Bye Bye Bosh


New member
May 31, 2010
I've never fucked a raptor, let alone a team of raptors but apparently Bosh had a"blast during this process".
May 22, 2008
well. now that he is going to miami. what do the raps do? nothing. screw sign and trade. wtf would we get back? even if they do sigh other free-agents to trade to us...seriously...who do we really want that we can't get ourselves for a building team? we don't want veterans....we don't need good players who screw our draft position....lets say we go for the worst record in the nba next season and draft a superstar....sounds like a plan.

and yes....fuck bosh and his sign and trade contract....say good bye to 30 mil bosh!


pencilneckgeek since 2006
Mar 21, 2008
...fuck bosh and his sign and trade contract....say good bye to 30 mil bosh!
Well, not exactly.

If Bosh stays healthy, 3 years into the 5 year deal, he can sign an extension, and the difference will be significantly smaller.
May 22, 2008
at the moment, i would still say the lakers are the team to beat. they have the size the core and the chemistry. they have 2 players that can play with their back to the basket. hard nose defense. and they definitely filled one area that hurt them most last year which was their inability to defend against the dribble penetration with the quicker guards which they now have with blake. blake may not be like a chris paul quickness but he does enough where the bigs behind him can help without playing too far off their own players their defending. the only thing i think the lakers need to address now is a pure energy guy off the bench. they were looking @ tony allen which looks like a very good fit.

but im not denying miami from being the top team now with bosh and wade. i think with that core, they can probably convince a lot of people to take less money to be part of this squad.
May 22, 2008
btw, lebron is staying in cleveland. u can take that to the bank. No damn way is he going on a 1 hour espn special to tell the world he screwed his own town. lol

he's gonna declare he wants to stay home and be the hometown hero and want a championship.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
He became obnoxious during this, but Bosh really didn't fuck the Raps, he honoured his contract, played hard and became a free agent and chose to leave.
Sure he did. If what I heard is true, that he has signed with Miami, then it kind of ties the Raptors hands in what they can demand in return.
I know how it sounds, 'he has already signed', but apparently the two teams can still work out a sign and trade.
May 22, 2008
Exactly what have the Cavs done this summer to get stronger ... He will see Bosh and Wade together and might say how can I compete against that ??? They have no draft pic and two of their centres are gone ..
even, they won 60 games last year. shaq didn't do anything last year. didnt shaq have a negative +/- last year? jamison wasn't even integrated properly last season and should be better and know what his role is this year. it was kind of weird to see jamison struggle last year. their system on paper compliments jamison's game very well. in regards to Iggy, he reduced his roll dramatically as well. for the record, i'm not saying that shaq and iggy arent important. but i'm sure they can grab someone like brandon haywood or even bring Iggy back for another season.

and even if the cavs have draft pick...who are they really going to get with the bottom 2 or 3 picks of the first round? sure u can argue that tony parker came that low...but lets not get into exceptional cases. cleveland still has a very strong team with a lot of good supporting players.

but let it be known. kobe & pau > wade & bosh

Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
If they do a sign and trade I'd like the Raptors to get their future draft pick back. The one they gave to Miami earlier. Riley always seems to fleece Colangelo in trades so he's probably trying to angle Bosh to take a 5 year deal because that pick he got from Colangelo could eventually be a top 3 pick in the draft once the time restrictions come off.
May 22, 2008
If they do a sign and trade I'd like the Raptors to get their future draft pick back. The one they gave to Miami earlier. Riley always seems to fleece Colangelo in trades so he's probably trying to angle Bosh to take a 5 year deal because that pick he got from Colangelo could eventually be a top 3 pick in the draft once the time restrictions come off.
it protected....i believe.
May 22, 2008
i think wade and bosh obviously have fresher legs. but kobe has way more moves and pau has the ability to play with his back to the basket. i think being able to play with you back to the basket is key.

plus...lakers still have bynum, odom and artest. and who knows? maybe "the machine" is back to form. he did make strides on the last run.
May 22, 2008
I just hope Colangelo decides to rebuild and sticks to a plan. I think the Raps' unexpected success in his first season changed all his goals. He thought they were closer than they actually were, so he tried to build a contender quickly which flopped, then he tried to insist some minor tinkering would get them to that level, then he had to make moves to please Bosh to get him to resign. It's been a disaster.

No matter what the Raps do next season, build this team for 3-5 years from now, don't try to force their progress.
yeah. i was really hoping for bosh to wanna go to the nets. there are some really nice pieces there that could have really helped the raptors. based on what i see with miami...had bosh wanted to go to the nets....they will eventually play in a bigger market in brooklyn...had brook lopez...and who knows, maybe lebron would have signed there. that would have probably meant that wade would go to chicago. but at least bosh would have had an up and coming centre to play with. in return. we would have picked up all the guys from jersey...including favors and courtney lee which would have been great additions. ah was a dream. it would have been our best possible option as a raptor back to reality.

yeah. raptors have nothing and will be nothing unless they actually tank a few seasons.
May 22, 2008
DAmn!...Favours woulda been real nice...He's got an NBA body already and has oodles of potential......that guy is gonna be an all star.... i guarantee!
yeah. it really would have been great. we would have had a pretty strong and young front court with favors, ed davis, bargs and solomon alabi.

weems, derozen and courtney lee developing at the wings and to make the trade work we would have gotten devin harris. that would have been a fun team to watch even though we would have lost quite a few games to develop them. but wow...we would be the new up and comers like the thunders currently are.
May 22, 2008
i know someone had mentioned in other threads that new jersey would not give up favors. but they would if it meant getting bosh which would have had a huge HUGE chance to lure lebron out of cleveland. think about it? having lopez and bosh there. having the russian billionaire and jay-z as owners and brooklyn coming around? that would have did the trick 100% for lebron.
May 22, 2008
Agree. But only Isiah Thomas deals unprotected picks.

Give us the Trade Exemption, our pick, the Heat's pick and Beasley and I'll be delighted.
really. that does sounds pretty good right about now. at the end of the day, beasley still has a lot of potential and relatively cheap.
May 22, 2008
And he's got, what... two years left on his deal? If he flops, you cut ties and move on. They would be buying low on him. He was the 2nd overall pick two years ago with some feeling he should be #1. If he can play as was expected, it could be great for the Raps.

The Raps pick and the TPE are the minimum the Raps will ask for, you have to assume. So the Heat will gladly give up their pick because they expect it to be late anyhow. Maybe you can even squeeze two picks?
yeah. im more open to figuring out a way to get our pick back we traded to them. we need to unload turk too some how and the magics look like a good place to start.

we tried it the "euro" style way. it doesn't work. B.C. needs to look to build through the draft and draft tougher players. im not saying bargs is a bad choice. he still has a huge upside. with bosh gone. its time for bargs to really pick it up now and finally fulfill his potential.


New member
May 31, 2010
Okay so the real story ( with no thread to back it up) lol: BC was in a bad spot from the hop! Be had a rising star in Bosh who wanted to win and soon! Vince Carter or his Momma got in his head and said we need to win now! This time frame, 3 yrs is not enough to build a winner from the ground up. So w his tied hands BC tinkered and toyed w free agents and trades but all for not. I don't blame Bosh for leaving but you make a promise you keep it via sign and trade! You don't get together w your rich croony friends and hatch your own scheme! What team made him his first million(s)?


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
Has it been said that it was Bosh that didn't want to do a sign and trade. Cuz there was an story last week on how the raps are willing to do that if it benefited them. Which in this case I don't thin it would. Unlike what some of you mentioned above, I've said from the beginning that Mia would be the worst team for us to do a trade with. Beasley is not going to make no difference. This topic is mention in the other raps thread.
Guys there's a reason why Wade and Mia don't want him and why Mia is upgrading at that spot. But some of you think he'd be a good pickup for is? Sorry I totally disagree. I agree on the other thread he'd be a decent role player/backup but if Bosh is not a star, no way is Beasley.

On a side note I agree with what Van Gundy said about Lebron. WTF does he need a 1hr special to make his announcement. He's full of himself. And yes Bosh is defs Wades lapdog. Well anyones for that matter, just in this case it's Wade. I guess he does realize he is not at the same level as Wade, Kobe and others.


Active member
May 18, 2003
I think Beasley is worth the gamble.. he makes less than MLE money and if it doesn't work out, we can trade him or release him outright after one year (team option year in rookie contract).. If it does, then even better. He was the second overall pick and has a lot of talent offensively. However I don't know what Colangelo is thinking...


Terror Belli Decus Pacis
May 26, 2008
I don't think Colangelo is long for this town. I doubt MLE will push him out, but his rep must be in tatters at this point. Bosh's departure was all on him - JO trade to Miami, where Marion became Hedo, and JO's expiring contract became Bosh. Fuck, Riley had this in motion years ago and it worked out wonderfully for him. Plus, Colangelo is still getting skewered over the Amir signing, and rightfully so.

At this point, I'd be content with Beasley, picks and exemption. Don't need stiffs like Chalmers and Anthony.
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