Blue Jays 2010

Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
AA made a clever move last week, effectively buying a supplemental first round (1A) draft pick in next year's MLB draft.

If Kevin Gregg, Miguel Olivo, Scott Downs, Jason Frasor and John Buck all leave and Jays get compensation for all of them, they could be looking at 6 or 7 picks in the top 45 - 50 selections next June.
And from group of Gregg, Buck, and Olivo I like it that they can spin 3 1A picks out of basically 1 year rent a player situations or in the case of Olivo, rent a contract situation.

Articles on Jays minor league system:
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New member
Nov 23, 2009
Well I must say that The Blue Jays and Rogers are a few steps closer to securing my loyalty & season ticket purchase after I cancelled them a few years ago. I have bashed them for many stupid moves but I must give GM Alex Anth. big props for the way he has represented the team, himself and the majority of his moves since he started.

It is confirmed via the National Post (Jeremy Sandler) that Alex has spoken to Hill and Bautista about moving to 3rd. Nice move - both confirmed the have no issues with the move and will do it for the team. They just want to win!

This was preceeded by the very obvious move of putting that tool Edwin Encarc. on waivers who Oakland picked up. He was useless, defenesively was enept and his 20hrs are very easily replaceable. I called this out in another thread but some Edwin cool-aid drinkers defended him (the same cool-aid drinkers that wanted to sign Manny - lol). Obviously I was right and the Blue Jays did not think highly of him or they would have kept him.

The Sandler article also mentions the Blue Jays going after 2011 free agent to be 2nd base Dan Uggla. He would be motivated to have a big year because he is looking for a new contract. Dump him after the one year if he wants too much to re-sign. Also AA would be wise moving him to first or DH. Like Edwin he is a liability on defence but very consistant with the bat.;_ylt=AoSPU.d_w4cMCITlxXLp5MHJbQM6

Now if they go get Zack Greinke from KC (which is very possible) if there willing to pull the trigger - what a solid picthing staff 1-5! Opposing teams could not match that depth for a second.

I do worry about the catchers...with Buck leaving that leaves Jose Molina and a very young Arencibia. Might be too weak at such an important position to handle a stud pitching staff.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Greinke will cost an arm and a leg and the Jays don't need him. Hill himself is a MAJOR question mark in '11 after a disastrous season in '10. So why he should outshine EE at 3rd, I do not know.

Let's go look for a real 3B.


New member
Nov 23, 2009
Greinke will cost an arm and a leg and the Jays don't need him. Hill himself is a MAJOR question mark in '11 after a disastrous season in '10. So why he should outshine EE at 3rd, I do not know.

Let's go look for a real 3B.
Pitchers like Greinke on the free agent market will cost an arm & a leg. A trade would be significantly less risk considering how many draft picks the jays have. They can afford to part with Snider and/or other top prospects to get this done. Greinke has the Red Sox on his no trade list. He does not like the spot light. He can blend in with the other jays SP'ers. He would not have to be the "ace". Just go out and pitch ever 5 days. Can I invite you to think another way? You mentioned "he Jays dont need him". What if the rotation 1-5 was so flippin good it did not matter really who they threw out on the field or batting order? As long as they could produce respectably but dont have to be allstars?

Greinke last 3 years:
202.1 202 87 78 21 56 183 3.47 1.28
229.1 195 64 55 11 51 242 2.16 1.07
220.0 219 114 102 18 55 181 4.17 1.25

I have faith in Hill to comeback. He was crap last year agreed.

I would fill out the lineup like this:

SS - Escobar (R)
LF - Lewis (L)
1st - Uggla (R)
3rd - Bautista (R)
CF - Wells (R)
DH - Lind (L) /Arencibia (R)
2nd - Hill (R)
C - Molina (R) /Arencibia (R) ****catching scares me***
RF - Snider (L)

If they trade Snider they will need to sign a FA to fill that hole.
Johnny Mac - spot duty


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
sorry to screw up your lineup card, but Uggla is now a for an opinion..Snider is not going anywhere, only to the Bluejay outfield.

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
I say let Arencibia play full time. He has been very high on the list of prospects for the BJ's and could turn out to be a Buster Posey type catcher. If the BJ's turn out to be competitive in 2011 and Arencibia does not turn out well so that they need a better catcher, they can trade for one later.

And let Snyder play, too. A Wells/Snyder/Lewis outfield could be quite good and that lets Bautista move to 3rd where help is needed.

Or, if someone becomes available they could trade for another outfielder to replace Lewis. The BJ's did quite well with Lewis leading off...

Hill is too good a player not to bounce back.

Which leaves the 1st base/DH/Lind question open, but I think Lind is also too good a hitter not to bounce back... and then the question becomes whether Lind can or cannot handle 1st defensively. Which means they need either a DH or 1st baseman.

I think the bigger problem is the back end of the pitching staff. If they lose both Downs and Frasor, there will be a big hole. What happens with Gregg is neither here-nor-there unless they are very close to competing.



New member
Mar 29, 2005
I think the bigger problem is the back end of the pitching staff. If they lose both Downs and Frasor, there will be a big hole. What happens with Gregg is neither here-nor-there unless they are very close to competing.

Agreed. The bullpen needs some improvements.

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
Well, that was fast.

The acquisition of Rajai Davis settles some issues: a leadoff hitter, speed and back-up for Wells. I think it also means Bautista is the BJ's new 3rd baseman.

And it also means they have the money to go for a big bat, experienced 1st baseman like Konerko or Lee or Dunn.



Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Well, that was fast.

The acquisition of Rajai Davis settles some issues: a leadoff hitter, speed and back-up for Wells. I think it also means Bautista is the BJ's new 3rd baseman.

And it also means they have the money to go for a big bat, experienced 1st baseman like Konerko or Lee or Dunn.

Excellent trade. 50 SB's in exchange for 2 AA relief pitchers!


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
Excellent trade. 50 SB's in exchange for 2 AA relief pitchers!
Two good AA pitchers.

Trystan Magnuson, the nephew of former NHLer Keith Magnuson, was 3-0 with five saves and a 2.58 ERA in 46 games for Double-A New Hampshire. Daniel Farquhar was 4-3 with 17 saves and a 3.52 ERA in 53 games for the Fisher Cats. (Toronto Star)

It is a move for the present, not the future.

Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
I just wish Davis was 26 years old or so; but he turns 31 next season.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Two good AA pitchers.

Trystan Magnuson, the nephew of former NHLer Keith Magnuson, was 3-0 with five saves and a 2.58 ERA in 46 games for Double-A New Hampshire. Daniel Farquhar was 4-3 with 17 saves and a 3.52 ERA in 53 games for the Fisher Cats. (Toronto Star)

It is a move for the present, not the future.
The Jays are stockpiled with arms for the future along with a fairly young current staff. They can't use them all.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
I just wish Davis was 26 years old or so; but he turns 31 next season.
AA is thinking that Anthony Gose is going to be up in a few years and Davis is the bridge until then.

On the face of it I really think this is a potential steal for the jays.

Maybe someone can explain too me why they released Shawn hill.

Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
AA says they didn't take up the option on Hill because of his medical history of chronic arm problems and because he would make more from an arbitrator than he would get as an unrestricted free agent. There's an outside chance they could sign him as a UFA; but, I don't think they can do it till May1/2011.
AA must have been told by his scouts that Magnussen and Farquhar don't have much upside and are low risk trades.
Jacob Marisnick might be more likely to make it to the major leagues than Anthony Gose.
Gose needs to make a move this coming season to show that he can hit because his hitting has not been very impressive so far down in A Ball. A .265 hitter in A ball will hit about .175 in MLB. I wish the Jays had drafted Mike Trout in 09 draft instead of Chad Jenkins who was a dissappointment. It's so hard to develop a minor leaguer who is able to half decently hit MLB pitching and Trout is a hitting machine who is one of the top 5 prospects in all of MLB.


Terror Belli Decus Pacis
May 26, 2008
Jacob Marisnick might be more likely to make it to the major leagues than Anthony Gose.
Gose needs to make a move this coming season to show that he can hit because his hitting has not been very impressive so far down in A Ball. A .265 hitter in A ball will hit about .175 in MLB. I wish the Jays had drafted Mike Trout in 09 draft instead of Chad Jenkins who was a dissappointment. It's so hard to develop a minor leaguer who is able to half decently hit MLB pitching and Trout is a hitting machine who is one of the top 5 prospects in all of MLB.
Agreed. Gose's lack of stick is very concerning. As for Trout, he's Baseball America's top prospect heading into next season. Crazy as it sounds, but he's getting Mickey Mantle comparisons. He lasted until the 25th pick because he was underscouted and had a high bonus demand. It's early but Jenkins looks to be a poor selection as there were many good players taken after him.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Jacob Marisnick might be more likely to make it to the major leagues than Anthony Gose.
Gose needs to make a move this coming season to show that he can hit because his hitting has not been very impressive so far down in A Ball. A .265 hitter in A ball will hit about .175 in MLB. I wish the Jays had drafted Mike Trout in 09 draft instead of Chad Jenkins who was a dissappointment. It's so hard to develop a minor leaguer who is able to half decently hit MLB pitching and Trout is a hitting machine who is one of the top 5 prospects in all of MLB.
Kilgore, Marisnick only hit .220 at Lansing.

Anyways both him and Gose are only 19 so way to early to tell at this point.

Also why would AA trade Wallace for Gose if he was not a blue chipper? The Jays scouts must see something in him either that or Wallace's stock plummeted fast and that is all they could get.
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