Willard Scottwho played Ronald McDonald in the first tv spots in the early 60s?
Toilet paper.Before the world saw cell phones and before Nokia started to manufacture them, Nokia had large contracts to supply the USSR with military equipment, what did Nokia supply to the Soviet Army.
Nokia started as a pulp and paper concern, however, they were also into the rubber business around the turn of the last century and could have sold boots for military use.
Not that I know of, it is not tires.
Hint, Hint, Hint.
Many people in the military received this equipment, I do not know if all officers did, but all lower rank foot soldiers received this equipment.
Thanks, I think lots of TERB members would like to give me the boot.You git it! Give that man a boot!
The founder of the food chain's name is Glenn Bell.The why did the famous Taco food chain choose the name Taco Bell?
Heddy LamarThe founder of the food chain's name is Glenn Bell.
What 1940's sex symbol invented a radio free torpedo guidance system for the US Navy?
His real name is Marion!Entertainment tonight had a segment about little known facts about famous stars. John Wayne had a secret that not many people knew about. What is it.
His real name is Marion!
No,that sound like a lot of BSHe had 40lbs of undigested cow meat in his gut when he died.
The ET segment was about many famous people having black, oriental or aboriginal ancestry due to the many varieties of people settling in the west of the US. John Wayne had a Chinese grandfather.Entertainment tonight had a segment about little known facts about famous stars. John Wayne had a secret that not many people knew about. What is it.
I don't think that this is true. Perhaps you misunderstood or ET was wrong.John Wayne had a Chinese grandfather.