Turkey Identifies 174 Israeli Soldiers Implicated in Mavis Marmara Massacre


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
In Gaza, where there has been a one sided voluntary ceasefire from Hamas for over a year, the blockade is still in effect.

Its just not true.
LOL. Similarly I've been on a voluntary ceasefire from strip clubs (which by Hamas logic means I can go as often as I want as long as I say I didn't).


New member
Aug 30, 2001
Nobody supports the stupid policies but if the Palestinians want to control what is brought into the country they should stop importing materials to manufacture rockets, then they could reasonably argue Israel is denying them a fundamental right. Is this fair, it doesn't matter because the Palestinians know the Israel's will never give up control until there is no reason to feel threatened. Life is hell in the Ghaza strip and will be for some time but if the Palestinians want to be able to control their borders they must stop posing a military threat. Is this lop sided because Israel's arsenal is so much greater the answer is yes but if the goal is peace they must force the Israeli's to the table with as much leverage as possible. Giving up the ability to fire a bunch of low tech antiquated rockets hardly seems a major concession. It would certainly lead to the saving of innocent lives on both sides. If the Palestinians wish to split the Israelis politically they must dramatically reconfigure their strategy so as to empower the left in Israel otherwise they will deny those who have the most in common with them the ability to approach the levels of support needed to bring a peace both sides can live with. This cannot be an all or nothing strategy but small tactical victories that drives peace forward.
Are you trying to write a new chapter for Alice In Wonderland?

Israel's Declaration of Independence lays claim to Eretz Israel. You know what that is, don't you? It is the old God is a realtor and the Torah is a property deed myth. Palestinian resistance has nothing to do ith that.


Mar 21, 2011
No, Palestinian resistance has it that God is a realtor and the Koran is a property deed.
speaking of realtors, looks like they could use a few in your favourite country, Fuji.
Someone's been burning Mosques again, could it be the Rabbi who was telling Israeli's not to rent apartments to Palestinians?

Israeli credibility to protect its own Arab population is on the line after an arson attack on a unique Arab village in northern Israel.

In the early hours of Monday morning, someone crept into the large mosque of the village of Tuba-Zangariya and, in a manner similar to attacks recently carried out in the West Bank, set fire to holy books and a carpet, causing considerable smoke damage. On the walls, a vandal spray-painted in Hebrew, “Mohammed is a pig,” as well as the words “Revenge” and “Palmer” (apparent references to Asher Palmer, a West Bank settler, and his infant son killed last week when their car crashed following an apparent stoning of the vehicle).

Israeli police have said nothing about suspects in the desecration of the mosque, some of whom are believed to have been taken into custody for questioning. But villagers in Tuba-Zangariya blame rabbis from the nearby Jewish town of Safed for inciting such violence. Safed’s chief rabbi, Shmuel Eliyahu, launched a controversial anti-Arab campaign last year prohibiting Jews in the area from renting apartments or rooms to Arabs. Several hundred Arab Israeli students attending college in Safed were his primary target.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
speaking of realtors, looks like they could use a few in your favourite country, Fuji.
Someone's been burning Mosques again, could it be the Rabbi who was telling Israeli's not to rent apartments to Palestinians?
Of course the vast majority of Israeli leadership, Israeli people, and Jewish leaders around the world (such as the ADL) have condemned this and the Israelis have stepped up security for mosques around the country.

Just like what happens when a Palestinian attacks Jewish civilian targets where there is a clear statement made by the Palestinians (of course that statement usually contains praise for the attackers and blame for the victims).


Jan 31, 2005
OMG! You mean there are some CRIMINALS in Israel?

Well that does it, I'm convinced, let's push all the Jews into the sea.


New member
Aug 30, 2001
Of course the vast majority of Israeli leadership, Israeli people, and Jewish leaders around the world (such as the ADL) have condemned this and the Israelis have stepped up security for mosques around the country.

Just like what happens when a Palestinian attacks Jewish civilian targets where there is a clear statement made by the Palestinians (of course that statement usually contains praise for the attackers and blame for the victims).
Every now an then we have to remind ourselves of this truism. Don't trust what Israel says, look at what Israel does.

First, the mosque burning would never occurred if Israel had abided by International Law and not transferred it's population into the Occupied Territories. Second, the perpetrators of the pogrom were probably members of the Israeli security forces or Jewish paramilitaries that have been armed by Israel and are protected by Israel.


Mar 21, 2011
The reason why this mosque burning made it into the Globe, as opposed to the other occasional mosque burnings, is that this one happened inside of Israel, not in the occupied lands. The lack of security for Palestinians in the occupied lands is almost taken for granted these days, with vastly more Palestinians injured and killed by settler violence and police actions then settlers, but within Israel it had been assumed there was still some moderate protection for Palestinians. Hopefully this was just an isolated case and not a sign of Israel's loss of control within its own territories.


New member
Aug 30, 2001
The reason why this mosque burning made it into the Globe, as opposed to the other occasional mosque burnings, is that this one happened inside of Israel, not in the occupied lands. The lack of security for Palestinians in the occupied lands is almost taken for granted these days, with vastly more Palestinians injured and killed by settler violence and police actions then settlers, but within Israel it had been assumed there was still some moderate protection for Palestinians. Hopefully this was just an isolated case and not a sign of Israel's loss of control within its own territories.
What this means is the problem is remarkably more serious and demonstrates the pervasive racism in Israel.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
What this means is the problem is remarkably more serious and demonstrates the pervasive racism in Israel.
Nice try. What it demonstrates is that there is a radical group of idiots who should be prosecuted and jailed. i have no doubt they will be. The acts have been rightly condemned by Israeli leaders. Just like the leaders of Hamas condemn acts of violence against Israeli citizens and civilian targets. Ooops I almost forgot. Hamas celebrates that violence and honors the perpetrators as heroes and martyrs.


New member
Aug 30, 2001
Nice try. What it demonstrates is that there is a radical group of idiots who should be prosecuted and jailed. i have no doubt they will be. The acts have been rightly condemned by Israeli leaders. Just like the leaders of Hamas condemn acts of violence against Israeli citizens and civilian targets. Ooops I almost forgot. Hamas celebrates that violence and honors the perpetrators as heroes and martyrs.
Oops, you forgot that Israeli police participated in the pogroms against Palestinians.


Active member
Jul 11, 2008
Its a nice theory and all, but in practice it hasn't happened.
In the West Bank, where the violence is under control the only thing happening is more settlements.
That's hardly an endorsement of peaceful ways.
In Gaza, where there has been a one sided voluntary ceasefire from Hamas for over a year, the blockade is still in effect.

Its just not true.
Of course it is a theory and may never be attainable but all armed resistance has achieved is death and misery for both sides. Spare me the argument of who is worse for it doesn't matter, the only hope however slim is a radical shift in strategy for the Palestians away from armed resistance. What is their to lose, if a decade or so of peaceful sustained opposition fails they can always return to suicide bombings and indiscriminate terror. Only a society that is psychotic would ask its youth to blow themselves up as a religious statement of faith in the cause. I blame the sustained commitment to a violent solution on both sides for the psychotic behavior, give a generation a chance to experience peace and perhaps there will be hope. To cling to the past is to reject the future.


Mar 21, 2011
What is their to lose, if a decade or so of peaceful sustained opposition fails they can always return to suicide bombings and indiscriminate terror. .
Ah, so the voluntary ceasefire and control in the west bank isn't enough, they need to guarantee it for a decade to get any response.
Lets see, if Israel keeps announcing 1500 settlements every couple of months, as the have been, that's maybe 90,000 new settlers a year or about another million in a decade.
So maybe after another million settlers move to the occupied territories Israel might talk then?

You really are an idiot.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Ah, so the voluntary ceasefire and control in the west bank isn't enough, they need to guarantee it for a decade to get any response.
Lets see, if Israel keeps announcing 1500 settlements every couple of months, as the have been, that's maybe 90,000 new settlers a year or about another million in a decade.
So maybe after another million settlers move to the occupied territories Israel might talk then?

You really are an idiot.
All the more reason to come to the table and negotiate a peaceful resolution and permanent borders. Not really rocket science. If the Palestinians truly want peace and sovereignty the road does not go through New York.


Active member
Jul 11, 2008
Ah, so the voluntary ceasefire and control in the west bank isn't enough, they need to guarantee it for a decade to get any response.
Lets see, if Israel keeps announcing 1500 settlements every couple of months, as the have been, that's maybe 90,000 new settlers a year or about another million in a decade.
So maybe after another million settlers move to the occupied territories Israel might talk then?

You really are an idiot.
No an idiot is the person who continues to beat his head against the wall and then complains he has a headache. I would rather try another way than willingly send my child off to die a meaningless death, pacifism is not cowardice, cowardice is a virtual twit glorying in the death of innocents. There is no god, there is no holy land, just morons on both sides who believe they a have a divine dispensation to indulge their worst instincts.


Jan 31, 2005
What this means is the problem is remarkably more serious and demonstrates the pervasive racism in Israel.
Your hate is showing. Arabs living in Israel have far more rights and freedoms than Arabs living in any of the surrounding countries.


Mar 21, 2011
Your hate is showing. Arabs living in Israel have far more rights and freedoms than Arabs living in any of the surrounding countries.
That only works if you ignore the lands occupied and run by Israel for the last 40 odd years.
Then, they have the moral standing of South Africa or worse.


Jan 31, 2005
That only works if you ignore the lands occupied and run by Israel for the last 40 odd years.
Once again: Arab citizens of Israel have more rights and freedoms than Arabs living in any other Middle Eastern country.

Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Arabs are free.


Mar 21, 2011
Once again: Arab citizens of Israel have more rights and freedoms than Arabs living in any other Middle Eastern country.

Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Arabs are free.
Except for religious freedom. Israel's religious freedom is on par with Somalia.
Except for discrimination. Most Israeli Arab's believe they are discriminated against.
Except for freedom of speech. They can't talk about Nabka or the BDS movement.
Except for property rights. There are a number of laws and rules that lessen their property rights.

And the big exception, except anyone in the occupied territories.


New member
Aug 30, 2001
Once again: Arab citizens of Israel have more rights and freedoms than Arabs living in any other Middle Eastern country.

Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Arabs are free.
Ernst Zundel/Fuji,

You are obviously channeling other fellow racists. This is a common refrain. Here's Gen. Robert E. Lee from the Old South commenting on Blacks in the US:

Robert E. Lee wrote in 1856:
There are few, I believe, in this enlightened age, who will not acknowledge that slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil. It is idle to expatiate on its disadvantages. I think it is a greater evil to the white than to the colored race. While my feelings are strongly enlisted in behalf of the latter, my sympathies are more deeply engaged for the former. The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, physically, and socially. The painful discipline they are undergoing is necessary for their further instruction as a race, and will prepare them, I hope, for better things. How long their servitude may be necessary is known and ordered by a merciful Providence.

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