
for someone who is so blatantly biased on this issue, I would not be surprised if you have a financial interest in teachers maintaining the status quo
But since you misrepresented yourself wrt your occupation already, there will always be some doubt regardless of what you claim you do for a living.
For the record I do not want to know either
a) it is none of my business
b) I would not believe you
If you want to say 83% of the terbites that responded to your poll feel that way that's fine but to assume that the general population will vote the same way is not realistic.
It will work well until proven wrong and it is a far better proxy than your biased opinion
Lets see, I have a choice between believing what and unbiased poll of a group of people who work and pay taxes or I should believe the opinion of a self admitted liar with an obvious agenda
Difficult choice! NOT!!!!!
It is a moot point Frank
No politician is going to implement your abomination
If you don't like my posts you're welcome to put me on ignore as well. But thanks for all the advice about what I should or shouldn t say or who I should ignore.
Believe me you are not too far away from joining Woodpecker & Fuji
Nice company you keep
You would do well to take the advice to stay on topic and avoid searching for dirt to discredit someone when you lose a debate to them.
That is slimy
You will never gain my respect, however you should try and at least maintain a certain level of self-respect