Club Dynasty

Interesting: Aliens are monitoring our nuclear activities


New member
Apr 1, 2007
I don't think being in the line of duty would have any influence on their ability to understand what they see (or even evidence of reliablility). There are plenty of fucked up people in positions of responsibility.
I know what you mean. What I was referring to was, frinstance, a cop's ability to view a situation and commit it to memory (or jot it down in a notepad) because it might be needed later in court. Or a military pilot that's studied exceedingly hard to be able to identify different types of aircraft in an instant. I'd classify these as professional observers.

Do they make mistakes? Absolutely they do. Are there some fucked up people in positions of responsibility? Undoubtedly. But even then, it's mighty clear that there's something odd going on. Do a google search for a sighting in Britain at the Bentwaters/Rendleshem Forest incident.


Oct 26, 2002
Faker than fake...
And you're basing that on your extensive examination of the original film?

Or just spouting off?

Like I said, I don't know if it's real, but half the problem with stuff like this is people who don't evaluate evidence objectively.

Peculiar contradiction. People dismiss films because they're shaky or out of focus. Then, presented with one that is neither, it's dubbed "too perfect, must be a fake". Try coming to a conclusion based on the evidence, not what you want to believe. And that goes both ways, ie whether you believe ufo's are real or not.

Major Major

New member
Dec 15, 2002
On the other hand, anyone with a working knowledge of physics would say that the chance of another species visiting us would be extremely small. To do that they would have to have technology well advanced of ours, have discovered that the physics we know is wrong, and actually have the interest in checking us out. Just because Star Trek has made up some technology for limitless space travel it doesn't mean it is possible.
But you see basketcase... the problem with the above point is your attributing our limitations and levels of understanding (which is quite limited) to a being that may verywell understand a lot more than us. You are assuming that these beings are only a few hundred years ahead of us. What if they are milions or perhaps a couple billion years ahead of us? How much more do you think you would learn and understand?

Heres something for you to watch...


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
Maybe they are looking for FUEL, for their ship. They under estimated the distance or it was a dumb ass that didn't check the Fuel gauge.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
We all see things that we do or cannot identify at the moment. If they happen to be in the sky we claim ET's.

And above all that...there are no end of hoaxes and scams out there. Most, if not all of the ET stuff is just that. The balance is merely unexplained.

I don't believe for a second that there are any aliens or alien visits to our planet.
If you don't have all the answers, then why don't you consider the possibility that they are?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Exactly. If they don't follow the laws of physics they are not really physical objects...they are light, and are no more "objects" than the image you see in the mirror. How they are produced who knows. I do know lots of them have been proven to be hoaxes.

I know people who have seen UFO's. None of them have been even close to being convincing.

And don't confuse the probability of life in other places with them visiting the earth. If faster than light space travel was possible we would know it by we would have had visitors that didn't try to hide or play games of confusion. I think it is very probable that there is life elsewhere in the universe. I think it is very improbable that we will ever run into any of it. We would have heard radio or some sort of EM radiation by now from these civilizations...long before they spent thousands of years travelling through space to get here.
If you concede life on other places, then you must concede that such life can be even a million years more advanced than ours. If so, why must we define our understanding of science or physical laws from our relatively primitive perspective only? Even Hawkings has talked about other dimensions, bending of time and space, etc. What if they can t-r-a-v-e-r-s-e long distances a different way?

Also, not all of the UFO sightings are just lights, some are clearly physical in nature (the sky or clouds are blocked behind them). Also, the lights are NOT stars, are local and MOVE in an intelligent fashion. What's the source? Not some big magician in the sky that's for sure. Not all UFO's are convincing, but many are unexplainable to be just atmospheric phenomenon. As for radio waves, I don't know the answer to that except to say that the universe is a very big place and SETI continues to search for them which means they could still be out there. If the transmitting sources are very far, maybe those waves have dissipated or been disrupted/interfered by natural radio emissions.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Actually I do have to see it for myself, it is not that difficult to create an phony video.

And I'm even more skeptical of any UFO defined by "lights" at night , the human brain has a very strong tendency to "fill" in information that's not there.

Ever watch Planes circling an airport at night from a distance ? depending on your position relative to the plane's flight path, you will see a light "HOVER" then suddenly veer off in another direction.

It's just a plane in the far distance flying towards you with very bright lights thus making is seem to hover, and as it turns, the light seems to suddenly vere away then dissapear... that's just because the light is no longer facing you.
Lol. Before you suggest that I can't (or anyone else for that matter who believes in the possibility of extra-terrestrial visitors) intelligently discern the difference between what's terrestrial or not, you should actually see such videos yourself. I'm not talking about the bad ones or fake ones btw.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I think the problem is, that the technology for intelligent life to travel across the vastness of space from distant stars necessarily must be so advanced that we likely would not even be able to recognize it as technology. It would be like throwing an ipone to a dog. To him, it is a short, shiny stick.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
Lol. Before you suggest that I can't (or anyone else for that matter who believes in the possibility of extra-terrestrial visitors) intelligently discern the difference between what's terrestrial or not, you should actually see such videos yourself. I'm not talking about the bad ones or fake ones btw.

I never said you were not able to intelligently disern the difference between what is terristrial or not , I was saying not EVERYONE can. Thus answering your initial question why people don't believe dispite the evidence.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010

I never said you were not able to intelligently disern the difference between what is terristrial or not , I was saying not EVERYONE can. Thus answering your initial question why people don't believe dispite the evidence.
Then why did you dismiss everything I said with your generic explanations? I was describing documentaries I've seen with actual footage.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
Then why did you dismiss everything I said with your generic explanations? I was describing documentaries I've seen with actual footage.

You asked GPIDEAL

How can people continue to deny the existence of extra-terrestrial visitors with all the video footage and professional observer accounts around?

I answered

Because every video that comes out is either blurry, shaky , or taken from so far away there is simply no details that conclusively proves extra-terrestial visitors.

You replied

Oh come on. It's because they are amateur videos BUT clear enough to discern that the craft are not of this world.

But what you cannot seemed to comprehend it doesn't matter what YOU think , if an observer does not feel the video is clearr enough, they will not believe it. again going back to your first question, why other people can't believe.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
What makes more sense ?

1 There are hidden aliens amongst us which goes against all known science

2 The government is pretending there are aliens amongst us


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I think the problem is, that the technology for intelligent life to travel across the vastness of space from distant stars necessarily must be so advanced that we likely would not even be able to recognize it as technology. It would be like throwing an ipone to a dog. To him, it is a short, shiny stick.
I'll buy that analogy.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
You asked GPIDEAL

How can people continue to deny the existence of extra-terrestrial visitors with all the video footage and professional observer accounts around?

I answered

Because every video that comes out is either blurry, shaky , or taken from so far away there is simply no details that conclusively proves extra-terrestial visitors.

You replied

Oh come on. It's because they are amateur videos BUT clear enough to discern that the craft are not of this world.

But what you cannot seemed to comprehend it doesn't matter what YOU think , if an observer does not feel the video is clearr enough, they will not believe it. again going back to your first question, why other people can't believe.
Not good enough my friend because you arrogantly and categorically dismissed what I saw without seeing what I saw.
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