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Let the Americanization begin.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I must have missed his nuttiness as a minority leader. It all seemed rather status quo to me.

I also would be very surprised if you saw any legislation put forward dealing with abortion. Anyone predicting it will?
They will start slow.

I'm guessing that within 2 years the Cons will come up with some sort of legislation requiring women wanting abortions to seek out counciling, or some other "minor thing" that they will try to pass off as merely insuring that the woman is not being co-erced or some other such nonsense.

From there, they will start to make abortions tougher and tougher to get. Their Religious Right Alberta base will start to make noises about not wanting their tax dollars to be used to fund abortion and here we go.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Yes yes, every-time the left loses an election it's because the voters are dumb...
I did not say that. I said it is not necessarily because the conservatives are smarter. LOL


Jun 6, 2009
I actually hope this happens.

I hope Harper and his merry band of Reformers start implementing their hidden agenda of social conservatism.

Let them defund the CBC.

Let them introduce Private Health care.

Let them ban abortion, or reduce access to it.

Let them repeal Gay Marriage

Let them criminalize prostitution and TERB (gasp)

It's the only thing that will get them kicked out of office.

Ya, but by that time, we'll be wearing inch wide ties, bobby socks and penny loafer, then drinking Oval-tine, and watching black and white tv again. It will definitely be Howdy Doodie Times.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Spoken by a guy whose country is going broke supporting a bloated military to the tune of a TRILLION dollars or more a year. A military you can't afford.
I think we spend way too much and you spend way too little... and I think the two are correlated....



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I think we spend way too much and you spend way too little... and I think the two are correlated....
There is a small problem you yankees have in convincing the rest of the "western world" to spend more on the military. The americans want to run it.


New member
Nov 27, 2006
I actually hope this happens.

I hope Harper and his merry band of Reformers start implementing their hidden agenda of social conservatism.
Could be but who knows?

Unless you try to convince those who switch to vote for the Tories in Ontario are all bunches of rednecks. Nice try.

Let them defund the CBC.
Not a fan of CBC other than watching Kevin O'Leary rant. Hee, hee, hee.

Peter Mansbridge is good at his trade and he looks like Charlie Brown in real life. That being said if my memory serves me right, he's the "face" of the Union hacks controlling CBC. :rolleyes:

Let them introduce Private Health care.
Hmm, will I get hit on the jackpot by punting this and/or the American counterparts like this?

Moreover, are we going to see more IPO where the hospitals are converted into REITs?

Let them ban abortion, or reduce access to it.
Maybe not but there could be substantial user fees to get access to it.

Let them repeal Gay Marriage
They may be tempted to do it when their fiscal conservatism policies get torpedoed by the NDP and the remaining Liberals.

Let them criminalize prostitution and TERB (gasp)
Again who knows? Maybe they leave them alone since doing so mean more money spend on hiring LE and more importantly funding their expensive take home pay and pensions.

Not sure whether they would spend more on headcounts when the same money could be used on hmm...F35. Hee, hee, hee.

It's the only thing that will get them kicked out of office.
Not going to be surprised the Tories will be kicked out of office when they fail to walk the talk, namely no fiscal austerity and instead replacing it with social conservative policies, something that make those pinko kooks less evil, just a bit.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
Oh please,

my only worry...the religious right....they have an agenda, and its anti-TERB....
Just how significant do you think the religious right are in Canada?
The so called "religious right" has been dying off for years and is no longer a significant threat. Harpo won't do a dam thing about our hobby. It serves him no purpose to.


Sep 24, 2004
I see the hysterical left is at it again. As I have said in other threads, you are out of touch just like you were when Rob Ford steamrolled to power. Torontonians need to wake the fuck up and lose the arrogance. THAT IS WHY YOU LOST! ARROGANCE!

Ignatieff demonstrated this morning why he lost when he resigned. He still doesn't get it. He has no clue, period. Neither do his supporters who are far and few between. You need much more time in the wilderness to extract your heads from your asses.

And this 60% voted against bullshit, is just that. Turn it the other way and 70 or 80% didn't vote for who you supported. And it's real rich spouting this garbage when Chretien won 3 majorities with less popular support than Harper.

Nothing worse than sore losers.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Break out the secret plans, boys. The Eagle has Landed. And break out your guns. Let the gay abortion-doctor hunt get started. Time to change the fabric of Canada. :rolleyes:

Question about the Doctor: Is the doctor gay? or does he do do abortions on gay people? or is the gay abortion-doctor going on a witch hunt?

Possum Trot

New member
Dec 7, 2009
They will start slow.

I'm guessing that within 2 years the Cons will come up with some sort of legislation requiring women wanting abortions to seek out counciling, or some other "minor thing" that they will try to pass off as merely insuring that the woman is not being co-erced or some other such nonsense.

From there, they will start to make abortions tougher and tougher to get. Their Religious Right Alberta base will start to make noises about not wanting their tax dollars to be used to fund abortion and here we go.
Where do you get this crap ? You think this up all yourself or does someone feed it to you? That's like saying the racists in rural Quebec will get the NDP to puta "Ban the Burks" pledge intoo the NDP platform since the Quebec probably controls the party now.

This stuff was old 5 years ago and it does nothing but show your ignorance now. You don't think that the 20 new Conservative seats in Toronto are more important than the 3 or 4 seats in rural Alberta where the population might be as backward as they are in Drummondville?


Apr 14, 2011
Oh please,

The so called "religious right" has been dying off for years and is no longer a significant threat. Harpo won't do a dam thing about our hobby. It serves him no purpose to.
lol..are you sure? he fired an advisor for hookin up a hooker and keeps him away with a 1000 mile pole with shit stuck on it...i wonder why?
well i'll wait and see, but one issue we can all agree on is, if Harpie goes after Muse, Mirage and Maggie, wouldn't you vote his ass out next round?...or forces your teenage(hypithetical) niece to have that kid from that punk down the street?...i dunno, hope not


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
interesting...Abortion(great! more unwanted children), the prostitution law(or lack there of), marijuana law(smoke em if ya got em), the legal right for gays to marry(sorry Sir Elton John)....i think the Harpos will begin to look at these issues and start a process of changing the laws to shape their political platform...in other words, illegal, illegal, illegal, illegal....Guns..Legalize it...Oil?..Drill baby drill...Sell off natural resources?..to the highest bidder....:(
Please get a grip. While Harper has a majority, it is not like he has been given the powers of a dictator.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Any bets on how high the cons run up the deficit with exorbitant spending on the military, prisons, and g20 style pork barreling?

The only party in canada that took finance seriously has been destroyed.
Seriously, you are not serious??? You think the Liberal party took finance seriously?? Or were you talking about the Bloc?


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
lol..are you sure? he fired an advisor for hookin up a hooker and keeps him away with a 1000 mile pole with shit stuck on it...i wonder why?
LMFAO! Are you for real? He didn't fire him because he did that... He fired him because the stupid ass GOT CAUGHT doing it.

Everyone knows that politicians are lying, caniving, cheating leaches on society, but we don't want to be constantly reminded of it in the press, so when they do stuff that could be deamed as "inapprpriate" at least be smart about it and don't get your ass caught!


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Oh please,

The so called "religious right" has been dying off for years and is no longer a significant threat. Harpo won't do a dam thing about our hobby. It serves him no purpose to.
The religious right in Canada!!!!!! Shaking in my boots with fear.... might as well tell me that the boogey man in under my bed..... The religious right in Canada is so far left that they can barely walk properly.


Jun 13, 2007
i'm just having fun with my socialist fellow terbites. all in jest. to each their own, the process is what makes canada so darn fun!

Did you ever consider that I may have done some editing and missed the period. As for attacking torontochris - he was the first one to go on the attack.


Sep 24, 2004
Seriously, you are not serious??? You think the Liberal party took finance seriously?? Or were you talking about the Bloc?
Pure fucking ignorance. Let's set this straight. Paul Martin benefited from the windfall Michael Wilson gave him with the GST, by cutting transfers to the Provinces and balancing the books in their backs. Martin was, and is, the only finance minister who cut transfer payments for health care. Mulroney and Wilson had a far better economic record than Chretien and Martin and that is after Wilson had to dig out of the massive problem Trudeau left for them. After Trudeau left, "the cupboard was bare".
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