Iran bans Valentine's Day


Aug 18, 2009
I didn't see the words "lease" or "ban" appear anywhere there.
Ah, Mr Literal, hard at work.

Regardless, it looks as though there are systematic racist rules in place in Israel and the OLoP to try to keep Palestinian's out.
And it looks like what was an unspoken, unofficial policy is now becoming public and near official.
Its sad to see a country descend into racism.

And its sadder to see people like Fuji, who will try to avoid talking about issues.


Jan 31, 2005
Flub I think we've all decided there's no further point in answering your inane and stupid posts.

Just this one thing: "people like Fuji, who will try to avoid talking about issues"

I am happy to talk about any issue, but the problem is you. When you lose a point on one issue, you talk about another one. If I show you why you're wrong on that other issue, you switch to something else. You refuse to be nailed down to answer on any one point because you know you would have to admit you were wrong. That's why I tried so hard to hold you to the point you made, which was specifically to do with banning leases to Arabs, not all this other shit you're talking about now.

But it's futile, you have no interest in the truth, you're filled with hatred for Israel, or you're stupid. I don't know which, but we're done here.

In case you want to say you won, let me tell you what your prize is: Nobody here has ANY respect for you, nobody believes ANYTHING you write.

My advice to you? If you want to continue posting on terb consider changing your handle and starting over--it's the only way you might ever get any respect around here, however temporarily.


Aug 18, 2009
Look dude, you fix Saudi Arabia, Iran and other less tolerant countries in the region to religion or minorities you might have me but your rants are focused on Israel and no amount of BS from you will change my mind that you are nothing more than a mindless intolerant bigot willing to tell any lie to make a point. Frankly I don't think you give a rats ass for the ordinary Palestinian, it's just your way of expressing your hatred of Jews, why else would you ignore the blatant excesses in the region by Muslims. And dude it's not an insult by me to you to call you for what you are, it's just a statement of fact.


I fell into these discussions last year, around the time of the flotilla disaster, when the pro-Israeli crowd were busy justifying killing a bunch of people for trying to bring aid. Up until then, it wasn't something I spent a lot of time thinking about. But the continued arguments here intrigue me, I haven't spent so much time with people justifying war crimes and apartheid, I was curious how they would justify that they are on the 'good' side.

I'll agree there are lots of problems in Saudi and Iran, as there are in a lot of countries. But the Palestine question is one that is continuing to play a large role in the unsettled middle east. And as bad as Saudi and Iran are, I haven't found anything nearly as heinous as the treatment of the population of Gaza, where as the WHO said it, there are 1.5 million people trapped as if in a cage.

The war in Iraq was a much worse crime, in this case perpertrated by the US, and the war in Afghanistan a crime as well. Both probably worse then the issues in either Saudi or Iran, to my knowledge.

But as for the hatred call, I find that offensive, my criticisms are of the gov't's, not the people.
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