Interesting: Aliens are monitoring our nuclear activities


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
How can people continue to deny the existence of extra-terrestrial visitors with all the video footage and professional observer accounts around?


Well-known member
It's an amazing feat of human ignorance that while we study thousands of other species.......we remain unable to fathom the possibility that one may be studying us.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
Because every video that comes out is either blurry, shaky , or taken from so far away there is simply no details that conclusively proves extra-terrestial visitors.

That and all the anal probes really ruins their credibility.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
How can people continue to deny the existence of extra-terrestrial visitors with all the video footage and professional observer accounts around?
How can they be so arrogant as to think anyone would be interested in Earth?

Major Major

New member
Dec 15, 2002
How can people continue to deny the existence of extra-terrestrial visitors with all the video footage and professional observer accounts around?
I'm just as dumbfounded...

You got people that beleive without a shadow of a doubt that we are the only life forms "out here"...what makes them so sure???
Of the little that we dont know...there are an "uncountable" amount of stars out there. Many of which are not unlike our sun, that is big enough to support life...and mind you thats life as WE understand it to be that exists according to a certain set of principles that WE understand.
Theres so much about ourselves and our own planet that we dont even know. We are a people that not too long ago beleived that the world is flat and to beleive other wife would get you locked up in a tower.... even to this day we are discovering "new" aquatic life yet somehow we are so sure that nothing else is out there?? c'mon


New member
Aug 21, 2010
Arthur C. Clarke once had a character in a book say "Its funny that you humans seem to think that you are the center of the Universe."

Major Major

New member
Dec 15, 2002
How can they be so arrogant as to think anyone would be interested in Earth?
Well with the amount of lifeforms that could potentially be out there perhaps there are a few that are...for what reason I dont know...maybe they see potential in us...maybe we amuse them....maybe they want to reach out to other life forms because thats part of their mandate as there is a long running inter galactic war going on and they are recruiting future allies...who knows

For all you know we could be living in an "ant farm" on some "kid's" dresser


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Well with the amount of lifeforms that could potentially be out there perhaps there are a few that are...for what reason I dont know...maybe they see potential in us...maybe we amuse them....maybe they want to reach out to other life forms because thats part of their mandate as there is a long running inter galactic war going on and they are recruiting future allies...who knows

For all you know we could be living in an "ant farm" on some "kid's" dresser

Do not dismiss the possibility that this reality is just part of my dream and when I roll over it will no longer exist.

When the sun rises in the morning it just means I am still asleep and dreaming this dream.

Give that some thought unless I wake and well then it won't matter anymore.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Because every video that comes out is either blurry, shaky , or taken from so far away there is simply no details that conclusively proves extra-terrestial visitors.

That and all the anal probes really ruins their credibility.
Oh come on. It's because they are amateur videos BUT clear enough to discern that the craft are not of this world.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
How can they be so arrogant as to think anyone would be interested in Earth?
That's not arrogance. The deniers are arrogant. Why do we humans study insects or the most mundane things in our surroundings? Life is unique in the universe, and diverse. Why would extra-terrestrials not take a look?


New member
Dec 23, 2005
Oh come on. It's because they are amateur videos BUT clear enough to discern that the craft are not of this world.
Ahh I see, and your knowledgable of every earth built flying craft, photographic video disccrepency ( digital included ) atmosperic condition , lack of references that can cause size, speed and proportional innacuracies , and of course personal biases that can affect any human observations.

You may just have the sufficient knowledge to make these determinations , but dollars to donuts , I doubt the vast majority of people are lucky enough to have this knowledge at their disposal.

Personally I believe there is life out there, simply because there is such a huge number of stars and planets, and life has shown itself to be able to thrive in incredibly differing conditions on this planet, it seems unlkely we are the only planet that has life on it.

But I have yet to see anything that I can conclusively say is not of this world.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I've seen absolutely no convincing evidence. This, however, has nothing to do with whether there is intelligent life on other planets orbiting other stars - the odds are clearly that there are.

It is also true that having been a Commissioned Officer in the Armed Forces is no guarantee of either mental health in later life, or since psychological evaluations are seldom required prior to Commissioning of sound mental health even at the time.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Ahh I see, and your knowledgable of every earth built flying craft, photographic video disccrepency ( digital included ) atmosperic condition , lack of references that can cause size, speed and proportional innacuracies , and of course personal biases that can affect any human observations.

You may just have the sufficient knowledge to make these determinations , but dollars to donuts , I doubt the vast majority of people are lucky enough to have this knowledge at their disposal.

Personally I believe there is life out there, simply because there is such a huge number of stars and planets, and life has shown itself to be able to thrive in incredibly differing conditions on this planet, it seems unlkely we are the only planet that has life on it.

But I have yet to see anything that I can conclusively say is not of this world.
You should watch more UFO video footage (some posts were on Terb) showing discs hovering in broad daylight with onlookers, and then suddenly take off and vanish. You don't need to be a physicist to know that no plane or rocket or jet could perform the same stunt. Moreover, strange lights in the sky that make no sounds or that stay stationary (therefore, not flares), can't be screaming jets.

You don't have to see for yourself or have prior knowledge of aeronautics though. Just listen to the professional observers like pilots, police, military personnel, and even astronauts (yes, some astronauts). You can watch professional observers comment on such phenomenon to understand why they can't be explained as manmade aircraft, even if you're a hillbilly.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I've seen absolutely no convincing evidence. This, however, has nothing to do with whether there is intelligent life on other planets orbiting other stars - the odds are clearly that there are.

It is also true that having been a Commissioned Officer in the Armed Forces is no guarantee of either mental health in later life, or since psychological evaluations are seldom required prior to Commissioning of sound mental health even at the time.
Yes Aardvark. All those retirees have to be wrong or senile. :rolleyes:

So, unless anyone (let alone retired officers in the Armed Forces) has a psychological evaluation, they should be deemed mentally incompetent?

Who said that the so-called professional observers are all retired (don't just refer to the OP's video)?


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
I've seen absolutely no convincing evidence.
And you won't ever!
Did you forget about that 'Prime Non-Interference Directive' followed by Star Trek and other superior aliens in the universe. Aliens are under strict orders NOT to change or interfere with the evolutionary development of beings they come across who are inferior to them such as us Earthlings. All they are allowed to do is discreetly watch and study Earthlings as we would study monkeys in the jungle or in a Zoo......
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