Discreet Dolls

In love with an sp, what to do...


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
... in time you'll learn. I think most of us have been in your situation at some early point


Super Moderator
Feb 18, 2010
... in time you'll learn. I think most of us have been in your situation at some early point

Hey, I was just about to say that.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2003
What should I do?
Real easy. Tell her what you feel. 99% chance she'll laugh in your face, 1% chance she'll let you take her away. Either way you win.

And BTW, don't let everyone tell you it will never work. Worked for me for over a year and we both left the relationship smiling.

Good luck - KK


Jul 27, 2011
I've met a few cool people who were fun to hang out with, but it is definitely a privilege that should never be REQUESTED - just one that should be enjoyed when offered to you by an SP. I'm sure you aren't implying anything by your comment, but in case you are, I have hung out with potential "good customers" enough to a point where I do not let them book me again (nor do any of these people get sexual freebies of any sort). Sometimes an SP has to protect herself from crossing certain thresholds and it's also a good idea to protect the emotions of others as well... Nobody likes getting hurt. Positive human interactions are possible between clients and SPs and they are not always a "marketing tactic". Some SPs genuinely appreciate the personality behind the "client" facade.

That's all for now, folks! This is my last post in this thread. :) I don't like flaming threads that get out of control. lol Play nice!

PS: Good luck, azn.lover!

From what I know of you I cannot imagine you being dishonest. You would certainly be on of your "some" :)

None the less when I was looking into being an SP, more than one established SP advised me that 'a little sugar' like going over the time limit, made clients return. So I can only assume that there is a significant range of motives and actions. gee maybe SPs are people doing a job?


Jul 27, 2011
Are you piloting a military craft by any chance?

It lets us see other boats, lets us dock, lets us avoid stuff floating in the waterm and it lets us find things (like Loki ;)) that fall overboard.

Just safety gear. Looks through fog and you can see in the dark as well.

And you can see the couple in the next boat making out :rofl

It was fun being able to cruise along knowing you are safe.

Not a big deal.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I say, keep telling us about it so we can get some laughs.Seriously buddy,it's a buisness for these ladies.Having your favourite and falling for them are differant things.Your gonna crash and burn if you think she is gonna love you.Unless you won the $50 million this past Friday.
+2, and if you won $50 million dollars, you may find better and more.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
yes but with "any woman" an hour does not = 250. This is the problem with "cultivating love" in a client - sp relationship.

Dont get me wrong, i have come perilously close to "falling for" some of my paid companions. A number of then are amazing. But to really get to know a woman, Enough to learn and appreciate her best, as well as worst qualities, requires significant time, for the average earner, this would have to be "off the clock".
Here, here!

And with respect to Cuban novias, even if the feeling was mutual, how on earth can you ascertain or cultivate true love in a long distance relationship?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
it is quite a skill to be able to give such clear, absolute, helpful counsel.

GPIDEAL is a real gem.
Thank you Kratz, but I edited to add a few more caveats since your quote, to open the OP's eyes. Some of my recommendations come from personal experience or thoughts.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
After about 50 hours I decided he was more or less a safe person to be with.

After about a hundred hours I started to feel that he was a friend and I could trust him.

After about 200 hours I decided I might be in love with him and started to explore those feelings and discovered they were growing quickly/ Also kicked him out of the "client" category.

I also agree that it is an SP's main job to make clients feel special and that they have a connection. The better they are at their job, the more the client believes it.

Advice: All relationships are based on shared times and experiences. If you can afford to spend a few hundred hours with her who knows, it may work out. Probably not but it may.

Does that help?
An SP can get close the more she sees a regular, but there's no magic # where she will love him and leave the industry. In your case, it didn't happen automatically after 200 hours, a proposal was made by Lord Loki that the OP probably can't match. I hope he doesn't think that seeing his fave after 200 hours will crystalize his love fantasy.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
You have to remember that the good SPs know how to establish a realistic and friendly connection. But you also have to keep in mind that WE know this as well. Most of what the posters before me have said in this thread are more or less true, and all SPs are aware that this is the way that hobbiests think. If we shared feelings and wanted something to happen with a client (which DOES happen) we SPs would know that we'd have to go way out of our way to prove to YOU that we want to invest real emotions AND time (unbilled time, of course). In the same token, just because an SP is willing to spend a little extra time with you does not mean that she is in love with you - you might just actually be a cool person that she doesn't mind hanging out with.

My advice is to keep a safe distance and to not make assumptions. If an SP wanted to start a relationship for some crazy reason like true attraction to YOU and not your wallet, she would be the one doing the work to make it obvious and doable. Don't put an SP in the awkward position of having to explain that you have misread her "signals", despite how wonderful things are when you are together. EVEN IF she lets you take her out for dinner.

Just like in real life, friendliness can often be misconstrued. You could ruin a good client/SP relationship by trying to make things "real" and she might put you on her blacklist. If you have a good thing going, either 1) keep it going by not making it awkward, 2) nip it in the bud and stop seeing her for your sanity's sake, 3) go out on a limb knowing what risks you are taking. Your life, your choice... But be nice to the SP and also don't let yourself get played.

Alona M :)
Excellent advice Alona!

BTW, I felt like I had two bi-GF's in that last duo with you & Katja ;)


Jan 4, 2009
... in time you'll learn. I think most of us have been in your situation at some early point
So true. been there, done that. BTW Azn-lover... I thought you are a MP guy, when did you switch over to SP side? Any idea what happened to "good time" and "rusty"?

Real easy. Tell her what you feel. 99% chance she'll laugh in your face, 1% chance she'll let you take her away. Either way you win.

And BTW, don't let everyone tell you it will never work. Worked for me for over a year and we both left the relationship smiling.

Good luck - KK
Just enjoy the ride. I had the best time of my life with one mpa for almost 2 yrs. We parted bcuz of our age gap of 30 plus yrs.

My advice is to keep a safe distance and to not make assumptions. If an SP wanted to start a relationship for some crazy reason like true attraction to YOU and not your wallet, she would be the one doing the work to make it obvious and doable. Don't put an SP in the awkward position of having to explain that you have misread her "signals", despite how wonderful things are when you are together. EVEN IF she lets you take her out for dinner.

Just like in real life, friendliness can often be misconstrued. You could ruin a good client/SP relationship by trying to make things "real" and she might put you on her blacklist. If you have a good thing going, either 1) keep it going by not making it awkward, 2) nip it in the bud and stop seeing her for your sanity's sake, 3) go out on a limb knowing what risks you are taking. Your life, your choice... But be nice to the SP and also don't let yourself get played.

Alona M :)
Best advice you can get from a very smart lady who is speaking from her personal experiences. Just make sure you don't get played by her. You can tell very easily if she's playing with you or she 's really into you by the way she communicates with you. If the lady is really into you, she will text you or call you whenever she's free. She'll respond to your text and calls immediately whenever possible, cuz she's always thinking about you and so eager to hear from you. She'll want to spend her times with you as much as she could. In my case, I am single and my lady came over and spent most of her time with me, cleaning my place , doing my laundries and cooking for me and such.

There was one (and one only) that I danced this dance with.

It won't work.

Use your intelligence in this case and not your heart.

Trust me.
I knew of two couples that work out well and still happily married, one for over 10 plus yrs. They both were my regulars. Both ladies have adapted well into normal lives and doing very well in their business. One in real estate and one in car business making over 6 figures every yr.
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Jul 27, 2011
An SP can get close the more she sees a regular, but there's no magic # where she will love him and leave the industry. In your case, it didn't happen automatically after 200 hours, a proposal was made by Lord Loki that the OP probably can't match. I hope he doesn't think that seeing his fave after 200 hours will crystalize his love fantasy.
You raise an important point. There is never any certainty with any relationship. Meeting someone as a client and turning them into a love interest is very difficult. I would think that it is MUCH MUCH harder for an escort/client relationship to evolve into true love than it would be almost any other way of meeting.

In my relationship with Loki it was very difficult to get over the "dirty old man" / "gold digger" stereotypes. It took some very difficult and brave actions on both our parts to get over the way we met and our age differences. We also had to adapt to each others needs.

None the less, it is foolish to assume any relationship can get serious until people spend a lot of time together. If someone told me he loved me after only spending a few dozen hours with me, I would assume he was someone to avoid. At best a misfit that had little or no experience with life.
May 8, 2010
I had to. Otherwise the boat would not stay at the dock.
You should not be expected to learn to tie knots. You could very easily break a nail or worse!!

Lord Loki has plenty of money. He could simply buy another boat if the first one floated away.

What a cheap *sshole. You deserve much better.
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