Pissed off isn't the issue, not knowing where of you write is. Would you inaccurately throw around medical or legal terms with such abandon?Aardvark: Call yourself what you like. . . . all funny hats seem to think they are better. . .
Pissed off isn't the issue, not knowing where of you write is. Would you inaccurately throw around medical or legal terms with such abandon?Aardvark: Call yourself what you like. . . . all funny hats seem to think they are better. . .
Of course not, I have respect for the medical profession.Pissed off isn't the issue, not knowing where of you write is. Would you inaccurately throw around medical or legal terms with such abandon?
I have always enjoyed the people who apologize for the pograms etc. It separates the real anti-semities from the posers.Actually, the japs killed more chinese people than jews killed in the holocaust.
The jews have enemies because of multiple reasons and what they doing now just further escalates that. They havea homeland, but that area in the world, is just as much the palestinians homes as well as the jews. If you cant understand sarcasm...which i meant as since they cant share no one should get that area.
Except atheist and secular regimes kill far more than religious.Of course not, I have respect for the medical profession.
I have none for any religion.
I have less for people who think they're better then others based on which funny hat they wear.
I have even less for people who call for killing people who aren't in their club.
A two state solution, with changes to the previous Jordanian - Israeli border particularly in the "Tel Aviv wasp waist." Likewise Syria is going to have to give up the Golan Heights.The bunch of you are pretty sad.
Can you describe where you think the end state of the Israeli/Palestinian issues might be?
Interesting that you seem to focus your spleen a country and as proof you demonstrate that it has a free press and many citizens who are openly allowed to disagree with the government. What does that say about democracy?...
The closest I've read recently, to what you all seem to want, was an op-ed in Haaretz.
Haha, that's funny. But it's actually true that muslims in Arab countries today would have greater religious freedom--and every other kind of freedom--if the entire Middle East were placed under Israeli control.
Absolutely. I looked at that video and saw Israeli security forces intervening to defend his rights. Are you dumb enough to fail to distinguish between the state, and some nuts on the street? The Israeli state intervened there on the correct side, upholding his right to film, and to pass on the street unmolested by the wing nuts. In fact, when some of those wing nuts attempted to get violent with him, the security forces responded decisively to defend him from their interference.Freedom?
The israeli police did exactly what I would expect the canadian police to do. Do you have any complaint about their intervention in this case? Seems they did a good job. Even though that guy was intentionally stirring shit with people they protected him.That puts all your comments in perspective, Fuji, if that is what you judge a free country to be.
The police in your free country lead the journalist out of harms way. The police did not approach the mob and arrest anyone who was pushing or threatening. This wasn't one or two wingnuts, it was the general populace in this area, and they were all threatening. I would expect that in a truly free and non-racist society that this type of behaviour would not be tolerated in the least. In Canada, this would have been a front page racist riot, but in Israel, you're just proud of the fact the police were close enough to lead a journalist out of harms way so that he didn't stoned, which is a nearly daily event on both sides.The israeli police did exactly what I would expect the canadian police to do. Do you have any complaint about their intervention in this case? Seems they did a good job. Even though that guy was intentionally stirring shit with people they protected him.
Yes that's exactly whet I expect the police in a free country to do.
How is it an idiotic view. Other then the last couple sentences all he posted was indisputable facts. I know libtards like to ignore facts as a rule of thumb but you are embarrassing yourself with this comment.I don't think you have to look any farther than the OP to find an "idiotic view"