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Ontario Police: WTF!!


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Which is how many officers, in the single squad by the way (public record)?. So all drug officers rip off dealers.
I find it hard to believe that you can be a drug squad officer and not rip off drug dealers. The other officers presumably would make your life a living hell.


Jun 6, 2009
I would find it hard to believe that you can be a drug squad officer and not rip off drug dealers. The other officers presumably would make your life a living hell.

So now most if not all drug squads officer are bent. Again, pure speculation based on what? Over the years a few drug officers have been caught and nothing more, but how many officers have served with distinction? Another paint job with the broad brush of guilt by association and no proof. Some are crooked therefore all/most are. Do officers in the auto theft squad, rip off car thieves and drive around in fast cars. Do all/most officer working vice get some strange on the side? How about the corporate fraud officers. Do all/most of them get free inside tips on the next big deal?

People who actually study this kind of thing and not just ponticate say that the percentage of bad cops on the job in the US is around 1%.

While the cases make headlines, experts say the number of police officers who run afoul of the laws they’re sworn to uphold is low.
“We’re finding the numbers are pretty constant,” said Neal Trautman, executive director of the National Institute of Ethics and author of “How to be a Great Cop.” “It is less than 1 percent.”
What may be a surprise is that the numbers aren’t higher, experts say.
“Police have other temptations on the job that other people don’t have,” said Marcel Beausoleil, criminal justice professor at Anna Maria College.
They can take away someone’s liberty through arrest, are alone with cash and drugs, and often can feel isolated from others in different professions because of what they see on the job, leading in some cases to alcohol abuse, he said.
One of the largest studies on why cops may go bad found greed, anger, lust and peer pressure were at the top of the list.
Michael Josephson, president of the Josephson Institute of Ethics in California, said the pressures of the job, coupled with isolation from others in a community, can lead to cover ups of even the smallest of infractions.
“The notion can be there is a higher degree of loyalty to the person who backs me up than to the law or the public,” he said.
That can run deep in smaller communities, Josephson said.
“The smaller the department, the greater the problem,” he said. “Simply because the difference between rank is much less and the friendships are deep and personal.”

What percentage of corrupt cops do you think get investigated by IAB?


Jun 6, 2009
LOL... come on Blackie... Do you have some kind of Torontonian delusion of grandeur thing going on? What do you think Peel, or York is? Mayberry? Come on. The only thing Toronto has that these other regions don't have are gullible civilians that buy into the TPS propaganda machine. "Give me more or you or your loved ones will be victimized." Paleeeeze!!

So where is the subway in Mississauga? Where is the office complex comparable to the TD centre in Hamilton or York regional?

Yes, they are different. Then we have

Population density; Mississauga ~2,300/sq km, York region ~500/sqkm, Hamilton ~450/sq km, Toronto ~4000/sqkm,

Again very different.

Consider vehicular traffic density.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
York RP - 1433 sworn members equals 1 sworn member per 767 residents
Peel RP - 1900 sworn members equals 1 sworn member per 684 residents
Durham RP - 957 sworn members equals 1 sworn member per 616 residents
Hamilton Police - 793 sworn members equals 1 sworn member per 631 residents

Toronto Police Services - 5598 sworn members equals 1 gravy engorged sworn member per 447 residents

Based upon the staffing levels of surrounding regions(1 sworn member per 675 residents) the Toronto Police Services is 50% overstaffed and saturated in gravy.

Basically $200 million a year wasted on police gravy....every year, year after year.

What's in your wallet?
You really think the policing needs are the same for each of those areas?

How would you determine the right number of police for Toronto?


Oct 13, 2010
....but not as long as the provincial civil servants list, which has approximately 10x more names.
blackrock13, If you are including all the Provincial Ministry Agencies, you will more than 10X the work force than cops. I'm just backing up my statement with facts. Let's face it, you don't need to bust your butt in school to make 100k. Just become a cop and your gross salary (before taxes) will be close to 1 million in 10 years.


Jun 6, 2009
Toronto has a subway system so that means they need 50% more police per capita than Peel? Cum on. The fact that Toronto has a higher density per sqkm might even suggest that they should have less police per capita.

You know, Blackie.... it is not healthy to blindly follow. Ask some of the hard questions of the TPS. Why can't they reduce their budget by 10% from 2011 spending? It's not an absurd question. Blair's response suggests to me that TPS has way too much power.
Why do you think higher density mean fewer cops are needed? The bad guys are close so the cops don't have to drive or walk as far to get them?

If the only difference was subway of course not.

I don't blindly follow but unlike most on this BB, I've worked along side first responders and know first hand what they deal with. That's the difference and when I hear the shite/lies that get tossed in their direction, its just lunacy to let it stand unchallenged.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
So now most if not all drug squads officer are bent. Again, pure speculation based on what? Over the years a few drug officers have been caught and nothing more, but how many officers have served with distinction? Another paint job with the broad brush of guilt by association and no proof. Some are crooked therefore all/most are. Do officers in the auto theft squad, rip off car thieves and drive around in fast cars. Do all/most officer working vice get some strange on the side? How about the corporate fraud officers. Do all/most of them get free inside tips on the next big deal?
That comparison makes no sense. Drug money are easy to take; drugs are even easier to take without a risk of complaint. Cars are difficult to take. Vice squads by the way surely rip off pimps.
If you are aware of a 'human trafficking' case that occurred in Toronto about 5 years ago and ended up falling apart, you'd be interested to know that two of the accuseds (a web developer for an escort agency and his brother who had claimed to have been ripped off by the cops) have just received small claims court default judgements against the police (2 x$25K). I wonder why the cops decided not to show up in court. (I have no link and cannot back it up, you'll have to trust me on that). The case was in Old City Hall, so presumably corresponding small claims court (Sheppard?) would have records.


Oct 13, 2010
I'm just upset that some cops commit petty crime, and they get paid suspension/vacation and they go back to work refreshed. We hear that all the time in the news. Why can't they get suspended without pay? Oh that is right, I forgot, they have to make it on the sunshine list every year... hahahahahah what a joke.


Jun 6, 2009
blackrock13, If you are including all the Provincial Ministry Agencies, you will more than 10X the work force than cops. I'm just backing up my statement with facts. Let's face it, you don't need to bust your butt in school to make 100k. Just become a cop and your gross salary (before taxes) will be close to 1 million in 10 years.
No, you don't have to bust you butt ,yet if you do the chances of you making 100G's greatly increases. Any head hunter will tell you that.

Just become a cop? How many apply to be metro police? How many graduate? How many make it through the probation? Answer those question and see how easy it is to become an officer in good standing in TO. On average 5-8000 applications are received each year and in the strongest year 300 graduate. I think the latest class had ~70 grads, 20 of which were university grads as well; so much for minimum standards. I can't get any numbers on dropouts or release during probation and I couldn't even hazard a guess.


Jun 6, 2009


Jun 6, 2009
Do you think that maybe the fact that you have worked along side first responders (I presume by that you mean police), might make your perspective on any issue relating to those first responders somewhat biased? Could it be that those of us who have no affiliation or relationship to these first responders might in fact have a more balanced view of the issues relating to these first responders?
I meant all first responders, not just police. Not biased, informed. What you're trying to say is like saying that you have a better understand of what it's like to be on the front line in a war than those who have and I just don't mean the military. It's nuts and those members on this BB who have served at the front will tell you the same. You're can only guessing at best.


Oct 13, 2010
I was once at a coffee shop, and 2 cops walk in. They see a person in question, and try to catch him. The suspect manages to run to the door, and takes off to the streets on foot. The fat cop does not even try to go after the suspect, but says “Fuck that, I can’t catch him”.

The cop could not catch the criminal, because he was over weight. But why run and make an effort to catch criminals, when a cop can run a criminal scam themselves. But wait, what if they get caught? Who the fuck cares, when they will get suspended with pay. hahahahahahahahaha


Oct 13, 2010
Let’s face it, when people fuck-up, cops will not go easy on you. They will give it to you hard up the ass. But let’s reverse the rolls here. Can someone here please tell me what happens to cops when they fuck-up?


Jun 6, 2009
Let’s face it, when people fuck-up, cops will not go easy on you. They will give it to you hard up the ass. But let’s reverse the rolls here. Can someone here please tell me what happens to cops when they fuck-up?
You might want to define fuck up.
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