Nightmare in Canada - a Harper Majority


Jun 6, 2009
i agree- we could just do a poll on terb which would be binding
We could cut the costs approximately in half by cutting the days on campaign in half. i think all the ideas would get out faster and with less shite being stuff down our throat.


Jun 6, 2009
Harper said he was going to be more open, more transparent and more responsiblity, hmmmm.

The lying piece of dirt.

Chronology of deceit

October Conservatives overspend on election advertising

November Economic Statement vows to end per-vote party subsidies

December Parliament is prorogued to stop opposition coalition

May Tories kill Coordinated Access to Information Requests database

July Food Inspection’s Luc Pomerleau fired for leaking plan to hand inspection to industry a month before listeria outbreak

November KAIROS’s funding cut

November Diplomat Richard Colvin’s exposure of Afghan detainee torture dismissed

December Second prorogue invoked to shut down Afghan inquiry

January Rights and Democracy president Rémy Beauregard dies of heart attack after agency takeover

June G20 spends close to $1 billion on “security”

July F-35 fighter jets ordered without public costing

July StatsCan head Munir Sheikh resigns over long-form census

September Veterans advocate Sean Bruyea receives apology after government discloses his private medical files

October Shamed Integrity Commissioner Christiane Ouimet gets golden handshake

December Harper sends memo rebranding Government of Canada as Harper Government

February Immigration Minister Jason Kenney uses government letterhead to fundraise

February Elections Canada lays charges against four Tory campaign insiders

March Budget officer Kevin Page challenges understated estimate of fighter jet costs

March Bev Oda faces contempt charges over altered KAIROS memo

March Contempt charged over incomplete crime bill costing

A job well done, not.

...... and since then the Bruce Carson circus has arrived on the scene. One more piece of rotting wood to the pile.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
harper will behave like the chinese government if he gets a majority......secrecy , cover-ups, crackdowns on that's "reform"


Jan 31, 2005
Duceppe nailed it:

Harper should have invited Bruce Carson to a Conservative rally. That way he would have been properly screened.


New member
Dec 21, 2010
i agree- we could just do a poll on terb which would be binding
If Terb made the choice, I'm sure the leadership would be just as effective the present offerings but our selection would be much better looking.


Sep 24, 2004
another election - about what?

$400 million or more for another election because the budget today wasn't to their satisfaction. Jack Layton wants everyone to pay thousands more in taxes so we can all live happily everafter - the same.

It didn't bother Jack Layton and his wife to live in susidized housing while he was making $100,000's in wages between him and his wife but he is for the poor guy. What a bunch of shit.

Then we have that spineless Ignatieff who couldn't be bothered to live in Canada for 35 years who now thinks he should be our PM. He was a professor in history for crying out loud and has never had another job. He comes from Russian royalty, vacations in France, dumped his wife and kids for that dog he is now married to and has the nerve to say our flag looks like a beer label and when he lived in the USA - he called himself an American. This is who the Liberals think should be our PM.

At least Harper has a degree in economics - perhaps that is why our country survived this recession better than the entire G8.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
At least Harper has a degree in economics - perhaps that is why our country survived this recession better than the entire G8.
harper has never worked in his life. our country survived the recession because of the systems already in place before he was ever elected, and because the opposition parties forced him to give a boost to the economy through the spending programs.

i don't disagree with your comments about ignatief and layton but be realistic about harper- he has been a politician his whole life.


Jun 6, 2009
another election - about what?

$400 million or more for another election because the budget today wasn't to their satisfaction. Jack Layton wants everyone to pay thousands more in taxes so we can all live happily everafter - the same.

It didn't bother Jack Layton and his wife to live in susidized housing while he was making $100,000's in wages between him and his wife but he is for the poor guy. What a bunch of shit.

Then we have that spineless Ignatieff who couldn't be bothered to live in Canada for 35 years who now thinks he should be our PM. He was a professor in history for crying out loud and has never had another job. He comes from Russian royalty, vacations in France, dumped his wife and kids for that dog he is now married to and has the nerve to say our flag looks like a beer label and when he lived in the USA - he called himself an American. This is who the Liberals think should be our PM.

At least Harper has a degree in economics - perhaps that is why our country survived this recession better than the entire G8.
The country's ability to survive the near depression as little to do with harper. The guidelines and business practices that made Canada survive were put in place long before he was even on the radar. Canada survived despite him, not because of him.

Have you been hibernating in the last couple of months. The fact that Iggie lived out of the country and comes back has no legal basis to keep him from running. It actually meant he has some international experience and not lived in fishbowl like Harper. Gee, he left his wife, shame. One side of his family is Russian, but they left Russia when his father was 5. His father served as a Canadian diplomat and as chief of staff for Pearson, was educated at LCC and Trinity College and serve in Canada's military and as Chancellor of UofT. He received the Order of Canada and the Pearson Medal for Peace. Sounds like his family has served Canada well. What have you done for Canada lately? I believe his mother was Canadian born from good Celtic stock from the Masseys.

I'll see you Harper's Masters of Economics from U of Calgary and raise you Iggies studies at UofT Trinity, Oxford, London School of Economics, and finally his PHD from Harvard.

So what do you suggest have been done instead of this election?


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
If it's from the interwebs...I'm inclined to believe it.


Jun 6, 2009
harper has never worked in his life. our country survived the recession because of the systems already in place before he was ever elected, and because the opposition parties forced him to give a boost to the economy through the spending programs.

i don't disagree with your comments about ignatief and layton but be realistic about harper- he has been a politician his whole life.
Gee Red, you obviously type faster than me, wtf.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
At least Harper has a degree in economics - perhaps that is why our country survived this recession better than the entire G8.
That's hardly reason to think this mannequin should be our prime minister.

He's still a lying, deceitful, manipulative douchebag who doesn't like people, hates Toronto (bad political move) and fosters a culture of mendacity, hypocrisy and false superiority.


New member
Nov 20, 2006
Conservative gov't spending spree under Mulroney?? Get your facts straight. The spending spree happened well before Mulroney as it happened under Trudeau.

Lets remember it was Brian Mulroney who brought in the much dreaded GST in order to combat the massive debt left by the Trudeau liberals. Mulroney also governed during a recession so gov't revenues were down. It was through this and other policies (ie Free Trade) that the Chretian government acutally benefited from when the ecomony rebounded. One of Chretian's platforms was the abolish the GST when elected something which he never did because it brought in the revenue the government needed inorder to balance the books.

YOu should get YOUR facts straight.
The deficit and debt ballooned massively under Muldoon.

I t is actually quite funny to hear you say that the GST was introduced to reduce the deficit or pay off debt, because that's not what Muldoon said when he introduced it. He and the tories stoutly maintained that the GST was reveunue neutral and was designed to replace the old MST because the latter was inefficient and was uncompetitive etc ( which I guess by your admission is just typical rightwing bullsxxx).

Muldoon and Harper declared themselves great friends (Muldoon was styled Harper's mentor) until Harper decided to toss Muldoon overboard when even he couldn't figure out how to ignore Schreiber/ etc. This is just typical of Harper who is such a complete jerk.

Trudeau governed under at leat two recessions (1974 and 1981-2) and yet dramatically increased Canadian prosperity asnd reduced poverty, which has steadily increased under Muldoon and Harper.

It is true that Muldoon governed under the recession of the early 90's which he exacerbated enormously as a result of free trade and his homicidal decision to raise interest rates to levels far higher than anywhere else in the first world. As a result of Muldoon and the Tories' good work, that recession was worse in Canada than any where else in the industrialised world.


New member
Nov 20, 2006
Conservative gov't spending spree under Mulroney?? Get your facts straight. The spending spree happened well before Mulroney as it happened under Trudeau.

Lets remember it was Brian Mulroney who brought in the much dreaded GST in order to combat the massive debt left by the Trudeau liberals. Mulroney also governed during a recession so gov't revenues were down. It was through this and other policies (ie Free Trade) that the Chretian government acutally benefited from when the ecomony rebounded. One of Chretian's platforms was the abolish the GST when elected something which he never did because it brought in the revenue the government needed inorder to balance the books.

Harper is no fan or friend of Mulroney! The two don't speak to each other particularily after the Schrieber inquiry. Lets remember Harper was a member of the Reform Party which desimated the federal PC's.

Oh- PS Of course your (revenue neutral!) GST massively contributed to the severity and extent of the recession of the early 90's.


Dec 20, 2010
Oh- PS Of course your (revenue neutral!) GST massively contributed to the severity and extent of the recession of the early 90's.
The GST took effect in January 1991 (it replaced a hidden 13.5% Manufacturers Sales Tax.) the recession in ended in March 1991. How could the GST which was only introduced in Jan. 1991 contribute "massively" as you put it to the "severity and extent of the recession of the early 90's' when the recession ending in March 1991? The recession in the early 1990's was lasted 8 months. Some factors contributing to the economic slowdown leading to the 1990 recession included a slowdown in the US economy, the restrictive monetary policy of the BANK OF CANADA which was designed to fight INFLATION, and finally, the constraints on fiscal policy.

Over the balance of the 1990's it was the introduction of the GST and NAFTA that allowed the Chretien liberals to balance the federal books. I am no big fan of Mulroney but he did finally bring forth some long term policies that future governments and the Canadian economy have benefited from.


Dec 20, 2010
Trudeau governed under at leat two recessions (1974 and 1981-2) and yet dramatically increased Canadian prosperity asnd reduced poverty, which has steadily increased under Muldoon and Harper.
The massive debt started with Trudeau. With over 16 years with Trudeau as prime minister, Canada's national debt skyrocketed by 1,200 per cent, from $17 billion to more than $200 billion.


Jun 6, 2009
Wasn't it Trudeau's finance minister who started the whole thing of deficit financing in Canada?

.............. and by the time it got to Martin 18 years later, how big was the SURPLUS? Trudeau had to deal with two major recessions during his tenure. As Harper found out you have to spend some government money to get through.
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Active member
Sep 6, 2008
harper will behave like the chinese government if he gets a majority......secrecy , cover-ups, crackdowns on that's "reform"
Harper has picked up a few tricks as PM (from the Chinese, N. Korea, Republicans, FOX News, etc.)
Toronto Escorts