Club Dynasty

Club 121


New member
Dec 19, 2009
Most landlords DO care what goes on in their buildings. Other tenants concerns must be addressed. No one wants to open a business beside an operation frequented by criminals. The idiots who started this place no doubt misrepresented the intended use of the facility and that will negate the lease. Now that there is publicity no one will go near it. Therefore it's screwed comming and going. I am amazed how many people try to open businesses based on bar room legal advice. Always get at least 2 legal opinions from real lawyers with law degrees.
Frequented by criminals?


New member
Aug 18, 2006
If an act of prostitution takes place (as I suspect it might) the people involved are dealing with the plethora of laws that surround prostitution such as "living off the avails. communicating for the purposes of" etc. It's no secret that the girls who work in this trade often have prior offences. Whay about the boyfriends who drive them there and back?

A commericial lease states what the intended use of the property will be. I doubt Club 121 was truthfull in their respose which was apparently "a healing centre." That negates the lease and calls for immediate eviction at the landlord's discretion. The "private club" stuff is meaningless. There are legal defenitions of what a Pprivate" club is. I doubt this club meets any of them. Remember the bars that tried to private club their way around smoking laws? It was determined they weren't private clubs but "for profit" businesses. As I'm sure Club 121 is. Then there are the zoning bylaws. Did C121 check to see if they were in compliance with those?
The other tenants will revolt if the landlord allows them to stay. That's why you rarely see the sex trades open in high end multiple tenant properties. This place is as good as gone. At least in that location.


Senior Member
If an act of prostitution takes place (as I suspect it might) the people involved are dealing with the plethora of laws that surround prostitution such as "living off the avails. communicating for the purposes of" etc. It's no secret that the girls who work in this trade often have prior offences. Whay about the boyfriends who drive them there and back?

A commericial lease states what the intended use of the property will be. I doubt Club 121 was truthfull in their respose which was apparently "a healing centre." That negates the lease and calls for immediate eviction at the landlord's discretion. The "private club" stuff is meaningless. There are legal defenitions of what a Pprivate" club is. I doubt this club meets any of them. Remember the bars that tried to private club their way around smoking laws? It was determined they weren't private clubs but "for profit" businesses. As I'm sure Club 121 is. Then there are the zoning bylaws. Did C121 check to see if they were in compliance with those?
The other tenants will revolt if the landlord allows them to stay. That's why you rarely see the sex trades open in high end multiple tenant properties. This place is as good as gone. At least in that location.
Geeez you think just like the city. If it's a private club it is legal....only determined by the Supreme Court.
If it's private how does anyone know whats going on....speculation? Come on!
You would need to join to determine what's going on. Unless you just wanna guess like most
assholes concerned with other peoples business.

For fuck sakes even the Mayor said they weren't braking any laws. So crucify them because you think they are doing what?????

This was all done simply because a few people didn't like what they saw. Why have any legal basis for railroading people....just gets in the way....right Kitwat

Busy body assholes

Kitwat you don't get the point


New member
Mar 31, 2002
This the kind of business we dont need in the new downtown.. That building is something to be proud of. I really cant believe someone would think that would fly in that building without someone questioning it... why not not put a tattoo parlour and a money mart in there also..


Senior Member
This the kind of business we dont need in the new downtown.. That building is something to be proud of. I really cant believe someone would think that would fly in that building without someone questioning it... why not not put a tattoo parlour and a money mart in there also..
In this day and and age and this kind attitude....and on a escort review board...
Fuck whatever.....Mrs Kravitts


Senior Member
This place will not last a week. I'm amazed at how many idiots get their legal advice in bars and pool halls.
And you know that too eh?

Fuck your like some kind magical genie knowing what goes on everwhere

Holy shit can you predict lotteries too?

Yes it was a mistake to go into a high profile building like that. But after all, they were rented the place by the landlord who could have checked or asked anything beforehand.
then after Mayor Mac-cheese's panties bunch up they cower under and obey.

If I was club121 I'd be pissed at being unlawfully discriminated against before they even did anything illegal.


Senior Member
What did I do here?
Why bring me into this?
Come on DJ you know your Mayor Carl Zehr dreaming about not yet happened illegal activities.

Just Kidding DJ......your really Fred Zed and I'm the Wizard of Oz

Fuck maybe the cops should start busting people for thinking about committing crimes. Or even better maybe they can just imagine crimes taking places and burst in UN-announced.

It's people like this what causes unrest


New member
Aug 18, 2006
Stash did you read waht I said abut there being a legal defenition of private clubs? Just calling it a private club doesn't make it one. Is it owned and operated by it's members? I think not. Is it non-profit? I think not. Do the members have a common interest? Other than interest in sex I think not. Are there any restrictions to joining this private club or do you just pay a fee at the door? All these things are looked at in determining whether it is a private club or a profit seeking business like any other. It is Not and was never intended to be a private club anymore than the bars who sold memberships for a nickel because they thought it would get around the smoking laws. This is why I am asking what kind of fools open a business under such shaky legal grounds as this outfit.


New member
Aug 18, 2006
They did something illegal when they filled out the lease application under the question that asks about the intended use of the premesis. That question is, and must be, on every lease application. I doubt that they answered that question truthfully. No reputable landlord in an upscale building would allow that. In commercial leases the tenants to not have the same protection as residential tenants. You seem to feel very sorry for the idiots that tried to pull this off. What about the buildings owners and other tenants. Aren't they entitled to protection under the law?


Senior Member
Stash did you read waht I said abut there being a legal defenition of private clubs? Just calling it a private club doesn't make it one. Is it owned and operated by it's members? I think not. Is it non-profit? I think not. Do the members have a common interest? Other than interest in sex I think not. Are there any restrictions to joining this private club or do you just pay a fee at the door? All these things are looked at in determining whether it is a private club or a profit seeking business like any other. It is Not and was never intended to be a private club anymore than the bars who sold memberships for a nickel because they thought it would get around the smoking laws. This is why I am asking what kind of fools open a business under such shaky legal grounds as this outfit.
I didn't say it was a sound business decision. What I said was, don't you think the gun was jumped here a bit?
No one has been found to be doing anything illegal. No charges no police investigation. Just a lot of people hanging them before trial.....there is no argument on that point. No charges no laws broken........Nothing.....just speculation.

Private clubs like this do exist in Toronto....correct. You can't put people out of business until laws are broken. Maybe no sex was ever going to happen. Did you have sex there..did anyone.
Did they pay? or was it even less than all the MP that operate. What the city doesn't know what goes on there.....come on.
Who else would you like to see closed before they do anything because that is what your endorsing and agreeing with Kitwat.
AS far as the others doing business there. I don't know any of the companies operating there but I'll be sure to scrutinize them now to see if I like what they do or not....duh.
If they break the law..put em out....if they haven't, leave it alone until they do.


Senior Member
They did something illegal on the lease. How do you know? Did you see the lease? Do you have any actual facts that they did that? Were you there when they discussed this with the landlord?
If you answer yes to any of those questions, Then I appologize. If you answer no, as I suspect, then your just guessing and speculating. That doesn't count.
I don't know what goes on behind any of the office doors there. Maybe I would approve...maybe not. But that is their business until they break the law...for real. Not just in people minds or opinions or thoughts.
Maybe they said there are a private club I don't know. But whatever it was seemed to get them in until everyone said they were fucking there for money....guessing of course.


New member
May 30, 2011
I'm not sure where all this speculation came from that Club 121 was in any way offering escort services. It is not a private sex club, it was not a cover for an escort agency. Any services offered there as part of the membership was STRICTLY MP ONLY. And that was not required. It functioned exactly as the website and newspaper article claimed. It was a members club that offered a lounge, fitness room, and yes, if the members so desired, some time with a hostess for a massage.


Senior Member
I'm not sure where all this speculation came from that Club 121 was in any way offering escort services. It is not a private sex club, it was not a cover for an escort agency. Any services offered there as part of the membership was STRICTLY MP ONLY. And that was not required. It functioned exactly as the website and newspaper article claimed. It was a members club that offered a lounge, fitness room, and yes, if the members so desired, some time with a hostess for a massage.
Thanks Belladonna.....exactly.....nothing more or maybe less than a local MP offers.

It's just that a few people didn't like the sound of what they thought it was......fucking bullshit.

Emperor Carl Zehr went on a personnel mission to stop what HE himself didn't like.....crappy mayor IMO...the guy should try obeying the law. Not to mention be fair until they do something illegal


On The Back 9
Jan 13, 2008
While technically not illegal (it would appear), extremely poor judgment on the location of the club. If not for the business owners, for the members who would undoubtely be under extreme scrutiny coming and going in such a prominent location. How many of you would have been intrigued to join but not prepared in the least to walk up to the front door and wait to be let in. It's tough enough at incalls where nobody (or few people) know what's really going on. To be the unique tenant in this regard is not wise at all. In fact I'm sure it would have led to the club's demise eventually even if it didn't voluntarily relocate or shut down on its own.


New member
May 20, 2003
They did something illegal when they filled out the lease application under the question that asks about the intended use of the premesis. That question is, and must be, on every lease application. I doubt that they answered that question truthfully. No reputable landlord in an upscale building would allow that. In commercial leases the tenants to not have the same protection as residential tenants. You seem to feel very sorry for the idiots that tried to pull this off. What about the buildings owners and other tenants. Aren't they entitled to protection under the law?

May I assume that you are a lawyer? In addition to being clairvoyant that is.

Art Mann

May 10, 2010
Adios, amigas . . .

Private adult club gone from Tannery
By Terry Pender, Record staff

KITCHENER — Coun. Frank Etherington is happy a “member’s only hostess lounge” has left the Tannery before it could open for business.

But Etherington is concerned that Club121 could try to open in another location in the region because there appears to be little, if anything, city officials can do to stop it.

“Just because they are gone from there does not mean they won’t open somewhere else and we should be ready, as a city, with whatever we can do to license that kind of operation,” Etherington said. “I am convinced this is not the end of it.”

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