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Apparent bombing in Oslo, Norway


New member
Jan 19, 2006
The killer is white, christian and member of the extreme right wing. He killed at least 80. . . teenagers.
As Diehard posted the man is scum.

The bottom line is the perpetrator was a domestic terrorist. He could have been an immigrant, he could have been an animist, he could have been a member of the extreme left wing: However, what he was, was someone who did not believe in civil political discourse, rather he believed in terrorism and murder.

As I'm sure do all of us (or at least I hope so) I feel so sorry for the families of those killed and wounded, and for all the people of Norway. As Asterix wrote Norway lost a certain innocence today and that is a very great shame.


May 21, 2003
Get freaking bent. You're talking out of your ass and making this into left/right bs as much as anyone, if not more.

I wasn't the one who wrote: White Christian Right Wing in huge letters was I? So spare me your holier than thou shit. You didn't comment on that did you?

And to clarify, I didn't mean "lefties" in general had no compassion...I meant the self-described lefties on this board.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
May I add it is rather difficult to be a native born Norwegian without being both Caucasian and at least nominaly Christian.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
Muslims anyone? Norway dared to reprint the danish cartoon of Mohamed few years ago and arrested some Muslim terrorists few weeks ago.
Sorry to rain on your parade, but t'was a Right Wing Christian.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
This is one part that dosen't fit, either this norwegian shooter is a Muslim convert. Or perhaps the bomb and the island incident are not linked, and the shooter is just a schizofrenic that lost it. I'm not aware of any Norwegian extremist group that would do such a thing. (left or right)
Or he's a Christian terrorist. Lots of them around, George W for one.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
And to clarify, I didn't mean "lefties" in general had no compassion...I meant the self-described lefties on this board.
I happen to be one of the self-described lefties on this board. Care to categorize me the same way?


New member
Dec 27, 2004
As Diehard posted the man is scum.

The bottom line is the perpetrator was a domestic terrorist. He could have been an immigrant, he could have been an animist, he could have been a member of the extreme left wing: However, what he was, was someone who did not believe in civil political discourse, rather he believed in terrorism and murder.

As I'm sure do all of us (or at least I hope so) I feel so sorry for the families of those killed and wounded, and for all the people of Norway. As Asterix wrote Norway lost a certain innocence today and that is a very great shame.
Agreed, it is tragic for the families of all those kids from camp sends one's kids to camp on some cottage-country island not expecting them to be mowed down by gunfire.

If true that the shooter was captured alive in a firefight with police I would think he now has a lot of very pissed off family members of all those kids he shot (80?!) who would like to get their hands on him and feed him alive to an ant farm. Can't say I blame them for wanting to do so...if I had children and this guy killed them for no reason I would make hunting him down a high priority.

I don't think people (not talking about Aardvark154 here) should go on the 'mental case' path just yet. Not all terrorists are mental cases/crazy people. They are extremists (and often criminals) who often don't believe in civil discourse to address issues and their method of getting their point across is often bullets and explosives. Timothy McVeigh wasn't a crazy mental case, he was a criminal. Most mentally ill people do not slaughter dozens of people, nor can they accomplish the extensive planning and preperation required to successfully bring off something like this multi-pronged attack. Evil, terrorist, criminal, sure, but to say mental case is to be in denial that calculating people in the world seek to end the way civil democracies function.

I always cringe when someone says that in Germany all Nazis were mental cases/mass psychosis, etc. BS I say. As Stanley Milgram pointed out, any society with an evil top in the power structure, will convince some underlings/people down the line to do whatever illegal things are desired of them. The ones who won't do so get pushed aside, the ones that will do the dirty deeds get promoted and rewarded. As Eichmann pointed out in his trial, to him his primary concern was career advancement and he would do whatever those in authority told him to do to get promotions in the SS. He committed crimes and was promoted through the ranks in administration from a lowly 2nd Lt up to a Lt. Col in a few years. My point as it relates to Norway is there are other reasons people do things other than being crazy.


May 21, 2003
I happen to be one of the self-described lefties on this board. Care to categorize me the same way?
Actually no. You seem like a genuinely nice person and more in line with the left of center people I associate with in my personal life. There's dicks on both sides on this board but there seems to be more "left" idiots on THIS particular board than "right" idiots. Besides, what some people on this board categorize as right-wingers are likely just moderates.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Not surprised really....

32 year-old Anders Behring Breivik, the man who shot at children on Utoya island in Norway. This photo is from his Facebook page.

His Facebook page reveals that he is from Oslo, Norway and is a Christian Norwegian Conservative.
This is the SOP of many radical conservatives. We even have a couple righties on our board who support 'wasting' those they don't like!

CNN reports 87 dead so far....:Eek:


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Or he's a Christian terrorist. Lots of them around, George W for one.
Perhaps Dubya, his DICK and Timmy McVeigh inspired this white right-wing conservative nutjob?....:Eek:


New member
Aug 30, 2001
Muslims anyone? Norway dared to reprint the danish cartoon of Mohamed few years ago and arrested some Muslim terrorists few weeks ago.
Quite the opposite. My sources are telling me that Anders Behring Beivik was an virulent Muslim hater that participated in groups that foster hate towards Muslims, including Jihad Watch (run by David Horowitz -one of the wack job zionist nuts). Don't some of Israel's supporters on this site sometimes reference Jihad Watch?

I'm also hearing that he was an avid blogger who used the name Fjordman. Supposedly he has also written a book and published in a number of right wing newspapers. Here's a link to one of his books:

Defeating Eurabia

and one of his articles
Why Europeans Should Support Israel

And if you want the collected works of Fjordman:
Last edited:


New member
Jan 19, 2006
My sources are telling me that Anders Behring Beivik was an virulent Muslim hater
While a number of news sources are reporting that Ander Beivik has very strong views about the problems Muslims pose to Europe, pray tell what this has to do with his decision to murder 91 teenagers almost all, if not all of whom were just as Norwegian as he was with Norwegian ancestry going back into the mists of time?!


New member
Dec 23, 2005
A sign of the times we're in. I found out about the bombing not from any news source but from a Norwegian friend of mine that I was chatting on facebook with who was out of the country. His family called to say their was a bombing near them but they were all okay. I can't find much news on this. As I understand it, the authorities have linked the two incidents and say there's a Norwegian in custody. Anyone, know anything? The TV news networks seem to not be reporting this that much....weird!!!

At 6 pm est the Euronews reported that no one has claimed responsibility.
Try BBC , they are all over it.

CNN the few times I've checked is oddly very quiet about it...


Apr 24, 2005
I wasn't the one who wrote: White Christian Right Wing in huge letters was I?
I suspect our friend used jumbo font is because a White Christian terrorist (like finding a white squirrel) is so rare that he wanted to scream it from the rooftop.

Condolences to the friends and families of the victims.


May 21, 2003
While a number of news sources are reporting that Ander Beivik has very strong views about the problems Muslims pose to Europe, pray tell what this has to do with his decision to murder 91 teenagers almost all, if not all of whom were just as Norwegian as he was with Norwegian ancestry going back into the mists of time?!
Because he's pathological and evil. I'm sure at least some of the victims were Christian. BTW, I think Woody and Gryfin kinda proved my point. I wish the decent people on the left on this board would be less tolerant of this. Asterix, I'll make you a deal. You call these guys out and I'll call the guys here on the right that call talk nonsense.


The whole idea of turning what this guy did into ANYTHING political or racist or ant- this or pro- that is just such a mind-boggling diversion. And selfish. Using an event like this to somehow attach it to your political or other beliefs does a disservice and is actually offensive, when one considers the magnitude of what happenned.

He described himself as Christian, so people go off on that. Or he is right wing, so off go others. For fuck's sake he is a man, so presumably man-haters can go after men too I presume? I wonder if he had blue eyes, or was taller or shorter than average.

The simple fact is that he is evil.



Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
CNN the few times I've checked is oddly very quiet about it...
CNN was covering it live non-stop earlier this morning from ~2 AM on....


New member
Aug 30, 2001
Because he's pathological and evil. I'm sure at least some of the victims were Christian. BTW, I think Woody and Gryfin kinda proved my point. I wish the decent people on the left on this board would be less tolerant of this. Asterix, I'll make you a deal. You call these guys out and I'll call the guys here on the right that call talk nonsense.
Then I wonder where your post is condemning the Washington Post writer Jennifer Rubin for laying this at the feet of jihadist's? Rubin is a fanatical zionist who's done everything she can to fan hate against Muslims.

C'mon...walk the talk.
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