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Adam Giambrone running for Mayor?


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
Even if you agree that his personal life is none of our buisness and does not affect his ability to lead.
Of course it is, especially in municipal politics. The first tenent of running for public office it to insipre public trust. I think his actions show that he's not to be trusted, or be the kind of person to insipire people to follow his lead.

good to go

New member
Aug 17, 2001
I see him as more of a Gilligan, than an actual skipper.

He’s not an idiot. His CV is actually quite impressive. More dangerous and troubling, is the fact that he’s a zealot. An NDP youth activist at the age of 15. Ran for the NDP feds in 97.

But more troubling than being a lifelong NDP ideologue, is the fact that he’s a ultra-green, anti-car, eco-nutbasket.

An anti-car zealot, shouldn’t be the TTC Czar. A rational Czar should work with drivers, and bikers to make the city work. The city has to move. Cars and trucks move it, with HELP from the TTC. Not the other way around. [ End Quote ]

Miller is not in favour of cars either, he has opened far too many bike lanes where they are not being used to the anger of drivers who lost a lane for this to happen. It makes total sense. That is why the TTC should not be run by any political power as their direction changes as the mayor chair changes. It is a total waste of money and time and is truly counter productive.


Jan 31, 2005
She said Giambrone had told her his live-in partner of many years – who’s been at his side for public events during his fledgling mayoral bid – is there for “political” reasons.

"You know I will be announcing I have a partner,” Giambrone, wrote in a text message to Lucas on Dec. 27. “It is someone named Sarah (McQuarrie), who I’ve been involved with in the past. It is important for the campaign.”

Giambrone told Lucas he hoped they could continue to see each other, assuring her: “I had to have someone political.”
That's the damaging bit. That's a statement from Giambrone that what he does is just for show, that his public persona is a put on for voters.

I don't have a problem with his transit politics, I agree with him, but I doubt very much he's going to get elected if statements like that keep coming out. People want a mayor who does a better job of pretending to be sincere, he hasn't yet mastered the art.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Oh c'mon now, he's screwing two women, lying to each of them.
Let's see now,

Eliot Spitzer
John Edwards
Paul Stanley
John Ensign
Mark Sanford

All had affairs and all resigned from office due to public and media pressure, that's why it's a big deal. When you are running for public office, you are judged on every move you make or even made prior to running, that's why many people don't run, they have some form of a dark past they don't want exposed.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Mia.Colpa, if you're gonna edit what you quote it's only polite and fair to indicate that's what you did. The three dots … ellipses are the convention to indicate you left something out.

The relevant part of what I said—and the post I was replying to which you may have missed—is this:
oldjones said:
Even if you agree that his personal life is none of our buisness and does not affect his ability to lead how does he explain telling his girlfriend about the TTC fare hike in advance of a public announcement.
Oh c'mon now, he's screwing two women, lying to each of them, and what he did wrong was leak the TTC fare hike?
I've underlined what you omitted which was my point. Guess I shoulda used a rolleyes too.

Here's my take on your list: (Odd that a certain President didn't make it; was that because he didn't resign? Bit of a technicality on the fitness for office scale I'd say). What matters is not who these guys were screwing; that's no one's business but the screwers, but if one or both of them is lying either to the other, or to the poor screwee they made wedding vows to, then that is the business of the electorate they're making even bigger promises to. I'm not naive enough to imagine everyone in office but Adam is a straight arrow, but they'd damn well be competent at the necessary appearances games if they're gonna play the other.

Frankly if Giambrone (or Clinton before him) waltzed onto the platform with his ladies to announce 'all of us are fine with the whole thing, now get back to politics and lay off our personal lives' he'd have my vote in a heartbeat as the first honest pol I'd ever seen.

So far he can't even claim to be a passable liar. And won't he draw a lot of water telling the TTC guys to shape up?
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New member
Sep 18, 2002
I'd say he can kiss the mayor's position goodbye. Hard to recover from this sort of thing and when the race gets heated the opposition will hammer on this like, like, hmmm, like a TTC chairman hammering his girlfriend on his office couch. See how easy that was.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Mia.Colpa, if you're gonna edit what you quote it's only polite and fair to indicate that's what you did.
Sorry about that, I didn't realize you were being sarcastic, being the internet it's sometimes not clear to the reader, and yes rolling eyes would have helped to the sarcasm.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Usually I'm fairly forgiving with politicians getting caught literally with their pants down = Clinton, Spitzer, etc.

But Giambrone?

Snicker. Looks good on his smug pompous ass.

He's doomed as far as running for Mayor goes. (Probably the fact that he hid his GF from his GF - definitely a slime ball. If he wanted to fuck around at least he could have done was be upfront with the teenager about how he has a so called "partner")

Ka boom.


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
Usually I'm fairly forgiving with politicians getting caught literally with their pants down = Clinton, Spitzer, etc.

But Giambrone?

Snicker. Looks good on his smug pompous ass.

He's doomed as far as running for Mayor goes. (Probably the fact that he hid his GF from his GF - definitely a slime ball. If he wanted to fuck around at least he could have done was be upfront with the teenager about how he has a so called "partner")

Ka boom.
Yup. I think people could forgive the affair, but the bit about his "partner" just being a photo prop is a little too slimy.

This is probably a good thing, in the long run. Giambrone is the poster boy for the left and had a credible chance of winning. Which presented a real problem, as he would be a terrible mayor. Too inexperienced and a supporter of too many of the Miller policies that are ruining the city.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
its usually the attempted coverup that evenetually screws them, If Clinton for instance had stood there and said yep i did her as opposed to I did not have sex with that girl..... he likely would not have been impeached. In Giambronis case the fact that he lied about the issue to teh two women will be taken into account be voters, notably I expect women voters.

The reality is he was not ready to mayor, his record such as it is running the TTC shows that this is the thing that is likely to derail him pretty much permanantly as amayor. He might recover, if he resigns from the mayors race he might actually win his riding again given the voter turnout in municipal politics and the time to the election but he is done in the mayors race for good.


Dec 25, 2004
In your backyard
Is it cover up ?

I still have some suspicion that he's covering up his true gay colours. The timing and earlier accusations seem to connect.

Once a gender bender, always a gender bender.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Oh c'mon now, he's screwing two women, lying to each of them, and what he did wrong was leak the TTC fare hike? As if it couldn't be seen coming back when Flattery's Action Plan stiffed TO, as if token speculators would make millions on the backs of honest passengers? For me that's a bit farther down the What He Did Wrong List. Not quite a Max Bernier.
Lol....Only you could think of some way to slag Flaherty in a thread about some sleezy TO mayor candidate. Quite remarkable.

The most damaging thing this woman said was that Adam G thinks David Miller is a god.
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