Iran bans Valentine's Day


Aug 18, 2009
Flub is doing more to discredit Palestinian propaganda than I could ever do. AIPAC or whoever should put him on TV.
You guys are getting desparate.
Your only responses to news and arguments is name calling.

Well, what can I expect when you're left trying to either defend or ignore systematic racism and apartheid policies.
Once you're committed to backing ethnic cleansing, name calling is hardly a sin worth counting, eh?

But just for the heck of it, I'll give you a chance.
Show me a reputable article that clearly shows that it is easy for an Israeli Arab to lease land or places to live in settlements or Jerusalem or most other Israeli controlled parts of Israel and I'll retract my statement. Until then, all the reports I've seen back my position.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Well, what can I expect when you're left trying to either defend or ignore systematic racism and apartheid policies.
ROTFLMAO. As opposed to defending Iran and rapists.

You are hilarious, and a pathetic clown.


Aug 18, 2009
I'm still waiting for an answer to this:
Show me a reputable article that clearly shows that it is easy for an Israeli Arab to lease land or places to live in settlements or Jerusalem or most other Israeli controlled parts of Israel and I'll retract my statement. Until then, all the reports I've seen back my position.

All anyone can come up with are lame insults.
I'll take it as proving my point.

And here, just for Fuji, because he loves to talk about how Israeli settlers are civilians, does this sound like the actions of civilians:
Dozens of West Bank settlers arrived at Givat Eitam Friday morning to announce the resumption of the struggle for Jewish control over the area

Givat Eitam is a hilltop is located within the municipal boundaries of the Efrat settlement in Gush Etzion.

The march to the hilltop was organized by the Women in Green organization. The settlers were accompanied by IDF soldiers.
Rabbi Baruch Efrati told the marchers, "The torah instructs us to be settlers and defeat any other national entity that settled on this strip of land that was given to us. To observe this mitzvah it is not enough that we march up here and build without the government's authorization, it must be recognized by the Israeli government.",7340,L-4010401,00.html

Are those civilians marching to capture land, backed by the army and the church?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Now flub is trying to prove his bullshit claim that Israel bans renting to Palestinians by hoping that no one can come up with an acceptable source to prove a negative.

Even though it is in no way official policy and more Israelis oppose the idea than support it, I am sure flub will continue in another stalwart defense of completely BS claims.

I could as a counterpoint mention the Palestinian Authority LAW on selling land to Jews. I'll give a hint; the punishment is death.


Aug 18, 2009
Here's the evidence I've seen.
A call from 250 Rabbi's to not lease to Palestinians.
A poll saying that 44% of Israeli Jews agree with this.
And there are near constant reports of houses being torn down based on this kind of logic:
"The Municipality only takes down illegal buildings when the owners have refused to do so. In Jerusalem, like everywhere else in the world. by law, illegal structures have to be taken down," a municipality spokesman said.

However, Palestinians say it is virtually impossible to secure Israeli permission to build in East Jerusalem.

And then there are comments from those in power like this one:
Housing Minister Ariel Atias on Thursday warned against the spread of Arab population into various parts of Israel, saying that preventing this phenomenon was no less than a national responsibility.

"I see [it] as a national duty to prevent the spread of a population that, to say the least, does not love the state of Israel," Atias told a conference of the Israel Bar Association, which focused on a reforming Israel's Land Administration.

And the only responses I see here, are those that just call me names, and don't try to answer.
If you have an argument, lets see it.
Enough of the pathetic name calling.


Jun 6, 2009
Here's the evidence I've seen.
A call from 250 Rabbi's to not lease to Palestinians.
A poll saying that 44% of Israeli Jews agree with this.
And there are near constant reports of houses being torn down based on this kind of logic:

And then there are comments from those in power like this one:

And the only responses I see here, are those that just call me names, and don't try to answer.
If you have an argument, lets see it.
Enough of the pathetic name calling.
Gee, I read the reference you supplied twice and saw no mention of 250 rabbis saying anything. You really do make thing up.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
And the poll says a greater number of Jewish Israelis disagree with it.

But why should we expect anything other than patheic attempts to vilify Israel from flub, of course with his usual bullshit interpretations?


Aug 18, 2009
In other words not Israeli government policy. Your original claim was wrong. You continue to refuse to admit it.
My original claim was it was unofficial policy.
In a subsequent post I said it was Israeli policy, and have clarified that I meant unofficial policy.

I have yet to see anything from anyone that would prove me wrong.
My claim stands.


Jun 6, 2009
My original claim was it was unofficial policy.
In a subsequent post I said it was Israeli policy, and have clarified that I meant unofficial policy.

I have yet to see anything from anyone that would prove me wrong.
My claim stands.
An unofficial policy is a useless term as it's not government policy, but then you tried to explain it off by saying since rabbis were government employees, then it was a government policy.

You're an idiot and prove it time every time your fingers hit the keys.


Aug 18, 2009
An unofficial policy is a useless term as it's not government policy, but then you tried to explain it off by saying since rabbis were government employees, then it was a government policy.
And I note that other then the usual insults you have absolutely nothing to prove me wrong.
Point taken.

If you can disprove this, go ahead.
If not, enough with the pointless insults.


Jan 31, 2005
My original claim was it was unofficial policy.
Nope you made no such statement. Your original point directly compared Iranian policy to "Israelli" policy. You are lying now. Furthermore if it isn't official Israeli policy, as you now admit, then your original point was wrong too as that becomes a false compare.


Aug 18, 2009
Nope you made no such statement. Your original point directly compared Iranian policy to "Israelli" policy. You are lying now. Furthermore if it isn't official Israeli policy, as you now admit, then your original point was wrong too as that becomes a false compare.
Nice use of the old Jewish joke:
A man confronts his friend who returned a pot the friend had borrowed, broken. The friend replies: “First, it’s just a scratch. Second, it was broken when I got it. Third, I never borrowed your damned pot!”

Go ahead and try to avoid the subject, I'll just keep asking the same question.
If its not true, show me.


Jun 6, 2009
Nice use of the old Jewish joke:
A man confronts his friend who returned a pot the friend had borrowed, broken. The friend replies: “First, it’s just a scratch. Second, it was broken when I got it. Third, I never borrowed your damned pot!”

Go ahead and try to avoid the subject, I'll just keep asking the same question.
If its not true, show me.
Don't give up your day job FD, providing you have one. Humour is not your forte, but you accusing Fuji of avoidance is a good laugh. You've honed that skill to an art form.


Aug 18, 2009
Don't give up your day job FD, providing you have one. Humour is not your forte, but you accusing Fuji of avoidance is a good laugh. You've honed that skill to an art form.
Speaking of avoidance, you have yet to answer the question.
If there is no unofficial policy to deny leases to Palestinians, show me some proof.
At least show me something that disproves any of the claims I've made.
Until then, you are the one in avoidance.


Jun 6, 2009
Speaking of avoidance, you have yet to answer the question.
If there is no unofficial policy to deny leases to Palestinians, show me some proof.
At least show me something that disproves any of the claims I've made.
Until then, you are the one in avoidance.
I'm not even getting into that type of argument, proving a negative let alone a double negative, that someone didn't do something that doesn't exist, is alway very difficult, as it would probably require really serious time to glean through the many sources. I'll leave it to others who are more inclined to do so.


Jan 31, 2005
Speaking of avoidance, you have yet to answer the question.
If there is no unofficial policy to deny leases to Palestinians, show me some proof.
At least show me something that disproves any of the claims I've made.
Until then, you are the one in avoidance.
You're the one making the claim that there is any policy at all, NOBODY else thinks there's one. The burden of proof rests with you, dumbass. On top of that you've been provided a quote from the Israeli PM denouncing it.

But of course to you Israel is always guilty until proven innocent, because you're a demented clown.
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