Adam Giambrone running for Mayor?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
No wonder the TTC is a mess, he was banging women on his couch instead of doing his

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
Manipulative, exploitive and immature. Character counts in a leader.

I would never vote for someone who displayed such contempt for women, seeing their partner as only a political prop.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
He will step down from the mayor's race IMO, the question is will he step down as TTC Chairman and from his riding. He is feeling the heat, more and more people are saying he should get out of TO politics completely for now and reinvent himself. It's amazing when you think of it, how that animal between the legs can give you pleasure and pain all at the same time. Man simply has no control over it.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
He will step down from the mayor's race IMO, the question is will he step down as TTC Chairman and from his riding. He is feeling the heat, more and more people are saying he should get out of TO politics completely for now and reinvent himself. It's amazing when you think of it, how that animal between the legs can give you pleasure and pain all at the same time. Man simply has no control over it.
No truer words have ever been spoken.

Everything we as men do, I mean everything, is in the pursuit of the pussy.

Civilzation? It was built for the love of Pussy.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Probably a wise decision on his part. He has no chance of winning now (or ever for that matter).


Apr 12, 2009
Interesting to see if he decides to now re-run for council or fall back on his Archeology background by hiding under a very large rock for the next 20 years or so... Really the only thing he did wrong was keep lying about these "affairs". He was not married, and at least the ladies he was with were all legal and consenting and all that stuff. Is his conduct really that different than most married TERB guys? Hands up how many of you have told your wives about your rendezvous?? Not too damned many.

Sure he was in a "relationship" with that Sarah chick, but he was not married to her, didn't have any plans to marry her and wasn't with her long enough for it to be considered common-law. Now, banging chicks on his office couch, if true, is not exactly appropriate behaviour, nor is telling ladies TTC secrets (like everybody didn't already know about a boot to the balls fare increase anyways...) but really he is a 32 year old dude, not ugly obviously as enough chicks wanted his meat, and he used his status to get pussy. I mean I would have done the same thing in his position.

This is why Michael Jackson was fucked up. If I had JACKO money fuck Never Land, I would have created PUSSY LAND! Everything designed to get massive amounts of pussy!

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
It will come down to the voters in his Ward.

I mean, Christ, Lastman had 2 illegitimate sons for crying out loud and the voters forgave that. And Lastman was married.

The thing about Giambrone isn't the pussy, it's the way he went about it.

Well, on one hand, he's not doing anything that 70% of attached men do, i.e. screw around. (Or women for that matter.) So big deal. Human beings just are not monogamous by nature.

Thing about Giambrone is though that comes across as a bit of a self righteous (some might say sanctimonious even) pr!ck, so you can't help but snicker at him getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar so to speak. Giambrone comes across as the kind of guy who thinks he’s smarter than everyone else – a little too high in stratosphere even. Maybe this incident will be a bit of a wakeup call to him to be a little more shades of grey. It’s definitely going to bring him down a peg or two.

As a philanderer myself (from time to time in the past) the one thing that Giambrone did that was really low was that he kept the existence of Sarah a secret to his hiders. Philanderer Rule No. 1 – do not hide the fact that you are attached. The women should have at least known that all they were was a pair of hips to him. The next low thing he did was to humiliate Sarah by saying that their relationship was purely “political”. That’s cold man. More than the sex, this shows what kind of stuff Giambrone is made of.


Jan 31, 2005
That's the damaging bit. That's a statement from Giambrone that what he does is just for show, that his public persona is a put on for voters.
And it turns out this is exactly what the Toronto Star called out in their editorial calling for Giambrone to stand down.

The problem is not that he fucked around. The problem is that he appears to be a fraud, putting on a show for voters that is not who he really is.

I think he would have been forgiven for the affairs if he had t described his partner as a political convenience.


Jan 31, 2005
I don't think he's gay. If he's gay he could save his political career by coming out of the closet. He could say he had to maintain a fake relationship with his partner because of the discrimination against gays. It would actually win him votes.

The problem is he's not gay, he fucked women, and he said his partner was a political prop.


Jan 31, 2005
So here is a change in direction for this thread:

Was the downfall of Giambrone orchestrated?

If you were running a center left campaign Giambrone's candidacy guarantees you will lose the race. He would clearly pick up the large number of left votes, splitting off your support. You'd be stuck in the middle between candidates on the right and a solid bloc of Giambrone voters.

Here is one solution to the problem:

1. Hire a PI to dig up the dirt on Giambrone. He's got a mistress? Is she willing to talk to the papers? Whoa, more than one? PAYDIRT.

2. Contact your buddies in the media and create a media sensation around some problem with the TTC, a video of a sleeping TTC conductor, can we get it published? PAYDIRT.

3. Have all the personal dirt break right in the middle of a scandal related to the TTC, and break it in stages so that he has to backtrack

How hard would it be to pull that off?


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
I can't help but laugh at Giambrone.
He f'd his career for some attention-whore fat chick(s).

Too bad, he's going to lose his current girlfriend (which I think is smokin' hot) too!
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