Iran bans Valentine's Day


Jun 6, 2009
The minister of housing says:
"a national duty... populations that should not mix are spreading... I don't think that it is appropriate [for them] to live together"

I'm not spewing bullshit, I'm quoting the government.
Of course you know what reaction he got at this conference a year ago, when he said it.

it would be interested to know whether or not he's been rebuked by more senior people. Sure enough after further investigation

Last week, the new housing and construction minister held a festive press conference to announce that 5,300 apartments would be put on the market. Yet to his shock, he found himself lashed by criticism, after it turned out about half of the land was in Beit Shemesh and Kiryat Gat. Both cities in recent years have been identified with the Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) sector.

Most of the rest of the land was in "low-demand" areas - nobody wants to go there.

Clearly, that wasn't what the market had been expecting.

"Contractors heard what he had to say and snorted," said a source in the real estate business. "For years Beit Shemesh has been considered out of the question for those who are not Haredi. In Kiryat Gat, the only people buying land in Israel Lands Administration tender offers in recent years have been ultra-Orthodox Gur Hasidim."

Anyone hoping for something more relevant as a solution to the perennial land shortage in Israel's crowded center was likely underwhelmed by the "flood" of 12 apartments in Tel Aviv or 130 apartments in Netanya, the source added.

By a coincidence of timing, or perhaps not, one day after the press conference, the National Planning and Building Council was to debate the plan which Atias, who is from the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, was promoting to establish Harish. That's a new city for the Haredi sector in the predominantly Arab Wadi Ara area of the north.

Critics needed no more to label Atias another ultra-Orthodox party politician who was looking after only his constituency.

"It's impossible to escape the feeling that Atias is looking after only the ultra-Orthodox sector," said a senior real estate industry official. "On one hand, he's saying from every dais that he wants to flood the country with plots of land and thereby lower apartment prices. But in practice, the only ones benefiting from his great efforts are the ultra-Orthodox. What about the secular public? Israeli government ministers are supposed to look after every sector of the population."

Atias has heard the complaints, and they ruffle him. But he says that " It's not true."

So you don't just look after the ultra-Orthodox sector?

"I am not hiding, and will not do so in the future, that it's part of my job to look after the Haredi sector. But do I only look after them, ignoring secular people? That's far from the truth."

The land that was offered for sale and the attention to Harish benefit only the ultra-Orthodox sector. ..................................

The article goes on, but this is the gist of it message


Aug 18, 2009
Thanks for that one, Blackrock.
It shows two things, first, he wasn't rebuked by higher people, according to your article.
And second, he is quoted as saying:
"I must stress that anyone saying we're only selling land in Beit Shemesh to Haredim, is saying things that aren't true.

"The plan in Beit Shemesh is for three sectors: the secular, the national religious community and the ultra-Orthodox.
There he is, creating new land (of course its illegal, since its really land stolen from the OLoP - see UN resolution #446) and selling only to Jews.
If you keep finding articles like this, I'll have to upgrade my opinion in this being unofficial policy to official policy.


Jun 6, 2009
Thanks for that one, Blackrock.
It shows two things, first, he wasn't rebuked by higher people, according to your article.
And second, he is quoted as saying:

There he is, creating new land (of course its illegal, since its really land stolen from the OLoP - see UN resolution #446) and selling only to Jews.
If you keep finding articles like this, I'll have to upgrade my opinion in this being unofficial policy to official policy.
Pssst, it hasn't been created and apparently not many people want it as it's crap land.

The reopening of lands for settlement will be a problem and I've stated that a loooooooooooooooong time ago, but your initial point, not the original original original original point, wasn't was that.

I thought you were going to put me on ignore. Damn.


Jan 31, 2005
The minister of housing says:
"a national duty... populations that should not mix are spreading... I don't think that it is appropriate [for them] to live together"

I'm not spewing bullshit, I'm quoting the government.
Your quote doesn't say what you claimed. You claimed there was a ban, and that it was official or unofficial policy. NO such thing exists, nor is any ban mentioned anywhere in your quote. The government policy is to offer land for sale to Arabs. Not ban. You are spewing bullshit.


Aug 18, 2009
Provided by you in post #128, try reading your own fucking article you blithering idiot.
I think I'm going to have to start using insults, since you won't tone yours down.

You stinking turd of a person, can you not enter it in your pea sized brain that the quote I supplied is from the minister responsible for housing, and that when he says "I see [it] as a national duty to prevent the spread of a population that, to say the least, does not love the state of Israel," that one has to interpret that as he will do what he can to prevent Palestinians from being able to live in the same areas as he deems Jews should, for instance in Jerusalem, or for that matter, any of the illegal settlements on Palestinian land or indeed anyplace where a Jew is currently living in Israel. In fact, such talk would generally be considered hate speech in this country, and a politician who spoke it would be laughed off parliament hill, not still running the minstry of housing, as he is.

Now if you like, I'll give you a day or two to see if you can comprehend this. Perhaps your foul brain, which doesn't seem to be able to distinguish intentionally disfiguring tottlers as wrong, might take in a few facts this way.

And did I mention that your short as well?


Jan 31, 2005
How does that support your claim that there is either an official or an unofficial government ban on leasing to Palestinians??????

Sure he said he wanted to prevent populations from mixing--and that's objectionable--but he didn't propose any ban, your article makes no reference to a ban, and quite to the contrary the plan that is proposed in your article is the opposite of a ban.

I call you stupid because you ARE stupid. You fail at comprehending your own articles!


Aug 18, 2009
How does that support your claim that there is either an official or an unofficial government ban on leasing to Palestinians??????

Sure he said he wanted to prevent populations from mixing
Thanks for making my point, dog breath.


Jun 6, 2009
I think I'm going to have to start using insults, since you won't tone yours down.

You stinking turd of a person, can you not enter it in your pea sized brain that the quote I supplied is from the minister responsible for housing, and that when he says "I see [it] as a national duty to prevent the spread of a population that, to say the least, does not love the state of Israel," that one has to interpret that as he will do what he can to prevent Palestinians from being able to live in the same areas as he deems Jews should, for instance in Jerusalem, or for that matter, any of the illegal settlements on Palestinian land or indeed anyplace where a Jew is currently living in Israel. In fact, such talk would generally be considered hate speech in this country, and a politician who spoke it would be laughed off parliament hill, not still running the minstry of housing, as he is.

Now if you like, I'll give you a day or two to see if you can comprehend this. Perhaps your foul brain, which doesn't seem to be able to distinguish intentionally disfiguring tottlers as wrong, might take in a few facts this way.

And did I mention that your short as well?
Listen, if you're going to stand in front of a mirror and talk to yourself, it will take hours to post anything.


Aug 18, 2009
Listen, if you're going to stand in front of a mirror and talk to yourself, it will take hours to post anything.
Whoah, did you think of that one all by yourself, or did you have to email Fuji and have him type it out?

And any time you like, fella's, I'd be happy to return to a more civil discourse.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Well, I asked this question to fugi awhile back and he never answered. He thinks flub is an idiot. That may very well be. Now, what do you call someone who obsessively argues with an idiot?


Jan 31, 2005
Thanks for making my point, dog breath.
Changing the topic again? Your original claim was that there was some sort of Israeli policy of banning leases to Palestinians. That proved to be wrong.

Now you have back-pedaled to saying only that there is a minister who "wants" populations not to mix, but no policy of banning, or any other such thing.

Just documenting your clown show here.


Jun 6, 2009
Well, I asked this question to fugi awhile back and he never answered. He thinks flub is an idiot. That may very well be. Now, what do you call someone who obesisvely argues with an idiot?

Oh Oh! Ask me, ask me, ask me!

Hmmm, It could be a trick question. Never mind.


Aug 18, 2009
Changing the topic again? Your original claim was that there was some sort of Israeli policy of banning leases to Palestinians. That proved to be wrong.

Now you have back-pedaled to saying only that there is a minister who "wants" populations not to mix, but no policy of banning, or any other such thing.

Just documenting your clown show here.
I'm amazed at your gall.
First, I haven't changed topic, same bloody topic you won't leave alone.
Second, I never said there was an official policy, I said unofficial policy, which nobody has found even the remotest, slightest, tiniest report that contradicts the three or four articles I've linked and quoted.
Third, I have not back-pedaled. The minister of housing has said publicly that he doesn't want populations to mix. That backs up the call from 250 Rabbi's to not rent to Arabs, rather then contradicts it.

Fourth, you have responded with misquotes, outright lies but absolutely nothing to contradict any of the articles I've quoted.

I consider the issue closed, and my point verified, as nobody could find a single reference or argument why this could not be the case.

I repeat my statement.

Israel has instituted a racist, unofficial policy to refuse to lease or rent to Palestinians, as per the call by 250 Rabbi's, backed by a statement by the present Minister of Housing.


Jun 6, 2009
I'm amazed at your gall.
First, I haven't changed topic, same bloody topic you won't leave alone.
Second, I never said there was an official policy, I said unofficial policy, which nobody has found even the remotest, slightest, tiniest report that contradicts the three or four articles I've linked and quoted.
Third, I have not back-pedaled. The minister of housing has said publicly that he doesn't want populations to mix. That backs up the call from 250 Rabbi's to not rent to Arabs, rather then contradicts it.

Fourth, you have responded with misquotes, outright lies but absolutely nothing to contradict any of the articles I've quoted.

I consider the issue closed, and my point verified, as nobody could find a single reference or argument why this could not be the case.

I repeat my statement.

Israel has instituted a racist, unofficial policy to refuse to lease or rent to Palestinians, as per the call by 250 Rabbi's, backed by a statement by the present Minister of Housing.
How many times does it have to be posted that there no such unofficial policy. If it's unofficial it's not a policy. There's no refusal and anyone that has asked for that has been challenged. I now know why gryfin and nottyboi have deserted you and left you flapping in the wind. You are a class A certified brainless idiot. Absolutely no one has posted anything in memory in support of anything you've said.
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