Ashley Madison

Viral video: What it’s like to go 299 km/h on a motorcycle on a B.C. highway?


Apr 24, 2005
How fast was that NHL hockey player (good friend of Chris Letang) going when he crashed an died? Anybody remember his name?


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Wow, don't people recognize sarcasm: Of course the incident occurred prior to the day the video was posted - we didn't see a Flux Capacitor on the guy's handlebars so he couldn't go Back to the Future now could he?
Go figure.
Extremely reckless, but it certainly looks thrilling. It's remarkable how far people are willing to go to "live on the edge".


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
How fast was that NHL hockey player (good friend of Chris Letang) going when he crashed an died? Anybody remember his name?
Canuck Luc Bourdon. Inexperience lead to him lose control, cross the center line and hit a tractor-trailer head on. See HEYHEY's post #12 for the visual.

Nonsense, even at a 200 kph differential a motorcycle would be unlikely to penetrate a car from the back. besides he was only going about 230 in traffic lol....
Skip physics? 550 lbs. of motorcycle + rider travelling at a 150 - 200 kph differential would definitively penetrate a small car from the rear. Like FunSeeker27 said, happened to his friend's brother. Anyone in the back seat could have been easily killed.


Active member
Oct 28, 2007
Like FunSeeker27 said, happened to his friend's brother. Anyone in the back seat could have been easily killed.
Pulling out of a driveway and getting hit by a bike going 160. is definitely not the same thing as hitting a moving car on the highway from the rear


Jan 31, 2005
I heard on the radio that the police have found the motorcycle and seized it. They believe the rider is the son of the woman who owns the motorcycle, but they are so far unable to charge him without a witness verifying that it was him riding the bike at the time of the video. The same guy has apparently also posted comments about it all over various blogs and such.

In the meantime, they have the bike, and I am guessing they are not planning on giving it back.


Jan 31, 2005
Pulling out of a driveway and getting hit by a bike going 160. is definitely not the same thing as hitting a moving car on the highway from the rear
Your'e right, the moving car on the highway would not only suffer the devestating 160kmph impact of the motorcycle, including perhaps the body of the rider flying through the back window at 160kmph, but would lose control of their vehicle and suffer a secondary crash, perhaps slamming into the side of the road, perhaps jumping the median and hitting oncoming traffic head on. So on the highway they would get hit twice. Coming out of a driveway, only once.


Jun 14, 2006
I've traveled 290 km/h *frequently*:eyebrows: on my 1998 GSXR-750. Riding any bike is very therapeutic or at least it is to me. My friends ZX12 R did 330 km/h bottomed out. I use to ride with a bunch of sportbike riders from all around the gta. Really nice people:thumb:
I dont think I've ever met such nice and friendly people women and men then sportbike group riders.

We would ride at night when there wernt many cars on the hyw. We'd make runs from T.O to Niagara, Kitchener, London and back in a very, very, very short time frame;)

It was quite a feeling doing 280 at 11pm within a group of 30 or so sportbike riders all with aftermarket pipes and liter bikes. It was better then sex or drugs imo
I couldn't agree more. I used to do these runs as well. Perhaps we know each other...


New member
Dec 7, 2011
Nice, he likes to relieve stress by scaring the shit out of everyone else. And yeah, I can understand that it wouldn't be the same without traffic to weave through...yet I don't see how that argument even comes close to standing up to arguments against crazy-ass driving.

Tell me this...if you were driving in the middle-lane of a freeway, and you knew a full-sized vehicle was on your left, but you were looking straight ahead...and you saw a flash of movement on your left...would you not take evasive action?
What people don't get is there are people out there who do much worse things than this on the road. How about drunk drivers that kill innocent mothers? Or drunk drivers that kill kids?

this type of motorcycle driving is not new, they do this kind of stuff in france all the time - but when they do it in canada or USA, all the pussies start crying because they shit their underwear while watching the video.


New member
Feb 5, 2008
I felt totally safe and in control of my sportbike on the highway at speeds up to 200km/h (in the right weather conditions of course). You can't believe how nimble you are, and how much room you have, compared to when you are driving a car. Cars seems like turtles or slugs, and you move in and around them like they are stationary objects. Hard to put into words.


Apr 24, 2005
In other related news, a 37 year old motorcyclist was killed in a single motorcycle accident yesterday. Police said cause was EXCESSIVE SPEED.


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
We are talking 750 Triumph circa 1980's. I was young and foolish but not so foolish to push it beyond 120mph and then only for short sprints. " I was "persuaded" to quit when I experienced the "ramp incident" and then one of my friends had an accident and suffered permanent brain damage.EDIT: It was so long ago, maybe it was a 650cc and I never exceeded 100mph. Memory is not perfect anymore.
Sweet bike man, a classic..
To me its all about the experience of riding. It doesn't matter how fast you go I am just as happy doing just 120 km/h on the hyw. Its therapeutic for me. If I have a shitty day at work or I'm fighting with my girlfriend I go and take a long ride and by the time I get home I'm stress free and clear thinking. To me every ride is like coming back from a vacation, refreshed. This is why riding any bike is addictive and if you ever owned a bike sooner or later you'll want another one again.

I hear ya, if you're not 100% into it then maybe its a good idea to take a break. Its not like driving a car where your mind can wonder while driving and not pay 100% attention to the road and your surroundings. In order to ride a bike successfully and safely for years you have to have amazing defensive and offensive road skills. You have to anticipate EVERYTHING so that you're never put in a bad situation. Its not for everyone thats why allot of riders go down becuz they think just becuz they can afford a bike and "its cool" to have one they can ride. Not the case and they learn that the hard way.

I've always looked at it as kinda riding
When I'm riding I'm always thinking "what is that guy gunna do?" to every car around me. I'm scouting 200 yards in every direction to anticipate "they're next move" so I can counter. Im thinking that everyone in a car can't drive so I have to be prepared for anything.

Sounds corny lol but I think of myself as a Jason Bourne type guy on a bike. Always thinking ahead questioning if something doesn't look right and having an out if shit hits the fan. Yea, it sounds like allot of work but its second nature to me and it always was so making the transition from cars to sportbikes was easy. I have to thank my driving instructor (a sweet little old lady) back in 1986 for instilling this "driving paranoid" type of driving in me. It has saved my life several times.:thumb:

I bought my first bike back in 1987 Kawi ZX 6 Ninja. Then in 1998 I bought a brand new GSXR 750. I'm looking at getting a 2011.2012 Honda CB 1000RA by next winter
Safe riding
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Jan 31, 2005
Do you have the same dumb attitude towards drunk drivers who make it home without killing anybody? Are we supposed to wait until somebody is dead before taking these idiots off the road?

Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
10 Fastest motorcycles in the world article below.

Fastest motorcycle in the world is limited production Dodge Tomohawk which can go up to 560 Km/h.
Wonder if that would slice through a Corolla if it was doing 500.


Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
Jay Leno owns an MTT Turbine Superbike Y2K which can go up to 365 Km/h.
It's equipped with a Rolls Royce turbine helicopter engine used in Bell Ranger helicopters.



New member
Dec 7, 2011
That's exactly the same logical argument I was going to use as well (hmmmm fuji, I may have to reconsider my opinion of you). It's not a matter that something didn't happen. It's the fact that his irresponsibility should be charged regardless.

A.R. clearly has no sense of logic nor does he understand basic concepts of justice in this country. You cannot say to a court - "I acted illegally, I was a moron, now cut me some slack because I and everyone else I grossly endangered got lucky."

A.R's original point is "What people don't get is that there are drunk drivers out there that do much worse." No, I get that, but the question remains - SO FUCKING WHAT? I ate tuna for lunch. The sky is blue. The guy two houses down from me wears glasses, and fucks his wife doggie style so that I can see it (and he fucks his dog wife-style). Who gives a shit - I want to cry about this, and I am.
grow some balls
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