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Apparent bombing in Oslo, Norway


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
I read that, am familiar with the phrase, and didn't interpret that at all to Aardvark implying that this was the work of Muslim extremists however much they might like to claim responsibility. You're way over-reaching.


May 21, 2003
Know what? I think most of you guys assumed or at least strongly suspected it was Muslims at first. You're just hypocrites. Some news agencies reported that an Islamic group claims responsibilty. After Madrid and London it was completely rational to suspect Islamic extremists. The press also reported that their were actually threats against Norway. Frankly, I didn't rush to judgement because I was focused on my friends family in Oslo and the murder of the kids didn't seem to fit the modus operandi of Muslim terrorists. (Actually it did sound a bit like the first Mumbai attack but not European type operations). Also, if you think what this guy did is somehow inherrent in conservative or moderate thought then you're extraordinarily stupid. I use the term moderate on purpose because some some on this board label anyone who isn't a far left lacky a conservative. You're just exploiting this horrible tragedy for your own political agendas but fail to realize you won't change anyones mind. No one on this board is going to become a leftist radical tattoed bicycle courier because you're pointing out that this guy wasn't Muslim and is a neo-Nazi. Lumping in conservatives and moderates with neo-Nazi's is like coupling the NDP with Pol Pot. It's ridiculous and only makes you look assinine.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I read that, am familiar with the phrase, and didn't interpret that at all to Aardvark implying that this was the work of Muslim extremists however much they might like to claim responsibility. You're way over-reaching.
I don't think so. Like Hardy, I think there is some hypocracy here. The whole tone of the thread changed when it became clear that it was a blue eyed blond norvegian that was the terrorist.

First it was the damned islamist terrorists, afterwards it was an evil PERSON, not one of the terrible norvegians. But, if it had been a dark skinned islamic terrorist, it would have been an example of all islamic people.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Know what? I think most of you guys assumed or at least strongly suspected it was Muslims at first. You're just hypocrites. Some news agencies reported that an Islamic group claims responsibilty. After Madrid and London it was completely rational to suspect Islamic extremists. The press also reported that their were actually threats against Norway. Frankly, I didn't rush to judgement because I was focused on my friends family in Oslo and the murder of the kids didn't seem to fit the modus operandi of Muslim terrorists. (Actually it did sound a bit like the first Mumbai attack but not European type operations). Also, if you think what this guy did is somehow inherrent in conservative or moderate thought then you're extraordinarily stupid. I use the term moderate on purpose because some some on this board label anyone who isn't a far left lacky a conservative. You're just exploiting this horrible tragedy for your own political agendas but fail to realize you won't change anyones mind. No one on this board is going to become a leftist radical tattoed bicycle courier because you're pointing out that this guy wasn't Muslim and is a neo-Nazi. Lumping in conservatives and moderates with neo-Nazi's is like coupling the NDP with Pol Pot. It's ridiculous and only makes you look assinine.
It occurred to me also. We're almost preconditioned to believe that whenever there is a terrorist attack it is a Muslim extremist. But a couple things bugged me. Norway didn't strike me as a very high value target, and the fact this guy stuck around posing as a police officer and murdered scores of people with automatic handguns. If anything it reminded me more of the US homegrown nutjobs than anything else.


Mar 21, 2011
It occurred to me also. We're almost preconditioned to believe that whenever there is a terrorist attack it is a Muslim extremist. But a couple things bugged me. Norway didn't strike me as a very high value target, and the fact this guy stuck around posing as a police officer and murdered scores of people with automatic handguns. If anything it reminded me more of the US homegrown nutjobs than anything else.
Its a terrible crime regardless, but we've been conditioned by the media for a long time to worry about those 'swarthy' middle eastern types. Seems almost all hollywood spy movies feature middle eastern bad guys, the press has been pushing the same thing for a while. But the stats show that most European terrorism has been from local separatists, like the Basque movement.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I don't think so.
Well I do,

I said there was a report of an explosion in Oslo, from what I had seen I posted that it looked like a terrorist bombing, you said oh of course it wasn't, then what was it all of half an hour latter posted all calm and pleased that it was a bombing. As I say "A Prophet is not without honour. . . . ." see #89

Then you went on to do the whole 'he said they were Islamic thing," including trying to make "A Prophet is not without honour. . . ." into a stament about the misguided man from Mecca.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Well I do,

I said there was a report of an explosion in Oslo, from what I had seen I posted that it looked like a terrorist bombing, you said oh of course it wasn't, then what was it all of half an hour latter posted all calm and pleased that it was a bomb. As I say a Prophet is not without honour. . . . . see #89
Would you please show me where I said that it was NOT a terrorist bombing?


Mar 17, 2003
Know what? I think most of you guys assumed or at least strongly suspected it was Muslims at first. You're just hypocrites. Some news agencies reported that an Islamic group claims responsibilty.
You are damn right they are hypocrites, I thought they were Islamic terrorist and the the group of Muslim guys I work with said the same fucking thing why don't you go mopping somewhere else. Grow up.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Oslo, Norway (CNN) -- The suspect in the bombing and mass shooting in Norway believed the terrorist attacks were "horrible, but necessary," a man who identified himself as the suspect's lawyer told Norwegian broadcaster TV2.

Geir Lippestad told TV2 late Saturday that he represented Anders Behring Breivik, who was arrested Friday after twin terror attacks that left at least 92 dead.

Breivik "is ready to explain himself" in a court hearing Monday, Lippestad said.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Take a look at #2 and #4.
You are either an imbecile or deceitful. I lean to the latter. I believe you are able to distinguish between saying "It is NOT a terrorist bombing" and "There is no indication of terrorist involvement yet"


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Give it a break danmand, this is going nowhere.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Give it a break danmand, this is going nowhere.
Thank for the advice, which I will ignore at my own peril. I don't think Aardie need an advocate.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Thank for the advice, which I will ignore at my own peril. I don't think Aardie need an advocate.
No, but for some reason in this forum, common sense often does.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
What I know is that discretion is the better part of valour. Or is that another supposed reference to Islam.
So, I was wrong, Imbecile it is.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
The shooter posted a photo of himself online with his weapon prior to his attacks. Click link to see it:

The man who reportedly shot dead at least 85 people at a youth camp and killed another seven with a car bomb in the Norwegian capital of Oslo, released a YouTube video calling for conservatives to 'embrace martyrdom' six hours before the attacks, it has emerged.

Anders Behring Breivik posted the video promoting a fight against Islam, which shows pictures of him wearing a wetsuit and pointing an automatic weapon, hours before he set out on the devastating killing spree.

In a text with the video he detailed his plans for the attacks, writing that he would 'dress up as a police officer', adding that it would 'be awesome as people will be astonished'.

In the 1500-page dossier, he wrote that 'there are situations where cruelty is necessary' and that it is better to kill too many than not enough'.

Police sources told Norwegian media that Breivik had confessed to posting the video setting out his extremist views before the attacks.

The 12-minute video, called 'Knights Templar 2083', also reportedly appeared on Breivik's now-closed Facebook page. In the accompanying document, which he set out as a manifesto for 'conservative revolution', he described how to make bombs from fertilisers and how to receive them in large quantities by setting up an agricultural company.

The author said that he had sent the text and YouTube video in which he attacked multiculturalism and Muslim immigration to his '7,000 patriotic Facebook friends'.

In the text, titled 'A European Declaration of Independence', he wrote how he wanted to rid Europe of Islam and Marxism.

'There are situations in which cruelty is necessary, and refusing to apply necessary cruelty is a betrayal of the people whom you wish to protect,' he wrote.

The suspect said that it had taken him nine years and cost 300,000 euros to write the manifesto.
He said: 'The first drop of rain marks the coming of a great and unstoppable cultural conservative tidal wave. The tidal wave will cleanse Western Europe of cultural Marxism and will result in the banishment of Islam for the third time.

'The European tree of liberty will be refreshed by the blood of our patriots and of the Marxist tyrrants. This civil war will last several decades but we will succeed.

'Never forget that we fight so that you and your children can remain free. For a future Europe safe from the tyrany of cultural-Marxism and of Islam. A Europe worth dying for.'

Breivik said that he wanted to see Europe more similar to countries such as Japan and South Korea, which he said are 'not far from cultural conservatism and nationalism at its best#.

He declared: 'Celebrate us, the martyrs of the conservative revolution, for we will soon dine in the Kingdom of Heaven.'

Last night the YouTube video posted under the name 'AndrewBerwick' was taken down from the site because 'its content violated YouTube's terms of service'.

His posted 1 page biographical summary:

Didn't attend university, owned small businesses, had a farm and a city apartment, travelled to 25 different countries, had friends and hobbies.

Seems to be a picture of a somewhat well-off political extremist. He says he spent nine years and 300,000 Euros writing his manifesto (and preparing the attack).

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