Israeli credibility to protect its own Arab population is on the line after an arson attack on a unique Arab village in northern Israel.
In the early hours of Monday morning, someone crept into the large mosque of the village of Tuba-Zangariya and, in a manner similar to attacks recently carried out in the West Bank, set fire to holy books and a carpet, causing considerable smoke damage. On the walls, a vandal spray-painted in Hebrew, “Mohammed is a pig,” as well as the words “Revenge” and “Palmer” (apparent references to Asher Palmer, a West Bank settler, and his infant son killed last week when their car crashed following an apparent stoning of the vehicle).
Israeli police have said nothing about suspects in the desecration of the mosque, some of whom are believed to have been taken into custody for questioning. But villagers in Tuba-Zangariya blame rabbis from the nearby Jewish town of Safed for inciting such violence. Safed’s chief rabbi, Shmuel Eliyahu, launched a controversial anti-Arab campaign last year prohibiting Jews in the area from renting apartments or rooms to Arabs. Several hundred Arab Israeli students attending college in Safed were his primary target.