Interesting: Aliens are monitoring our nuclear activities


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
How can people continue to deny the existence of extra-terrestrial visitors with all the video footage and professional observer accounts around?
We all see things that we do or cannot identify at the moment. If they happen to be in the sky we claim ET's.

And above all that...there are no end of hoaxes and scams out there. Most, if not all of the ET stuff is just that. The balance is merely unexplained.

I don't believe for a second that there are any aliens or alien visits to our planet.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
You should watch more UFO video footage (some posts were on Terb) showing discs hovering in broad daylight with onlookers, and then suddenly take off and vanish. You don't need to be a physicist to know that no plane or rocket or jet could perform the same stunt. Moreover, strange lights in the sky that make no sounds or that stay stationary (therefore, not flares), can't be screaming jets.

You don't have to see for yourself or have prior knowledge of aeronautics though. Just listen to the professional observers like pilots, police, military personnel, and even astronauts (yes, some astronauts). You can watch professional observers comment on such phenomenon to understand why they can't be explained as manmade aircraft, even if you're a hillbilly.
Exactly. If they don't follow the laws of physics they are not really physical objects...they are light, and are no more "objects" than the image you see in the mirror. How they are produced who knows. I do know lots of them have been proven to be hoaxes.

I know people who have seen UFO's. None of them have been even close to being convincing.

And don't confuse the probability of life in other places with them visiting the earth. If faster than light space travel was possible we would know it by we would have had visitors that didn't try to hide or play games of confusion. I think it is very probable that there is life elsewhere in the universe. I think it is very improbable that we will ever run into any of it. We would have heard radio or some sort of EM radiation by now from these civilizations...long before they spent thousands of years travelling through space to get here.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
You should watch more UFO video footage (some posts were on Terb) showing discs hovering in broad daylight with onlookers, and then suddenly take off and vanish. You don't need to be a physicist to know that no plane or rocket or jet could perform the same stunt. Moreover, strange lights in the sky that make no sounds or that stay stationary (therefore, not flares), can't be screaming jets.

You don't have to see for yourself or have prior knowledge of aeronautics though. Just listen to the professional observers like pilots, police, military personnel, and even astronauts (yes, some astronauts). You can watch professional observers comment on such phenomenon to understand why they can't be explained as manmade aircraft, even if you're a hillbilly.
Actually I do have to see it for myself, it is not that difficult to create an phony video.

And I'm even more skeptical of any UFO defined by "lights" at night , the human brain has a very strong tendency to "fill" in information that's not there.

Ever watch Planes circling an airport at night from a distance ? depending on your position relative to the plane's flight path, you will see a light "HOVER" then suddenly veer off in another direction.

It's just a plane in the far distance flying towards you with very bright lights thus making is seem to hover, and as it turns, the light seems to suddenly vere away then dissapear... that's just because the light is no longer facing you.

Major Major

New member
Dec 15, 2002
If faster than light space travel was possible we would know it by now....
what makes you so sure of that? theres so much that we have yet to learn but somehow we would have figured out how to travel faster than the speed of light by now? unlikely....Maybe theres an even quicker way of "travel"; a method thats based on principles that we are no where close to understanding at this point..who knows...we are in no position to make such definitive statements.

If you could go back in time 200 years and tell people about what our lives are like now and the things we now know....they'd probably have you commited. Why do you think it would be any different over the next 200 years? Who knows what else we would have figured out...

How old is our planet? 4-5 billion old are humans? I dunno there are varying reports but I think it may be safe to say about 100,000 years. 100,000yrs vs 4,500,000,000yrs...drop in the bucket. For all we know there could be other species out there as old as 1,000,000,000 years (maybe even more......even at 1,000,000 yrs they have us trumped pretty good)...How much more could they have learned about travel let alone a myriad of other things? its almost boundless


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
If you could go back in time 200 years and tell people about what our lives are like now and the things we now know....they'd probably have you commited. Why do you think it would be any different over the next 200 years? Who knows what else we would have figured out...
Take it back say 2000 years and imagine an Airbus landing with 300 of us today with our present technology. The locals back then would view us as Gods compared to how they lived just 2000 yrs ago.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna
Creating a fantastical culture to explain what you cannot understand and believing in it's existence is not science, it is religion.


New member
Apr 1, 2007
And, just in time for this thread, a Malaysian astrophysicist named Mazlan Othman is in the process of being appointed the first space ambassador - you can't make this stuff up - by the UN to coordinate a response should humanity be approached by an extraterrestrial alien.

UN to appoint space ambassador


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
Chaos? Not so sure - half the population would think it was the second coming of whoever, and the other half would be busy working out conspiracy theories. Not much different than now...
Unfortunately, the majority of the population believe in some form of religion (and lets not get into Scientology) so you can imagine the devastating shattering of "illusions"


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I'm just as dumbfounded...

You got people that beleive without a shadow of a doubt that we are the only life forms "out here"...what makes them so sure???
I would think that anyone with a working knowledge of statistics would say there is an extremely high probability of some kind of life existing out there.

On the other hand, anyone with a working knowledge of physics would say that the chance of another species visiting us would be extremely small. To do that they would have to have technology well advanced of ours, have discovered that the physics we know is wrong, and actually have the interest in checking us out. Just because Star Trek has made up some technology for limitless space travel it doesn't mean it is possible.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Yea, I know what he means. Police officers, military and civilian pilots and the like can all be classified as professional observers. It's not in their mandate to make up shit.
I don't think being in the line of duty would have any influence on their ability to understand what they see (or even evidence of reliablility). There are plenty of fucked up people in positions of responsibility.


Oct 26, 2002
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